essere (W3)
Ital. "essere" dürften die Italiener direkt von den Römern übernommen haben (lat. "esse" = dt. "sein").
(E?)(L?) http://italian.about.com/od/verbs/a/italian-verb-essere.htm?nl=1
"Essere":And on and on, for more than a page, in the Harper Collins Sansoni Italian Dictionary. As in English, "essere" is used in myriad grammatical and linguistic situations. Learning the many conjugations and uses of the verb is crucial to the study of the Italian language.
- 1 "to be": La bambina è piccola The child is small; Chi è? - Sono io Who is it? - It's me; Siamo noi it's us
- 2 "to be": Che ore sono? - Sono le quattro What time is it? It is four o'clock;
(E1)(L1) http://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?corpus=22&content=essere
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Ital. "essere" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1550 auf.
Erstellt: 2014-12