Canoodling - Rose
Die Rose zum "knuddeln" wird auch "Seaoodle" genannt.(E?)(L?)
"canoodle" = "caress", "fondle", or "pet amorously".
Dr. Jones has no business canoodling the lab rats.
ETYMOLOGY: Akin to English dialectal "canoodle", "donkey", "fool", "one who is foolish in love".
"canoodle" - to kiss and cuddle amorously (also, to win over by cajoling or flattering; wheedle)
2007-10-10: Search Results: ADS-L: 15 matches.
Item # Date Time Recs Subject
- 027333 02/11/16 04:53 42 Re: Canoodle: odds and ends
- 027327 02/11/15 16:30 41 Re: "shyster" in American Periodical Series Online
- 027321 02/11/15 11:39 27 Re: Canoodle: odds and ends
- 027318 02/11/15 11:07 18 Re: Canoodle: odds and ends
- 027314 02/11/15 10:32 36 Re: Canoodle: odds and ends
- 027313 02/11/15 10:05 24 Re: Canoodle: odds and ends
- 027317 02/11/15 08:02 53 Re: Canoodle: odds and ends
- 027308 02/11/14 23:40 29 American Periodical Series online; Scampi(1883?) & Bagel(1908?)
- 027306 02/11/14 19:05 32 Re: Canoodle: odds and ends
- 027294 02/11/14 18:24 23 Re: Canoodle: odds and ends
- 027281 02/11/14 12:05 15 Re: Canoodle: odds and ends
- 027271 02/11/14 08:25 86 Canoodle: odds and ends
- 026934 02/11/01 05:33 25 Re: Canoodle--bibliographic reference
- 026929 02/10/31 21:37 19 Canoodle--bibliographic reference
- 026891 02/10/31 02:15 23 'circulation-goosing' - new term?
JONES and JIM RADER: Possible German Origin of Slang "Canoodle": "kiss", "hug", "fondle". in: "Comments on Etymology", vol. 28, no. 3, Dec. 1998, pp.2-6.
Canoodle: odds and ends [around] in the sense of "make love" ... this would be in line with the tentative etymology in MW3.
Limericks on canoodling