Waterford - Stifte (W3)
Die Marke "Waterford" wurde nach dem "Waterford parish" in Kilbarry, Ireland, benannt.
Der Ortsname "Waterford" geht zurück auf die altnordische Bezeichnung "Vedrarfjiordr" (9. Jh.). Die Bedeutung von "Vedrarfjiordr" ist jedoch nicht "Wasserfurt" sondern soll "Fjord of the Rams", also dt. "Furt der Widder" bedeuten und sich auf den Export von Schafen aus dieser Gegend beziehen. Eine andere Deutung erklärt "Vedrarfjiordr" als engl. "windy fjord" und könnte sich auf den windgeschützten Hafen beziehen, in dem die Vikinger Schutz vor der stürmischen irischen See suchten.
In 1783, two brothers, George and William Penrose, founded the Waterford Glass House in the ancient Viking city of Waterford. Thus began the tradition of making crystal in "as fine a quality as any in Europe...in the most elegant style".
Now Waterford has fine writing instruments. A great gift for any special occasion. The name Waterford is known throughout the world for fine crystal and quality pens.
Yes, Waterford pens are “related” to the famous Waterford Crystal established in 1783 and has the reputation of the world’s exquisite crystal art.
(E?)(L?) http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=Waterford
Waterford: city in southeastern Ireland; 1783 in reference to a type of glassware manufactured there.
(E?)(L?) http://www.fountainpenhospital.com/
(E?)(L?) http://www.glassencyclopedia.com/Waterfordglass.html
Waterford Crystal
(E?)(L?) http://www.goldspot.com/waterford_pens.html
(E?)(L?) http://www.hamptonhaddon.com/#
(E?)(L?) http://geography.howstuffworks.com/europe/geography-of-waterford.htm
Geography of Waterford
(E?)(L?) http://www.ireland.com/de-de/reiseziele/republic-of-ireland/waterford?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=brand
Grafschaft Waterford
Willkommen in Waterford - In der schönen historischen Grafschaft im Südosten erwarten Sie Wikingergeschichte, Berge und Kristallglas.
Waterford - Irlands ‚älteste Stadt‘ verdankt ihre einzigartige Kultur dem Einfluss der Wikinger. Mehr
(E?)(L?) http://www.levenger.com/Pens---Refills-8/Shop-By-Brand-34/Waterford-1068.aspx
Executed with the same artistry and skill as their renowned crystal, Waterford pens are sparkling additions to any pen collection.
(E?)(L?) http://www.marcuslink.com/pens/companies/waterford.html
(E?)(L?) http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/15564b.htm
Diocese of Waterford and Lismore
(E?)(L?) http://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/concordance/o/?i=785886
Shakespeare concordance: all instances of "waterford"
waterford occurs 1 time in 1 speech within 1 work.
No related words were found.
Users have searched 2 times for waterford in Open Source Shakespeare.
The number below indicates the number of speeches in which waterford appears in the listed work. If a single speech contains waterford more than once, the speech will still be counted once as part of the total count.
Henry VI, Part I (1)
(E?)(L?) http://www.penboutique.com/m-41-waterford-pens.aspx
Waterford pens have their origin in the famous heritage of Waterford Crystal. Established in 1783, Waterford Crystal has a prestigious reputation as the world’s leading manufacturer of exquisite works of crystal art. Venturing into the world of fine writing instruments, Waterford Crystal has created the Waterford pen brand. Waterford pens feature classic and vibrant styles with both lacquer finishes and metal guilloche barrels.
(E?)(L?) http://www.penhero.com/PenGalleryMain.htm
(E?)(L?) http://www.peytonstreetpens.com/other-manufacturers/pen-makers-europe/waterford.html
(E2)(L1) https://www.dictionary.com/browse/Waterford
(E?)(L?) http://www.theinkflow.com/pen_collections.htm
(E?)(L?) http://www.waterford.co.uk/
(E?)(L?) http://www.waterfordcity.ie/
(E?)(L?) http://www.waterfordcity.ie/city/history.htm
A Short History of Waterford.
800 AD to the coming of the Normans
The name "Waterford" is derived from an old Norse word "Vedrarfjiordr" that can be traced back to the late 9th century.
"Vedrarfjiordr" is believed to be derived from either "Fjord of the Rams", probably a reference to the export of sheep from the area, or more prosaically, from "windy fjord". This latter meaning probably refers to Waterford as being a safe haven for Viking ships sheltering from a windy Irish Sea.
The Vikings, realising the strategic and trading importance of the three rivers which empty into Waterford Harbour, built a longphort or dock at the confluence of the St. John's River and the River Suir.
"Waterford City" was founded in 914 AD and developed into a significant urban area during the 10th century. Waterford is arguably the oldest area of continuous urban settlement in Ireland. Reginald’s Tower marks the site of the first defensive structure built by the Viking settlers. The Tower is mentioned in the Irish Annals as early as 1088 thus making it the oldest civic building structure on this island. In the 1080s, a Viking fleet at Waterford had become a major force in the tangled web of Irish and Welsh political intrigue when Diarmuid O’Brien, King of Munster, negotiated that the fleet go to Wales to assist Gruffydd ap Cynan to recover the Kingdom of Gwynedd in Wales.
A hundred years later it was the turn of a dispossessed Irish king to seek help from beyond the sea in order to regain his lost kingdom. Thus it was, that in 1169 a group of Anglo-Norman mercenaries landed in Wexford at the invitation of Dermot McMurrough and by 1170 they were at the walls of Waterford. After a bloody battle the city fell to Strongbow and his armour clad Anglo-Norman supporters. Strongbow was made heir to the McMurrough lands in Leinster and as previously agreed married Dermot’s daughter Aoife.
The Marriage of Strongbow to Aoife Mc Murrough
The sophisticated elegance of the city was not reflected solely in its great public buildings for in 1783 the now world famous Glass Factory was established by the "Penrose Brothers".
Modern Times
During the nineteenth century "Waterford Glass" achieved a world-wide reputation with exports going to the four corners of the earth. Many of the ships carrying this glass to foreign ports were in fact built here in Waterford. The ship building trade that has been practised in the port for over a thousand years has entered a new phase.
(E?)(L?) http://www.waterfordvisitorcentre.com/
House of Waterford Crystal
Erstellt: 2013-12