Pythagoras Cave (W3)
Auf der Insel Samos gibt es eine Höhle in der sich Pythagoras und seine Anhänger vor dem Tyrannen Polykrates in Sicherheit brachten.(E?)(L1)
Pythagoras Cave
Samos Island, Greece
Pythagoras Cave
Cave on extinct volcano, once home to famous mathematician Pythagoras
Eccentric Homes, Repositories of Knowledge
30 Nov 2009
On the Greek island of Samos is a cave system that was once home and classroom to famous mathematician and philosopher, Pythagoras. The cave is located on Mount Kerkis, an extinct volcano that forms the second-highest peak in the East Aegean.
Though Pythagoras' theorems have been fundamental to our understanding of mathematics, relatively little is known about the man who first proved that, in a right triangle, a2 + b2 = c2. According to local legend, however, Pythagoras fled to these caves when he was being hunted by the infamous tyrant, Polycrates, around 400 B.C.
Welcome to the place where Pythagoras, the great philosopher, mathematician, astrologer, doctor and musician, spent a part of his life.
At the main intersection leading to the coastal settlements there is a sign that says "to Pythagoras' cave". There starts a rural road leading to the foot of Mt. Kerkes, which is the highest mountain of the Aegean.
(E1)(L1) Cave
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Erstellt: 2013-08