Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
ES Spanien, España, Espagne, Spagna, Spain, (esper.) Hispanujo
Stifte, Estilográfica, Stylos, Stilografica, Stylos, (esper.) skribiloj
Iguanasell - Stifte
Warum das im Jahr 2008 in Madrid gegründete Unternehmen den Namen "Iguanasell" oder "Iguana Sell" erhielt wird leider nicht erklärt. Immerhin entspricht das Logo dem span. "iguana" = dt. "Leguan".
2008 - Foundation: In 2008, we open in our first store in Madrid.
2012: We open for our German speakers customers.
Pen Brands
| | Bugatti | Cross | Diamine | Faber Castell | Fisher Space Pen | | Hugo Boss | Kaweco | | Manuscript | | Montblanc | | | Namiki | Omas | | | Pelikan | Platinum | Porsche Design | | | | Taccia | Twsbi | Visconti | Waterman |
Pen Types
Ballpoint pen | Fineliner | Fountain pen | Mechanical pencil | Pencil | Rollerball pen | Screenwriter | Set | Sketch pen |
Über uns
Iguana Sell handelt mit exklusiven Produkten von namenhaften Luxus-Marken. Wir ermöglichen eine Online-Shopping-Erfahrung weit über die Erwartungen unserer geschätzten Kunden. Dies stellen wir regelmäßig durch einen herausragenden Service sicher.
| | Bugatti | Cross | Diamine | | Fisher Space Pen | | Hugo Boss | Kaweco | | Manuscript | | Montblanc | | Namiki | | Omas | | | Pelikan | Platinum | Porsche Design | | | | Taccia | Twsbi | Visconti | Waterman |
Accessoires für Schreibgeräte
| | | Kaweco | | Leuchtturm1917 | Moleskine | Montblanc | | Namiki | | Pelikan | Piquadro | Platinum | Rhodia | | | Taccia | Visconti | Waterman |
Erstellt: 2017-08
Kynsey - Stifte (W3)
Der Direktor von "Kynsey" mystifiziert die Namensgebung des spanischen Schreibgeräte-Herstellers. "Kynsey" wurde im Jahr 2004 in Madrid, Spanien, gegründet. Der Name "Kynsey" bezieht sich auf einen japanischen Graveur des 17. Jh. dessen Werke der Gründer und Namensgeber in einem alten Buch entdeckte. Er war von dessen Werken so fasziniert, dass er seinen Namen als Name für seine Firma wählte.
Origin of a Name
The name "Kynsey" is a reference to an obscure artist that brand founder Antonio Sánchez regards as a sort of ancient precursor to the artists who create today's Kynsey pens. Sánchez explains, “Kynsey is the name of a seventeenth century Japanese engraver, whose work I first saw in a very old book given to me by a client. His work was simply brilliant, and it made a lasting impression on me. In this artist's honor, I decided to call my company Kynsey.”
Being an example of determination, passion, precision, love for well done job and the search for the perfection, the Kynsey pens are the result of the difficult and careful process that it is devoleped by different people and countries.
Kynsey, the masterly pieces of art, that is how the pens have to be considered, were born un 2004 for and by the art and select varied thematic to preserve in some way the maximum cultural expression.
This process has been carried out by the talent of an eager person,a dreamer who has conquered the market with the extra value of his business proposal.
He is Antonio Sánchez, a lover of writing who has known how to meet the most exquisite collectors. As an expert, Antonio applied the knowledge learnt in the past to fill of hope the project of Kynsey, a dream came true where art and beauty take the main role.
KYNSEY, from mystery to legend…
I previously said I did not know the name of this alchemist, but I must call him by some name. This, my alchemist, is and will be Mr Kynsey.
- Samurais: Kawanakajima Battle | Nasu No Yoichi
- Greek Mithology: Aphrodite | Apollo | Ares | Artemide | Athena | Demeter | Dionisio | Hermes | Zeus
- Anniversaries: Maya Prophecy
- Medici: Inmaculate | Prodigal Soon | Trinity | The Fountain | Marquise of Pompadour | Jupiter and Io | Rembrandt | The Moulin | Three Graces | Baptism | Leda and the Swan | Saturn | Good Shepherd | Bather of Valpicon | Inmaculate by Tiepolo | Arcangel San Miguel | Assunption of Mary Magdalene | Landscape with Apollo y Mercury | Columpio | Saturn | Minerva and Centaur | Piedad | Holy Family | Helena and Paris | Triumph of Venus | Rape of Europa
- Gods: Ganesha | Krishna | Lakshmi | Shiva | Vishnu
- Islam: Peace | Unity | The Supreme Name | Turquoise | Purity | Love | In the name of God | Enjoy | Apperance | I wish you peace | The truth | The Young Ali
- Roman Emperors: Trajano | Augusto | Nerva | Adriano | Marco Aurelio | Neron | Tiberio | Vespasiano
- Four Seasons: Winter | Spring | Summer | Autumn
- Four Elements: Fire | Earth | Water | Air
- Great Duels: Aquiles | Héctor
- Master of Painting: Murillo | Velázquez | El Greco | Goya | Miguel Angel
- Seven Wonder of the World Vintage: Lighthouse of Alejandria | Mausoleum of Halicarnassus | Colossus of Rhodes | Statue of Zeus at Olimpia | Hanging gardens of Babylon | Great Pyramid of Giza | Temple of Artemis
- Knights Templar: Relics | Order | Decay | End | Poor Soldiers of Christ
- Plus Ultra: San Antonio | Concepción | Victoria | Santiago | Trinidad | Magallanes
- Sistine Chapel: Christ Judge | Creation of thes Seas
- Divine Proportion: Leonardo Da Vinci | Lucca Paccioli
- Special Series: Rooster | Unexpected Visit | Barbanegra | Night and Day | John S. Sargent | Leonardo Da Vinci | The Creation | Rembrandt | Mozart | Tauromaquia | Chritsmas | Rock Art | Ramses II | Alexander the Great | Iconographic Art | Caravaggio (Baco) | Alhambra | Versalles | Lizard | Alejandría | Ornamental | Machu Pichu | Cyclops | Birds and Flowers | Butterfly and Magic World | Butterfly and Flowers | Magic Fish
- Master piece: Classic
- D. Quijote: Hidalguía | Love | Adventure | Reality | D. Quijote
- Fairy Tales: Cinderella | Cat with Boots | Alice in Wonderland | Alice in Wonderland Special | Snow White | Snow White Especial
- Marinas: Frigate | Submarine World | Juan Sebastián Elcano | Storm
- Russian Tales: Emelya | Tsar Saltán | Schenegurochka | Ivan Zarevich and the Grey Wolf | Gold Rooster
- History of Spain: Cid | Viriato
- Civilizations: Rome | Vikings | Vikings Especial
- Erotic: Eden Garden | Beauty and Nature | Aphrodite
- Great Inventors: Galileo Galilei | Ford
- Art History: Chineese Art | Greek Art | Roman Art | Islamic Art
- Medici: Flora | Van Gogh | Spring | Milkmaid | Night Round | Juana de Arco | School of Athens | San Mateo | Water Seller of Seville | Napoleon | Goya Diamonds | Dr. Gatchet | Pope Inocencio X
- Operas: Boheme | Aida | Barber of Sevilla | The Magic Flute
- Indias Heads: Crazy Horse | Geronimo | Cochise | Sitting Bull | Red Cloud
- Classic Cinema: Harold LLoyd | Clara Bow | Chaplin | Laurel & Hardy
- Cid: History | Legend
- Astronomy: Astronomy
- Big Five: Big Five
- Animals in extinction: White Tiger | Panda Bear
- Special: Bible | Art of War | Bear | Ninfa I | Ninfa II | Ninfa III | Ninfa IV | Ninfa V | Ninfa VI | Ninfa VII | Ninfa VIII | Ninfa IX | Unicorn and sirena | Winter Art Noveau | Summer Art Noveau | Spring Art Noveau | Autumn Art Noveau
- Resin Gold: Red-Gold | Black-Gold | Blue-Gold | White-Gold
- Resin Silver: Red-Silver | Black-Silver | Blue-Silver | White-Silver
- Special Resin: Masha | Antón
- CLUB KYNSEY: Carmen: | Antonia | Ivory | Celulloid | Celulloid Pencil
Erstellt: 2013-12