Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
EG Ägypten, Egipto, Égypte, Egitto, Egypt, (esper.) Egiptujo
Archäologie, Arqueología, Archéologie, Archeologia, Archaeology, (esper.) arkeologio
"IBAES" steht für "Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie".
Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie
Studies from the Internet on Egyptology and Sudanarchaeology
in Zusammenarbeit mit
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Seminar für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte Nordostafrikas
Einführung und Konzept
- IBAES I Die ägyptische Mumie - ein Phänomen der Kulturgeschichte
- IBAES II Geschlechterforschung - in der Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie
- IBAES III Statue und Kult. - Eine Studie der funerären Praxis an nichtköniglichen Grabanlagen der Residenz im Alten Reich
- IBAES IV Tierkulte im pharaonischen Ägypten
- IBAES V Genealogie - Realität und Fiktion von Identität
- IBAES VI Dekorierte Grabanlagen im Alten Reich - Methodik und Interpretation
- IBAES VII Das Heilige und die Ware. Zum Spannungsfeld von Religion und Ökonomie.
- IBAES VIII Die Baustufen I bis IV der Großen Anlage von Musawwarat es Sufra
- IBAES IX Demotische Epigraphik aus Dandara: Die demotischen Grabstelen
- IBAES X Das Ereignis - Zum Nexus von Struktur- und Ereignisgeschichte
- IBAES XI Untersuchungen zum ägyptischen Staat des Alten Reiches und seinen Institutionen
Archäologie im Tal der Könige
Theban mapping project
Index of Articles
As a companion to the Atlas of the Valley of the Kings, this compilation of articles provides a broader understanding of the history and development of the Valley of the Kings and the cultural practices that have influenced and shaped the construction and utilization of the tombs in it. Copious photographs, maps and drawings illustrate each of these articles, authored by the Theban Mapping Project.
- KV 5: Tomb of Sons of Rameses II | KV 5 Excavation | KV 5 Finds | KV 5 History
- Tomb Development | Tombs in Collision | Selection of Tomb Sites | Development of Tombs | Anatomy of a Tomb: Modern Tomb Designations | Tomb Digging and Cutting Techniques | Tomb Builders and Dayr al Madinah | Decorating the Tombs | Anatomy of a Tomb: Ancient Designations
- History of the Valley of the Kings | Historical Development of Royal Cemeteries outside Thebes and inside Thebes (Early Dynastic-Second Intermediate Period) | The Valley of the Kings: Then and Now | Tomb Robberies | Tomb Numbering Systems in the Valley | The Valley Today | Geography and Geology of the Valley | History of the Valley of the Kings (Third Intermediate Period-Byzantine Period) | Exploration of the Valley of the Kings | Historical Development of the Valley of the Kings in the New Kingdom
- Mortuary Beliefs and Practices | Funerary Equipment | Foundation Deposits | Funerary Compositions
- Thebes Today | Sun Bread from Luxor | Pilgrimage Paintings | Suq! Shopping in Thebes | Thebes in Film
- A: Abdel Rassul family Ahmes I | Aker Altenmüller, Hartwig | Amen Amenemipet | Amenhetep I Amenhetep II | Amenhetep III Amenhetep IV | Amenhetep, Son of Hapu Amenmeses | Andraos, Boutros Ankh | Anubis Atum | Ay Ayrton, Edward Russell
- B: Ba Bark | Bastet Bay | Beautiful Feast of the Valley Belmore, Earl of (Lowry-Corry, Somerset) | Belzoni, Giovanni Battista | Bénédite, Georges Aaron | Benu bird Bonomi, Joseph | Book of Caverns Book of Gates | Book of the Dead Book of the Night | Breasted, James Henry Brock, Edwin C. | Brock, Lyla Pinch Bruce, James | Bucher, Paul Burton, Harry | Burton, James
- C: Callendar, Arthur Canopic chest | Canopic jars Carnarvon, Fifth Earl of (Herbert, George Edward Stanhope Molyneux) | Carter, Howard Cartouche | Cavetto cornice Cerný, Jaroslav | Champollion, Jean-François Champollion-Figeac, Jacques | Chassinat, Emile Ciccarello, Mark | Coffin Cubit
- D: Daressy, Georges Davies, Norman de Garis | Davis, Theodore M. Decans | Demotic Denon, Vivant | Derry, Douglas Devilliers du Terrage, Réné Édouard | Djed-pillar Dorn, Andreas | Double crown Duamutef | Dynasty
- E: Egyptian alabaster Ennead | Epagomenal Eye panel
- F: Faience Fields of Iaru | Foundation deposit Franco-Tuscan Expedition
- G: Geb Germinating Osiris | God's Father
- H: Hapy Harris, Arthur Charles | Hathor Hatshepsut | Hatshepsut-Meryet-Ra Hay, Robert | Hayes, William C. Heb-Sed Festival | Hieratic Hölscher, Uvo | Horemheb Hornung, Erik | Horus Horus name
- I: Imsety Imydwat | Imyut | Iwnmutef
- J: Jones, Ernest Harold Jones, Owen
- K: Ka Kheker frieze | Kheperi Khonsu | Kondo, Jiro KV
- L: Lane, Edward William Leblanc, Christian | Lefébure, Eugène Lepsius, Carl Richard | L'Hôte, Nestor Litany of Ra | Loret, Victor
- M: Ma'at Mace, Arthur | Magical bricks Maiherperi | Manetho Marciniak, Marek | Martin, Geoffrey Thorndike Mastaba | Mehen serpent Memorial Temple | Menat Mentuherkhepeshef | Merenptah Meret chests | Meretseger MISR Project: Mission Siptah-Ramses X | Mut
- N: Neit | Nemes Nephthys | Netherworld Nini | Nisut Bity Nome | Norden, Frederik Ludwig Nut
- O: Ogdoad Opening of the Mouth ritual | Opet Festival Osiris | Otto, Eberhard
- P: Papyrus Abbott
| Piankoff, Alexandre Pococke, Richard | Prisse d’Avennes, Emile Ptah
- Q: Qebehsenuef Quibell, James Edward | QV
- R: Ra Rameses I | Rameses II Rameses III | Rameses IV Rameses IX | Rameses V Rameses VI | Rameses VII Rameses VIII | Rameses X Rameses XI | Reeves, Carl Nicholas Renaissance | Rishi Roberts, David | Romer, John Rose, John | Rosellini, Ippolito Rutherford, John | Ryan, Donald P.
- S: Sa Ra Salt, Henry | Sarcophagus Scarab | Schaden, Otto J. Schiaparelli, Ernesto | Schweinfurth, Georg Sekhmet | Semenkhkara Serekh | Serqet Setnakht | Sety I Sety II | Shabti Sicard, Claude | Siptah Sit-Ra | Sokar Sons of Horus | Souls of Nekhen Souls of Pe | Steindorff, Georg Supreme Council of Antiquities
- T: Talus Ta-Tjenen | Tausert Thebes | Thomas, Elizabeth Thoth | Thutmes I Thutmes II | Thutmes III Thutmes IV | Thuyu Tia'a | Tiye Torus molding | Total Station Triad | TT Tutankhamen | Tyet-knot
- U: Uraeus Userhat
- V: Valley temple Vizier
- W: Wadi Was scepter | Weigall, Arthur E. P. Wilkinson, John Gardner | Wilkinson, Richard Winlock, Herbert
- Y: Yoshimura, Sakuji Yuya