Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
DE Deutschland, Alemania, Allemagne, Germania, Germany, (esper.) Germanujo
Rose, Rosa, Rose, Rosa, Rose, (lat.) rosa, (esper.) rozo, rozacoj
Rosen Züchter, Cultivador de Rosas, Rosiériste, Coltivatore di Rose, Rose-Grower
HAR, UK - Harkness
Harkness Rosen
Rosen von Harkness
30 Harkness-Rosen
- Beetrose - Amber Queen ®
- Kletterrose - Baikal syn. The Prince's Trust ®
- Strauchrose - Cardinal Hume ®
- Edelrose - Chandos Beauty syn. Sweet Love ®
- Kletterrose - Compassion ®
- Strauchrose - Escapade
- Bodendeckerrose - Fairy Dance ®
- Beetrose - Margaret Merril ®
- Bodendeckerrose - Nipper
- Beetrose - Princess of Wales ®
- Beetrose - Red Yesterday
- Beetrose - Remembrance
- Edelrose - Rosemary Harkness ®
- Edelrose - Sparkassenrose ®
- Beetrose - Sunset Boulevard
- Edelrose - Alexander ®
- Beetrose - Betty Harkness ®
- Kletterrose - Bridge of Sighs ®
- Beetrose - Claire Marshall syn. Jennifer Rose ®
- Beetrose - Cream Abundance syn. Convent Garden ®
- Edelrose - Ena Harkness
- Beetrose - L' Aimant ®
- Beetrose - Octavia Hill ®
- Kletterrose - Penny Lane ®
- Kletterrose - Perpetually Yours
- Beetrose - Rosa Belmonte ®
- Edelrose - Royal Philharmonic
- Zwergrose - Snowcup
- Edelrose - Sweet Revelation
- Kletterrose - Times Past ®
Erstellt: 2020-11
Harkness Rosen
- Frensham Floribunda Norman-Harkness 1946 Beet, Rabatte
- Jacqueline du Pré Strauchrose Harkness 1988 Solitär
- Meg kletternde Teehybride Gosset, Harkness 1954 Solitär
Erstellt: 2020-10
Harkness Rosen
- Von Harkness gezüchtete Rosen
- Amber Queen ® Harkness, vor 1981 - apricot, 75 x 60
- Anna Zinkeisen Harkness, vor 1981 - 1.2 m x 0.9 m
- Compassion ® Harkness, 1972 - apricot, ca. 250cm
- Elizabeth Harkness Harkness, 1969 - apricot, 0.9 m x 0.6 m
- Greensleeves Harkness, 1980 - grün, 0.9 m x 0.6 m
- Penny Lane ® Harkness, 1998 - apricot, ca. 400cm
- Princess of Wales (Harkness) ® Harkness, 1997 - weiss, ca. 120cm
- Fairy Dance ® Harkness, 1979 - rot, 60 x 60 cm
Erstellt: 2020-10
Harkness Rosen
Jack Harkness (1918-1994) übernahm den 1879 gegründeten Familienbetrieb und begann 1962 mit der Rosenzüchtung.
- Adeline Genée Harkness (GB) 1967 Floribunda
- Alissar, Princess of Phoenicia, HARsidon, Harkness (GB) 2009 Strauchrose, Hulthemia persica-Hybride, Persian Mystery Rose
- Alpina, Harkness (GB) 2009 Teehybride, Floribunda
- Amber Abundance, HARfizz, Hyde Park ®, Harkness (GB) 2000 Floribunda
- Amber Queen HARroony, Prinz Eugen von Savoyen, Harkness (GB) 1984 Floribunda
- Anna Ford ® HARpiccolo Harkness (GB) 1980 Zwergrose
- Anna Zinkeisen HARquhling, HARqühling, Harkness (GB) 1983 Strauchrose
- Anne Hathaway, HARbrite, Iris Clow, Mrs. Iris Clow, Harkness (GB) 1993 Floribunda
- Anneka, HARronver, Harkness (GB) 1990 Teehybride
- Atlantis Harkness (GB) 1970 Floribunda
- Autumn Spray Norman / Harkness (GB) 1964 Floribunda
- Avocet, HARpluto, Harkness (GB) 1984 Floribunda
- Baikal , HARholding, The Prince´s Trust, Red Sox, Harkness (GB) 2002 Kletterrose
- Basildon Bond, HARjosine, Harkness (GB) 1980 Teehybride
- Betty Harkness, HARette, Harkness (GB) 1998 Beetrose
- Bill Slim, HARquito, Harkness (GB) 1989 Floribunda
- Brave Heart, HORbondsmile, Braveheart, Harkness (GB) 1996 Floribunda
- Breath of Life HARquanne Harkness (GB) 1981 Kletternde Teehybride
- Breathtaking, HARgalore, Harkness (GB) 2003 Teehybride
- Bridge of Sighs, HARglow, Harkness (GB) 2000 Kletterrose
- By Appointment, HARvolute, Harkness (GB 1990 Floribunda
- Calliope, HARfracas, Apricot Abundance, Harkness (GB) 1998 Floribunda
- Cardinal Hume ® HARregale Harkness (GB) 1984 Strauchrose, (Romantik-Rose)
- Caroline Victoria, Harprior, Harkness (GB) 2006 Teehybride
- Caron Keating Rose Harkness (GB) 2005 Strauchrose
- Cathedral Splendour, HARbell, Harkness (GB) 1995 Floribunda
- Chandos Beauty, HARmisty, Sweet Love, Harkness (GB 2005 Teehybride, Edelrose
- Christingle, HARvalex, Harkness (GB) 1987 Floribunda
- Claire Marshall, Jennifer Rose, HARunite, Harkness (GB) 2010 Floribunda
- Clarissa ®, HARprocrustes, Harkness (GB) 1983 Zwergrose
- Commonwealth Glory, HARclue, Berenice, Harkness (GB) 1999 Teehybride
- Compassionate Friend, HARzodiac, The Compassionate Friend, Harkness (GB) 1993 Floribunda
- Conquest HARbrill Harkness (GB) 1994 Floribunda
- Constance Finn HAReden, Elizabet Finn, Windsor Castle ™, Harkness (GB) 1997 Floribunda
- Cordon Bleu II, HARubasil Harkness (GB) 1992 Teehybride
- Cosette, HARquillipond Blue Carpet, Harkness (GB) 1983 Floribunda
- Cottage Garden, HARyamber, Harkness (GB) 1992 Zwergrose
- Covent Garden, HARflax, Cream Abundance, Harkness (GB) 1999 Floribunda
- Crimson Floorshow HARglamour Harkness (GB) 1995 Strauchrose
- Cumberland, HARnext, Harkness (GB) 2007 Kletterrose
- Della Balfour, HARblend, HARlend, Royal Pageant, Desert Glo, Harkness (GB) 1994 Strauchrose
- Dilys Allen Norman / Harkness (GB) 1952 Teehybride
- Disco ® Harkness (GB) 1980 Floribunda
- Donaugold, Harkness (GB) 2002 Beetrose
- Donauwalzer HARtwiz, Conqueror`s Gold, Harkness (GB) 1986 Floribunda
- Dr. Barnardo Harkness (GB) 1968 Teehybride, Floribunda
- Dr. Darley, HARposter, Harkness (GB) 1982 Teehybride
- Dr. Watson, HARmanna, Carris, Docteur Watson, Harkness (GB) 2007 Teehybride
- Drummer Boy, HARvacity, Harkness (GB) 1987 Floribunda
- East Park, HARjope, Harkness (GB) 2010 Teehybride
- Easy Going, HARflow, Don Quichotte ®, Zonta Rose 98, Harkness (GB) 1998 Floribunda
- Emily Louise, HARwilla, Harkness (GB) 1990 Kleinstrauchrose Patio
- Euphrates, HARunique, Harkness (GB) 1986 Strauchrose, Hulthemia persica Sämling
- Excalibur HARdenier, Celtic Pride, 'Marjorie Marshall, Harkness (GB) 1967 Teehybride
- Fairy Changeling, HARnumerous, Harkness (GB) 1981 Polyantha, Bodendecker
- Fairy Crystal ®, HARlittle, Harkness (GB) 1980 Polyantha
- Fairy Dance ®, Rosa Fairy Dance ®, Harkness (GB) 1979 Bodendecker
- Fairy Prince ® HARnougette Harkness (GB) 1982 Polyantha, Bodendecker
- Fairy Red ® HARneatly, Fairy Damsel, Harkness (GB) 1981 Polyantha, Bodendecker
- Fairyland ®, HARlayalong, Harkness (GB) 1979 Polyantha, Bodendecker
- Fellowship ® HARwelcome, Living Easy, Livin` Easy, Melrose, Harkness (GB) 1992 Floribunda
- Flori Harkness (GB) 1994 Floribunda
- Frank Naylor Harkness (GB) 1978 Strauchrose
- Fruity Floorshow Harkness (GB) o.Jg. Floribunda
- Garden Glory, HARzumber, Welwyn Garden Glory, Welsh Gold ™, Harkness (GB) 1996 Teehybride
- Gentle Maid ®, HARvilac, Harkness (GB) 1990 Zwergrose
- Ginger Syllabub ® Harkness (GB) 2000 Kletterrose
- Glyndebourne, Harpulse, Harkness (GB) 2011 Strauchrose
- Golden Years ® HARween, Harkness (GB) 1990 Floribunda
- Grace Abounding Harkness (GB) 1968 Floribunda
- Greensleeves, HARlenten, Harkness (GB) 1980 Floribunda
- Gruß an Zwönitz ®, Gruss aus Zwönitz, Harkness (GB) 2009 Teehybride
- Guiding Spirit, HARwolave, Harkness (GB) 1989 Zwergrose
- Guinevere Harkness (GB) 1967 Teehybride
- Guy's Gold, Harmatch, Harkness (GB) 2007 Teehybride
- Hamlet, HARfervour, Harkness (GB) 2000 Floribunda
- Hand in Hand, HARaztec, Harkness (GB) 1194 Zwergrose
- Happy Days, HARquad, Harkness (GB) 2010 Strauchrose
- Harry Edland Harkness (GB) 1978 Floribunda
- Harvest Home ®, HARwest, HARwesi, Rock / Harkness (GB) 1983 Rugosa-Hybride
- Hector Berlioz, HARzelt, Harkness (GB) 1998 Teehybride
- Hertfordshire Glory Harkness (GB) 1970 Floribunda
- High Hopes, HARyup Harkness (GB) 1992 Kletterrose
- Highfield ® HARcomp, Harkness (GB) 1982 Kletterrose
- Hiroshima`s Children, HARmark, Harkness (GB) 1982 Floribunda
- Humanity, HARcross, Harkness (GB) 1995 Floribunda
- Innoxa Femille, HARprincely, Harkness (GB) 1983 Teehybride
- International Herald Tribune, ® HARquantum, Violetta, Viorita, Margaret Isobel Hayes, Harkness (GB) 1985 Floribunda
- Irish Hope, HARexclaim, Harkness (GB) 1998 Floribunda
- Isobel Harkness, Isabel Harkness, Norman (GB) 1957 Teehybride
- Jacqueline du Pré, HARwanna, Jacqueline du Pre, City of Adelaide, Harkness (GB) 1988 Strauchrose
- June Whitfield, HARchutzpah, Harkness (GB) 1995 Teehybride
- Judy Garland, HARking, Harkness (GB) 1978 Floribunda
- Keep In Touch, HARdrama, Michel Strogoff, Harkness (GB) 1999 Floribunda
- Keros, HARpacific, Harkness (GB) vor 2011 Strauchrose
- King Arthur, HARextra, Madrigal, Fetzer Syrah Rose, Courageous, Harkness (GB) 1967 / 2006 Floribunda, English Legend Roses
- Koralle ®, Koralie, Harkness (GB) 1991 Floribunda
- L`Aimant HARzola, Merlin, Victorian Spice, Doux Parfum, Harkness (GB) 1994 Floribunda
- Lady Marmalade, HARtiger, Harkness (GB) 2013 Flroibunda
- Lady Mitchell, HARyearn, Harkness (GB) 1991 Teehybride
- Lagoon Harkness (GB) 1970 Floribunda
- Lavender Floorshow Harkness (GB) 2002 Strauchrose
- Lemon Twist, Harquiz Harkness (GB) 2007 Zwergrose
- Lilian Baylis, Avalon, HARdeluxe, HARoeluxe, Harkness (GB) 1996 Floribunda
- Little Lady Harkness (GB) 1967 Polyantha
- Livin Easy, HARwelcome, Living Easy Fellowship, Livin` Easy, Melrose Harkness (GB) 1992 Floribunda
- L`Oréal Trophy HARlexis, Alexis, Harkness (GB) 1980 Gallica, Alte Rose
- Louisa Stone HARbadge, Lady Guinevere, Guinevere, Harkness (GB) 1997 Strauchrose
- Lysbeth-Victoria Harkness (GB) 1978 Floribunda
- Magenta Floorshow, HARfloorshow, Purple Floorshow, Harkness (GB) o..Jg. Strauchrose
- Many Happy Returns, Prima, HARwanted, Harkness (GB) 1988 Strauchrose
- Margaret Merril ® HARuly, HARkuly, Harkness (GB) 1977 Floribunda
- Marjorie Marshall, HARdenier, Celtic Pride, Harkness (GB) 1996 Strauchrose
- Mary Berry, HARupon, Harkness (GB) 2016 Teehybride
- Mary Jean, HARyen, Mary-Jean, Harkness (GB) 1990 Teehybride
- Merlin Harkness (GB) 1967 Floribunda, English Legend Roses
- Merry England, Merrie England, Harkness (GB) 1897 Remontant-Hybride
- Miss Dior, HARencens, Harkness (GB) 1998 Strauchrose
- Natascha ® HARwharry, Malcolm Sargent, Harkness (GB) 1989 Teehybride
- Natasha Richardson Harkness (GB) vor 2011 Floribunda
- Nigel Hawthorne Harkness (GB) 1989 Hulthemia persica Hybride, Strauchrose
- Nipper, HAReco, Harkness (GB) 1997 Bodendecker
- Octavia Hill ® HARzeal, Oktavia Hill, Harkness (GB) 1996 Floribunda
- Orange Floorshow HARgala, Harkness (GB) Strauchrose
- Pallas ®, HARvestal, Pallos, Harkness (GB) 1991 Zwergrose
- Pandora, HARwinner, Pandorra, Harkness (GB) 1989 Zwergrose
- Pat James HARyoricks, Midsummer Night`s Dream, Harkness (GB) 1991 Floribunda
- Patricia Kent, Harmerry, Harkness (GB) 2007 Strauchrose hellgelb
- Paul Shirville, HARqueterwife, Heart Throb, Saxo Harkness (GB) 1983 Teehybride
- Paul`s Early Blush, Mrs Harkness, Paul, W. (GB) 1893 Remontant-Rose, Alte Rose
- Peacekeeper ® HARbella, United Nations Rose, Harkness (GB) 1995 Floribunda
- Pearl Abundance, Harfrisky, The Soham Rose, Harkness (GB) 1998 Teehybride
- Penny Lane (II), HARdwell, HARwell, Harkness (GB) 2000 Kletterrose
- Perpetually Yours, Harfable, Harible, Harkness 1999 Kletterrose
- Persian Mystery, Hartroy, Harkness 2009 Hulthemia Persica-Hybride Persian Mystery Rose Strauchrose
- Poetry in Motion, HARelan, Gift of Life, Harkness (GB) 1996 Teehybride
- Potton Heritage, HARsprice, Harkness (GB) 1986 Strauchrose
- Poetry in Motion, HARelan, Gift of Life, Harkness (GB) 1996 Teehybride
- Potton Heritage, HARsprice, Harkness (GB) 1986 Strauchrose
- Pride of Maldon, HARwonder, Pride of Maldow, Harkness (GB) 1991 Floribunda
- Pure Gold ™, Harhappen, Creme Caramel, Steve Redgrave, The Sir Steven Redgrave Rose, Harkness (GB) 2001 Strauchrose
- Queen Charlotte, HARubondee, Harkness (GB) 1989 Teehybride
- Queen Guinevere, HAReasy, Great North Eastern Rose, Sir Galahad, Harkness (GB) 2002 Strauchrose
- Queen's London Child, Harlisted, Harkness (GB) Patio-Rose
- Rachel Bowes Lyon, HARlacal, Harkness (GB) 1981 Strauchrose
- Rachel Louise Moran, Jacdrama, Peppermint Splash, Harkness (GB) 2008 Teehybride
- Reconciliation HARtillery, Réconciliation, Harkness (GB) Teehybride
- Red Abundance, Harkimono, Cherie, Songs of Praise, Velvet Abundance, Harkness (GB) 2005 Floribunda
- Remembrance, HARxampton, Harkness (GB) 1992 Floribunda
- Renaissance HARzart, Harkness (GB) 1994 Teehybride
- Rising Star, HAReast, Harkness (GB) 1995 Floribunda
- Rochester Cathedral HARroffen Harkness (GB) 1987 Strauchrose
- Rose de Cornouaille ®, HARhandy, Harkness (GB) 2003 Floribunda
- Rosella II, Bobby Dazzler, Harkness (GB) 1972 Floribunda
- Rosemary Harkness ®, HARrowbond, Harkness (GB) 1985 Teehybride
- Rosika ®, HARmusky, Radox Bouquet, Harkness (GB) 1982 Floribunda, Strauchrose
- Rosy Floorshow Harglitter, Harkness (GB) 1999 Strauchrose
- Royal Philharmonic, HARdeed, Harkness (GB) 1997 Teehybride
- Ruby Anniversary, HARbonny, Harkness (GB) 1993 Floribunda, Patio-Rose
- Saga Harkness (GB) 1974 Strauchrose
- Salvation, HARlark, Salvation Army Rose, Harkness (GB) 2005 Strauchrose
- Samaritan ®, HARverag, Fragrant Surprise, Lawrence of Arabia ™, English Sonnet ™, King Arthur ®, Antique Abundance, Renown's Samaritan, English Legend Roses, Harkness (GB) 1991 Teehybride, Romantikrose
- Save the Children, HARtred, Harkness (GB) 1986 Floribunda
- Savoy Hotel ® HARvintage, Violette Niestlé, Integrity, Vercors Harkness (GB) 1991 Teehybride
- Scabrosa, Rosa rugosa scabrosa, Rugosa Superba Harkness (GB) 1960 Rugosa-Hybride
- Seven Seas Harkness (GB) 1971 Floribunda
- Sheila MacQueen, HARclarity, Mrs. Sheila MacQueen, HARclarity, Harkness (GB) 1994 Floribunda
- Sheila`s Perfume, HARsherry, Sheridan /Harkness (GB) 1985 Floribunda
- Sir Galahad Harkness (GB) 1967 Floribunda
- Sir Lancelot Harkness (GB) 1967 Floribunda
- Snow Ballet ®, CLAysnow, Snowballet, Clayworth (AU) / eingeführt v. Harkness (GB) 1978 Strauchrose, Bodendecker
- Softly Softly, HARkotur, Harkness (GB) 1977 Floribunda
- Southampton, Susan Ann, Harkness (GB) 1972 Floribunda
- Sparkassenrose ® Harkness (GB) 2009 Teehybride
- St. Alban, Saint Alban Harkness (GB) 1977 Teehybride, Floribunda
- St. Christopher, HARcogent, Harkness (Gb) 1996 Teehybride
- St. John, HARbilbo, Harkness (GB) 1994 Floribunda
- St. Richard of Chichester, HARklement, Saint Richard of Chichester, Sherlock Holmes, Harkness ( GB) 2006 Strauchrose
- Stargazer Harkness (GB) 1977 Floribunda
- Steinfurther Abendsonne,, HARpageant, Easy Does It, Harkness (GB) 2008 Floribunda
- Sue Ryder ®, HARlino, Harkness (GB) 1983 Floribunda
- Summer Meeting, Summermeeting, Harkness (GB) 1968 Floribunda
- Suncharm, HARfab, Harkness (GB) 1998 Zwergrose, Patio-Rose
- Sunset Boulevard, HARbabble, Harkness (GB) 1997 Floribunda
- Susan Daniel, HARlady, HARlibra, The English Lady, Harkness (GB) 2004 Floribunda
- Sweet Lady, HARzazz, Sweet Revelation, Sue Hipkin, Sue Hipken, Lady Jane Grey ™, Chimène, Chimene ®, Harkness (GB) 1998
- Tambourine (II), HARdolly, Harkness (GB) 1998
- The Sun and the Heart, Hartyre, Harkness (GB) 2009 Hulthemia-persica-Hybride, Persian Mystery Rose, Strauchrose
- Tigris, HARprier, Harkness (GB) 1985 Hulthemia persica-Hybride, Strauchrose
- Times Past Harkness (GB) 2001 Kletterrose
- Tower Bridge, HARavis, Harkness (GB) 1994 Teehybride
- Twiggy's Rose, HARteam, Harkness (GB) 2009 Floribunda
- Variety Club, HARedge, Harkness (GB) 1999 Patiorose
- Volunteer, HARquaker, Harkness (GB) 1986 Floribunda
- Walzerkönig Johann Strauss, Walzerkönig Strauß, Harkness (GB) 1999 Teehybride
- Wandering Minstrel, Daniel Gelin ®, HARquince, The Quest, Harkness (GB) 1986 Floribunda
- Well-Being, HARjangle, Well Being, Harkness (GB) 2002 Strauchrose
- Wilfred Norris Harkness (GB) 1972 Teehybride
- Xerxes, HARjames, Harkness (GB) 1989 Hulthemia-persica-Hybride Persian Mystery Rose Strauchrose
- Yellow Floorshow, HARfullly, Harkness (GB) 1999 Kleinstrauchrose, Bodendecker
- York Minster Harkness (GBI 2011 Floribunda
- Yours in Continued Friendship, HARpal, Harkness (GB) 2007 Teehybride
- Zonta Rose ® HARtanna, Zonta-Rose, Princess Alice, Brite Lites, Harkness (GB) 1985 Floribunda
- HARlex, Alexandra Harkness, Harkness (GB) 1972 Teehybride
- HARuseful, Trinity Fair, Harkness (GB) 1988 Strauchrose
- Belle de Londres, Harkness (GB) 1972 Kletterrose
- HARpade, Harkness (GB) 1969 Floribunda, Strauchrose
- HARpade, Harkness (GB) 1969 Floribunda, Strauchrose
- HARhero, Marjorie, Marjorie Fair ®, Red Ballerina, Harkness (GB) 1978 Floribunda
- Tapis d`Orient, Harkness (GB) 1974 Polyantha, Strauchrose
Erstellt: 2020-10
Bücher zur Kategorie:
Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
DE Deutschland, Alemania, Allemagne, Germania, Germany, (esper.) Germanujo
Rose, Rosa, Rose, Rosa, Rose, (lat.) rosa, (esper.) rozo, rozacoj
Rosen Züchter, Cultivador de Rosas, Rosiériste, Coltivatore di Rose, Rose-Grower
HAR, UK - Harkness
Harkness, Peter - GR
Hawthorne, Linden
Royal Horticultural Society (Herausgeber)
Gartenhandbuch - Rosen
Mit mehr als 300 Pflanzen (Taschenbuch)
Münster : Stedtfeld, 1989 - (COMPO-Edition : Klassische Gartenpflanzen)
Taschenbuch: 160 Seiten
Verlag: Dorling Kindersley (Januar 2005)
Sprache: Deutsch
Neuauflage von DuMont's Gartenhandbuch, Rosen!
Mit den handlichen Nachschlagewerken für Hobbygärtner und Profis läuft bei der Gartengestaltung garantiert nichts mehr schief. Die Reihe der renommierten Royal Horticultural Society bietet professionelle, leicht verständliche Informationen und gezielte Orientierung bei der Auswahl geeigneter Gartenpflanzen. Alle Einträge beinhalten jeweils ein umfassendes Pflanzenporträt sowie Ratschläge zu Auswahl und Pflege.
Erstellt: 2020-11
Harkness, Peter - RI
Rosen - Die schönsten Illustrationen der Royal Horticultural Society
336 S. Dumont Monte Köln 2003
mit 300 Illustrationen von Pierre Joseph Redouté, Henry Andrews und John Lindley aus dem Archiv der Royal Horticultural Society in London.
Harkness erzählt dazu die Kulturgeschichte der Rose in Worten. Auch die Pflege der Rose kommt nicht zu kurz.
Erstellt: 2020-11
Harkness, Peter - MGR
Moderne Gartenrosen
Gebundene Ausgabe - 144 Seiten
Erscheinungsdatum: 1989
ISBN: 3927624047
Erstellt: 2020-11
Harkness, Peter - RE
Rosen-Enzyklopädie der Arten und Sorten<
Gebundene Ausgabe - 224 Seiten
Naturbuch Augsburg
Erscheinungsdatum: 1992
Erstellt: 2020-11
Harkness, Peter - Rsn
Franz, Angelika
336 Seiten, 978-3894055264, Frederking & Thaler Verlag GmbH; 1., Aufl. Edition (22. Februar 2005), Deutsch
Erstellt: 2020-10