Chinese Symbols Vocabulary Collection
Zoology, Animals
| animal | animal kingdom | animal tamer | anteater | antelope | antlers | ape | baboon | badger | bat (animal) | bear (animal) | beast | beaver | bestiality | Big Foot | bird | bird watching | birds of prey | bison | black bear | black cat | Black Dragon | Black Hawk | Black Panthers | Blue Dragon | bronco | buckhorn | buckteeth | bull | cachalot | camel | canine | carnivore | cat | cattle | chameleon | chicken | chimp, chimpanzee | chipmunk | cobra | cougar | cow | coyote | crocodiles | dachshund | dairy cattle | dark horse | deer | deer horns | dinosaur | dog | doggie, doggy | dolphin | donkey | dragon | dragon_n_tiger | dragonet | dugong | elephant | elephant seal | elk | ewe | fang (snake) | ferocious tiger | ferret | fierce beasts | fierce birds | fierce dog | fierce dragon | fine horse | Fire Dragon | firebird | firece beast | fish, fishing | flying squirrel | food chain | fowl | fox | gamecock | gecko | giraffe | gopher | grayhound | ground hog | guinea pig | hare | hedgehog | hidden dragon | hippo | hog | hoof | horse | hound | human being | hyena, hyaena | ivory | jackal | jackass | jaguar | jerboa | king snake | kitten | kitty | koala | lemur | leopard | linsang | lion | Lion King | lioness | lionet | lizard | llama | loyal dog | lynx | macaco | macaque | Mad Dog | male and female phoenix | mammal | mammoth | manatee | mane | mare (female horse) | marmot | mermaid | migratory birds | mongoose | monkey | moose | mouse | mousie | mule | newt | ocelot | oryx | ostrich | otter | ox | pack animal | pack horse | panda | pangolin | panther | paw | pig | piglet | platypus | police dog | pony | puma | puppy (dog) | pye-dog | rabbit | raccoon | racehorse | ram | rat | Red Dragon | reindeer | reptile | retriever (dog) | rhino | roar of a lion | roar of a tiger | saber-toothed tiger | sable | scorpion | sea monster | seeing-eye dog | serpent | shark (fish) | sheep | sheep dog | silver fox | skunk | sleeping dragon | snake | snow leopard | sperm whale | squirrel | stallion | stud horse | swift horse | tapir | tigress | timber wolf | toad | tortoise | Triceratops | turtle | veterinarian | walrus | water buffalo | weasel | whale | white horse | White Tiger | wild beast | wild boar | wild cat | wild dog | wild horse | wild wolf | wolf | yak | yamma | Yellow Dragon | young dragon | zebra | zebu | zoo | zoology
Erstellt: 2011-01