ECG (W3)
(E?)(L?) http://www.earthcouncil.com/The "Earth Council - Geneva" is an autonomous Swiss non-governmental organization affiliated with the "Earth Council Foundation Canada" with offices in San Jose, Costa Rica and the "Earth Council Foundation - USA". Founded at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 at the initiative of the Summitís Secretary-General, Maurice Strong, the Earth Council has a network of partner organizations throughout the developing world.
The Earth Council remains true to its original mission - to support and empower people in building a more secure, equitable and sustainable future.
(E?)(L?) http://earthcouncil.com/ecgsite/content/view/3/6/
Our mission - Our Goal
Earth Council Geneva's mission is to empower people around the world to understand environmental issues, and to encourage them to pursue sustainable development.
We raise the awareness of compelling global challenges and, at the same time, embrace efficacious working solutions. We believe that our approach is unique, and that by rigorously adhering to the highest of academic standards, Earth Council Geneva can become the international paradigm for environmental education and problem-solving.