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Erstellt: 2010-09

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'Twas the Second Day before Christmas | Œnone | 1914 I. Peace | 1914 II. Safety | 1914 III. The Dead | 1914 IV. The Dead | 1914 V. The Soldier | 4. | 4th July, 1882, Malines. Midnight | 5. | 'Ach, I Dunno!' | "Absent Friends!" | Aaron | Abdul Abulbul Ameer | Abide with Me | Abou Ben Adhem | Abraham Lincoln | Abraham Lincoln Walks at Midnight | Absalom and Achitophel | Absalom and Achitophel: The Second Part (excerpt) | Absence, Hear thou my Protestation | Abt Vogler | Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas | An Account of the Greatest English Poets (excerpt) | Accuse me not, beseech thee, that I wear see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XV | Acon and Rhodope; or, Inconstancy | Ad Non Conscriptum | Adam and Eve | Adam Lay Ibounden | Addiction | Address to the Devil | An Address to the Rev. George Gilfillan | Adieu, farewell earth's bliss | Adieu Vain World I've Seen Enough of Thee | Adlestrop | The Admonition by the Author to all Young Gentlewomen: And to all other Maids being in Love | Adonais: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats | Adventure of a Poet | Advice to Mrs. Mowat | Advice to the Grub Street Verse-writers | Ae Fond Kiss | Ælla, a Tragical Interlude (excerpt) | The Aeneid (excerpt) | Afar in the Desert | The Affliction (I) | The Affliction of Richard | After Apple Picking | After Communion | After the Golden Wedding (Three Soliloquies) | Aftermath | Aftermath | Afternoons in May | An After-Poem | After-Thought see Sonnets from The River Duddon: After-Thought | Afton Water | Again at Christmas did we Weave see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 78 | Against Evil Company | Against Idleness and Mischief | The Age Demanded | The Aged Lover Renounceth Love | The Ages of Man | Agni, or the Fire | An Agnostic Hymn | Ah bed, the field where joyes peace some do see see Astrophel and Stella: 98 | Ah, Silly Pug, wert thou so Sore Afraid | Ah! Sun-flower | Ah! Yet Consider it Again! | AIEN ARISTEUEIN | Air -- "Belle Mahone" | Air and Angels | Al Nist by the Rose | Alas haue I not paine ynough my friend see Astrophel and Stella: 14 | Alas Madam for Stealing of a Kiss | Alas! so all Things now do Hold their Peace | Alas, whence came this change of lookes? if I see Astrophel and Stella: 86 | Alastor; or, The Spirit of Solitude | Albion's England (excerpt) | Alexander's Feast | All | All the Hills and Vales Along | All Things Bright and Beautiful see Maker of Heaven and Earth | Almæ Matres | Almond Blossom | "Alone" | Along the field as we came by see A Shropshire Lad XXVI: Along the field as we came by | Along with Youth | An Alphabet of Famous Goops | The Altar | Altruism | Always unsuitable | Alysoun | Amaze | Amazing Grace see Faith's Review and Expectation | America | America | America | America: A Prophecy (excerpt) | America the Beautiful | American Poets: Longfellow | Among School Children | Among the Rocks | Amoretti III: The Sovereign Beauty | Amoretti LXVII: Like as a Huntsman | Amoretti LXVIII: Most Glorious Lord of Life | Amoretti LXXIV: Most Happy Letters | Amoretti LXXIX: Men Call you Fair | Amoretti LXXV: One Day I Wrote her Name | Amoretti XXII: This Holy Season | | Amy Margaret's Five Years Old | Anacreontics (excerpt) | An Anatomy of the World (excerpt) | Ancient Music | The Ancient World | And do I see some cause a hope to feed see Astrophel and Stella: 66 | And If I Did, What Then? | And like a Dying Lady, Lean and Pale | And, the Last Day Being Come, Man Stood Alone | And therefore if to love can be desert see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XI | And this my hope sits high for time must pass | And Thou art Dead, as Young and Fair | And wilt thou have me fashion into speech see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XIII | And Wilt thou Leave me Thus? | And yet, because thou overcomest so see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XVI | Andrea del Sarto | Andy's Gone with Cattle | Annabel Lee | Anne Rutledge | Another Grace for a Child | Another Lady | Answer to an Invitation to Dine at Fishmongers Hall | Antarctic | Anthem for Doomed Youth | Apollo Musagetes | The Apparition | Aquarius | Archy's Song from Charles I (A Widow Bird Sate Mourning) | Are the Children at Home? | The Argument of his Book | Arms and the Boy | The Arrow and the Song | The Arsenal at Springfield | Art thou pale for weariness | Art Thou Poor | The Artist | As good to write as for to lie and grone see Astrophel and Stella: 40 | As I Walked Out in the Streets of Laredo | As I was so be Yee | as I was walking down the street | As imperceptibly as grief | As Kingfishers Catch Fire | As thro' the Land see The Princess: As thro' the Land | As You Came from the Holy Land | Ashes of Life | Ask me no more see The Princess: Ask me no more | Aspecta Medusa (for a Drawing) | Aspidistra Street | The Assassination of Indira Gandhi | Astrophel and Stella I | Astrophel and Stella III | Astrophel and Stella LXIV | Astrophel and Stella LXXI | Astrophel and Stella LXXXIV | Astrophel and Stella VII | Astrophel and Stella XCII | Astrophel and Stella XLI | Astrophel and Stella XV | Astrophel and Stella XX | Astrophel and Stella XXIII | Astrophel and Stella XXXI | Astrophel and Stella XXXIII | Astrophel and Stella XXXIX | Astrophel and Stella: 1 | Astrophel and Stella: 10 | Astrophel and Stella: 100

Astrophel and Stella: 101 | Astrophel and Stella: 102 | Astrophel and Stella: 103 | Astrophel and Stella: 104 | Astrophel and Stella: 105 | Astrophel and Stella: 106 | Astrophel and Stella: 107 | Astrophel and Stella: 108 | Astrophel and Stella: 11 | Astrophel and Stella: 12 | Astrophel and Stella: 13 | Astrophel and Stella: 14 | Astrophel and Stella: 15 | Astrophel and Stella: 16 | Astrophel and Stella: 17 | Astrophel and Stella: 18 | Astrophel and Stella: 19 | Astrophel and Stella: 2 | Astrophel and Stella: 20 | Astrophel and Stella: 21 | Astrophel and Stella: 22 | Astrophel and Stella: 23 | Astrophel and Stella: 24 | Astrophel and Stella: 25 | Astrophel and Stella: 26 | Astrophel and Stella: 27 | Astrophel and Stella: 28 | Astrophel and Stella: 29 | Astrophel and Stella: 3 | Astrophel and Stella: 30 | Astrophel and Stella: 31 | Astrophel and Stella: 32 | Astrophel and Stella: 33 | Astrophel and Stella: 34 | Astrophel and Stella: 35 | Astrophel and Stella: 36 | Astrophel and Stella: 37 | Astrophel and Stella: 38 | Astrophel and Stella: 39 | Astrophel and Stella: 4 | Astrophel and Stella: 40 | Astrophel and Stella: 41 | Astrophel and Stella: 42 | Astrophel and Stella: 43 | Astrophel and Stella: 44 | Astrophel and Stella: 45 | Astrophel and Stella: 46 | Astrophel and Stella: 47 | Astrophel and Stella: 48 | Astrophel and Stella: 49 | Astrophel and Stella: 5 | Astrophel and Stella: 50 | Astrophel and Stella: 51 | Astrophel and Stella: 52 | Astrophel and Stella: 53 | Astrophel and Stella: 54 | Astrophel and Stella: 55 | Astrophel and Stella: 56 | Astrophel and Stella: 57 | Astrophel and Stella: 58 | Astrophel and Stella: 59 | Astrophel and Stella: 6 | Astrophel and Stella: 60 | Astrophel and Stella: 61 | Astrophel and Stella: 62 | Astrophel and Stella: 63 | Astrophel and Stella: 64 | Astrophel and Stella: 65 | Astrophel and Stella: 66 | Astrophel and Stella: 67 | Astrophel and Stella: 68 | Astrophel and Stella: 69 | Astrophel and Stella: 7 | Astrophel and Stella: 70 | Astrophel and Stella: 71 | Astrophel and Stella: 72 | Astrophel and Stella: 73 | Astrophel and Stella: 74 | Astrophel and Stella: 75 | Astrophel and Stella: 76 | Astrophel and Stella: 77 | Astrophel and Stella: 78 | Astrophel and Stella: 79 | Astrophel and Stella: 8 | Astrophel and Stella: 80 | Astrophel and Stella: 81 | Astrophel and Stella: 82 | Astrophel and Stella: 83 | Astrophel and Stella: 84 | Astrophel and Stella: 85 | Astrophel and Stella: 86 | Astrophel and Stella: 87 | Astrophel and Stella: 88 | Astrophel and Stella: 89 | Astrophel and Stella: 9 | Astrophel and Stella: 90 | Astrophel and Stella: 91 | Astrophel and Stella: 92 | Astrophel and Stella: 93 | Astrophel and Stella: 94 | Astrophel and Stella: 95 | Astrophel and Stella: 96 | Astrophel and Stella: 97 | Astrophel and Stella: 98 | Astrophel and Stella: 99 | Astrophel and Stella: Eight Song | Astrophel and Stella: Eleuenth Song | Astrophel and Stella: Fift Song | Astrophel and Stella: First Song | Astrophel and Stella: Fourth Song | Astrophel and Stella: Ninth Song | Astrophel and Stella: Second Song | Astrophel and Stella: Seuenth Song | Astrophel and Stella: Sixt Song | Astrophel and Stella: Tenth Song | Astrophel and Stella: Third Song | At a Vacation Exercise (excerpt) | At Cheyenne | At Liberty I Sit and See | At Lulworth Cove a Century Back | At Mass | At the Cedars | At the Long Sault: May, 1660 | At the Tavern | Atalanta in Calydon (excerpt) | Atalanta in Calydon: A Tragedy (complete text) | Atalanta's Race | Attack of the squash people | Attempted Assassination of the Queen | Auguries of Innocence (excerpt) | Aunt Chloe | Aunt Helen | Aurora Leigh (excerpt) | The Author to her Book | The Author's Early Life | An Autograph | Autumn | Autumn | Autumn Song | Ave! (An Ode for the Shelley Centenary, 1892) | Ave Atque Vale | The Avenging Angel | Avising the Bright Beams | Ay Me, Ay Me, I Sigh the Scythe A-field | The Babie | The Baby in the Ward | The Baby New to Earth and Sky see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 45 | The Baby's Dance | Bacchanalia | The Bachelor's Soliloquy | Back and Side go Bare | The Backsheesh Sergeant | The Bad Season Makes the Poet Sad | Bah, Bah, Black Sheep | The Bait | Ballad of a Hanged Man | A Ballad of Baseball Burdens | A Ballad of Burdens | A Ballad of Death | The Ballad of East and West | A Ballad of François Villon, Prince of All Ballad-Makers | The Ballad of Othello Clemence | The Ballad of Reading Gaol | The Ballad of Sally in our Alley | A Ballad: The Lake of the Dismal Swamp | A Ballad Upon A Wedding (excerpt) | The Ballad which Anne Askew made and sang when she was in Newgate | Ballade at Thirty-five | Ballade of an Omnibus | Ballade of Dead Actors | Ballade of the Girton Girl | The Ballade of the Incompetent Ballade-Monger | Ballade of the Royal Game of Golf | Barbara Allan | Barbara Allen's Cruelty | Barbara Frietchie | Barbury Camp | The Bard: A Pindaric Ode | A Barefoot Boy | The Barefoot Boy | Barmaid | Barter | Baseball's Sad Lexicon | Bat | Bat, Bat, Come Under my Hat | Battle | Battle Hymn of the Republic | The Battle of Blenheim | Battle of Brunanburh | The Battle of Omdurman | The Battle of Tel-el-Kebir | Bavarian Gentians | Be Still. The Hanging Gardens were a Dream | Be your words made (good Sir) of Indian ware see Astrophel and Stella: 92 | Be your Words Made see Astrophel and Stella XCII

The Bear Hunt | The Beasts' Confession | Beat! Beat! Drums! | Beautiful Dreamer Serenade | Beautiful Old Age | Beautiful River | Beauty Sat Bathing by a Spring (attributed) | Beauty Sat Bathing by a Spring | Beauty's Helicon | Because I breath not loue to euerie one see Astrophel and Stella: 54 | Because I could not stop for Death see The Chariot | Because I oft in darke abstracted guise see Astrophel and Stella: 27 | Because thou hast the power and own'st the grace see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXXIX | The Bechuana Boy | Bede's Death Song | Beer | The Beggar's Opera (excerpt) | | Behind the Closed Eye | The Beira Malaria | The Bells of Hell | Belly good | Beloved | Belovèd, my Belovèd, when I think see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XX | Belovèd, thou hast brought me many flowers see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XLIV | Ben Jonson Entertains a Man from Stratford | The Bench of Boors | Benjamin Pantier | Beowulf | Bereavement | Bereavement of the Fields | The Berg (A Dream) | Bermudas | The Betrothal | A Better Resurrection | Between the Dusk of a Summer Night | Beyond | | Binsey Poplars | Birches | Birth | A Birthday | Birthday Wishes to a Physician | The Bishop Orders his Tomb | Bitter Sanctuary | Black Bonnet | The Black Knight | The Black Princess | The Blessed Damozel | The Blind Caravan | Blind Curse | Blizzard | Blow, Northerne Wind | The Blue Jay | Blues for X | A Boat beneath a Sunny Sky | Body Shop | Bonie Doon see Ye Flowery Banks (Bonie Doon) | The Bonnie Banks o' Loch Lomond | Bonnie James Campbell | The Bonny Earl of Murray | A book and a jug and a dame | The Book of Phillip Sparrow | The Book of Thel | The Book of Urizen (excerpt) | Boot and Saddle see Cavalier Tunes: Boot and Saddle | The Borough. Letter XXII: Peter Grimes | The Boston Evening Transcript | Boys and Girls Come out to Play | The Braes of Yarrow | Brahma | Brahma | Braid Claith | Brain Litany: Or, Overlooking the Existential Factor | Break, break, break | Breath | Bricks and Straw | The Bride | The Bride of a Year | Brier: Good Friday | Bright Star, Would I were Steadfast as Thou Art | | The British Church | The Broken Men | Bronzes | Brother and Sister | The Building of the Ship | The Bumblebee | The Burden of Time | Burial | The Burial Hour | The Burial of Sir John Moore at Corunna | The Burial of the Rev. George Gilfillan | The Buried Life | The Burning Babe | Burning Drift-Wood | Burning River | A Burnt Ship | The Bushman | Business | The bustle in the house (1078) | But Men Loved Darkness rather than Light | But only three in all God's universe see Sonnets from the Portuguese: II | The Butterfly's Ball, and the Grasshopper's Feast | By Night we Linger'd on the Lawn see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 95 | By Night when Others Soundly Slept | By the Aurelian Wall | Ca' the Yowes to the Knowes | Cacoethes Scribendi | Cadmus and Harmonia | Caelica: Sonnet 22 | Cædmon's Hymn | Caesar's Song | The Caffer | The Caffer Commando | The Caged Skylark | The Caicos Islands, West Indies | Caliban upon Setebos | Call for the Robin-redbreast and the Wren | Calling to mind since first my love begun see Idea LI | The Calm | Calm is the Morn without a Sound see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 11 | Calm was the even, and clear was the sky | Cameron's Heart | The Camp of Souls | Can a Maid That Is Well Bred | Can it be right to give what I can give? see Sonnets from the Portuguese: IX | Canada | Canadians | The Canoe | The Canonization | | Cape Cod | Capriccio of Roman Ruins | The Captain of the Push | Care for Thy Soul as Thing of Greatest Price | Care-charming Sleep | The Careless Good Fellow | Carl Hamblin | Carrie Leigh's Hugh Hefner Haikus | Carrion Comfort | Casey at the Bat | Cassandra | A Castaway | The Castaway | The Castle of Indolence: Canto I (excerpt) | The Caterpillar | A Catful of Buttermilk | The cat's song | Cattle in Trucks | Cavalier Tunes: Boot and Saddle | Cavalier Tunes: Marching Along | Cease, Warring Thoughts | A Celebration of Charis: I. His Excuse for Loving | A Celebration of Charis: IV. Her Triumph | | Certain Books of Virgil's {AE}neis: Book II (excerpt) | A Certain Lady | The Chambered Nautilus | Champs d'Honneur | Change | Changed | Changing Woman | A Channel Crossing | Channel Firing | Chapter Heading | The Character of a Happy Life | The Character of Holland (excerpt) | Character of the Happy Warrior | The Charge of the Light Brigade | Charing Cross | The Chariot | A Charm for a Mad Woman | Chaucer | A Chest of Angels | Chiding | The Child (excerpt) | Child of a Day | The Child to his Mother, Absent | Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: Canto the Fourth (excerpt) | Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: Canto the Third (excerpt) | "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came" | Childhood | The Children's Hour | A Child's Alone | The Chimney Sweeper: A little black thing among the snow | The Chimney Sweeper: When my mother died I was very young | The Choice | Choose | Choriambics | Mustapha | The Christ upon the Hill | Christabel | The Christening | A Christmas Carol | Christmas Carols (It Came upon the Midnight Clear) | The Christmas Homes of England | Christ's Nativity | Christ's Triumph after Death (excerpt) | The Circuit Judge | Circumstances Alter Cases | Cities | The City at the End of Things | The City in the Sea | The City of Dreadful Night (excerpt) | The City of Golf | City of Huge Buildings | The Civil Wars (excerpt) | Claribel | Cleanliness | Cleanness

Clear Ancor, on whose silver-sanded shore see Idea LIII: To the River Ancor | Cleon | Clerk Saunders | The Clod and the Pebble | The Cloud | The Cloud Confines | Cold Blooded Creatures | The Collar | Colors passing through us | Come down, O Maid see The Princess: Come down, O Maid | "Come Home, Father!" | Come into the garden, Maud see Maud; A Monodrama (from Part I) | Come let me write, and to what end? to ease see Astrophel and Stella: 34 | Come, Let Us Die Like Men | Come, Sleep! see Astrophel and Stella XXXIX | Come sleepe, O sleepe, the certaine knot of peace see Astrophel and Stella: 39 | The Comedian as the Letter C | Comfort of the Fields | Comin thro' the Rye | The Coming of Eve | Comment | Common Form | A Complaint | The Complaint of Lisa | The Complaint: or Night Thoughts on Life, Death, and Immortality (excerpt) | Complete Destruction | Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 | Comus (excerpt) | Confessio Amantis, Book III: The Tale of Apollonius of Tyre (excerpt) | Confessions | The Congo: A Study of the Negro Race | Conrad Siever | Consolation | Consolation | Constancy | Constancy to an Ideal Object | Constantinople | Contemplate all this Work of Time see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 118 | Contemplations | Contentment | The Contractor | The Convergence of the Twain | Conversation Galante | Conversation with a Widow | A Cooking Egg | Cool Pastoral on Bloor Street | Cooper's Hill (1642) | Cooper's Hill (1655) | Coquette et Froide | Cor Cordium | Corallina | The Coranna | Corinna's Going a-Maying | A Coronet for his Mistress, Philosophy | The Cotter's Saturday Night | Count Gismond--Aix in Provence | Countrywomen | County Guy | Courage | A Courtin' Call | Cousin Nancy | The Cow Pasture | Cowboy on Horse in Desert | Coy Mistress | Coyotes | The Cremation of Sam McGee | A Croon on Hennacliff | Croquis | The Cross of Snow | Crossing 16 | Crossing Brooklyn Ferry | Crossing the Bar | The crowd at the ball game | A Crowded Trolley Car | The Crowing of the Red Cock | Cruelty and Love / Love on the Farm | A Cry from South Africa | The Cry of the Children | The Cry of the Dreamer | Cuckoo Song | Cui Bono | Cumnor Hall | Cupid and my Campaspe play'd | Cupid, because thou shin'st in Stellas eyes see Astrophel and Stella: 12 | The curious wit seeing dull pensiuenesse see Astrophel and Stella: 23 | The Curious Wits see Astrophel and Stella XXIII | The Curse | The Cut | Cyder: A Poem in Two Books (excerpt) | Cyder: A Poem in Two Books | Cynthia's Revels: Queen and huntress, chaste and fair | The Daft-days | Daily Bread | Daily Trials by a Sensitive Man | Daisy Time | Danny | Danny Deever | Danse Russe | Dark House, by which once more I Stand see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 7 | The Dark Stag | The Darkling Thrush | Darkness | The Darling | A Daughter of Eve | Davideis (excerpt) | | The Day is Done | "The Day is Done" | The Day of Wrath / Dies Iræ | Days | De Nice Leetle Canadienne | De Profundis | The Deacon's Masterpiece or, the Wonderful "One-hoss Shay": A Logical Story | Dead Love | The Dead Man Walking | Dead Man's Dump | Dead Reckoning | Dear Doctor, I have Read your Play | Dear, why should you command me to my rest see Idea XXXVII | Deare, why make you more of a dog then me? see Astrophel and Stella: 59 | Death and the Lady | A Death in the Desert | Death of an Old Carriage Horse | The Death of the Hired Man | Death Snips Proud Men | A Death Song | Death's Head | The Debt | "Decalogue" | December | DECEMBER. [1757] XII Month. | December, 1919 | A December Day | Declining Days | Dedication for a Plot of Ground | Defeat | Defence of Fort M'Henry | The Defence of Guenevere | The Definition of Love | Dejection: An Ode | Delia VI | Delia XLV | Delia XLVI | Delia XXXI (1592 version) | Delia XXXI (1623 version) | Delia XXXIII | Delight in Disorder | The Delights of Mathematics | Demolition | The Departing of Gluskâp | Departure | A Description of the Morning | Descriptive Jottings of London | Deserted | The Deserted Village, A Poem | Desire, though thou my old companion art see Astrophel and Stella: 72 | The Despot | Despotisms | The Destruction of Sennacherib | A Dialogue between Old England and New | A Dialogue between the Soul and the Body | Dian that faine would cheare her friend the Night see Astrophel and Stella: 97 | Dickery Dickery Dock | Dies Irae | Difference | Ding Dong | Ding Dong Bell | The Dinkey Bird | Dion | Dip down upon the Northern Shore see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 83 | Dirce | Dirge | Dirge in Woods | Dirge: Written November 1808 | The Disappointment | The Discontent | Discontents in Devon | A Discourse | Discourse on Pure Virtue | Disdain Returned | Disorder | A Display of Mackerel | Dithyramb | Divina Commedia | Divine Epigrams: On the Baptized Ethiopian | Divine Epigrams: On the Miracle of the Multiplied Loaves | Divine Epigrams: Samson to his Delilah | Divine Epigrams: To our Lord, upon the Water Made Wine | The Divine Image | A Divine Image | Dixie's Land | Do not Stand at my Grave and Weep | Do you Remember me? or are you Proud? | Doctor Fell | Don Juan: Canto the Eighth (excerpt) | Don Juan: Canto the Eleventh | Don Juan: Canto the First (excerpt) | Don Juan: Canto the Fourth (excerpt) | Don Juan: Canto the Second (excerpt) | Don Juan: Canto the Twelfth (excerpt) | Don Juan: Dedication | The Dong with a Luminous Nose | Donne | Don't Take Your Troubles to Bed | Don't Tell the World that You're Waiting for Me | Dora Williams | Double Ballade of the Nothingness of Things

Double Take | A Double Vision | | The Doubt of Future Foes | Doubt there hath bene when with his golden chaine see Astrophel and Stella: 58 | Doubt you to whom my Muse these notes entendeth see Astrophel and Stella: First Song | The Douglas Tragedy | Dover Beach | Down in the Valley | The Dread Voyage | A Dream | The Dream | The Dream | Dream Land | A Dream within a Dream | Dream-Pedlary (excerpt) | Dreams | Drink Me Only With Thine Eyes see Song to Celia | The Drover's Sweetheart | The Drunkard's Child | Drury-lane Prologue Spoken by Mr. Garrick | Du Bartas, His Divine Weeks and Works (excerpt) | Dulce et Decorum Est | Duncan Gray | The Dunciad: Book IV (excerpt) | Duns Scotus's Oxford | Dupont's Round Fight (November, 1861) | Dust of Snow | Dying | The Dying Child | The Dying Hunter to his Dog | Dying Speech of an Old Philosopher | Each and All | Each in his own Tongue | Étude Réaliste (excerpt) | The Eagle | The Eagle | The Earth for Sale | Earth Voices | The Earthly Paradise: Apology | The Earthly Paradise: The Lady of the Land | Earth's Answer | Easter Week | Easter Wings | The Eavesdropper | Ebb | Echoes from the Greek Anthology | The Ecstasy | Eden | Edom o' Gordon | Edward | Edward, Edward | Eight O'Clock | Elegiac Stanzas Suggested by a Picture of Peele Castle in a Storm | "Elegy" | Elegy IX: The Autumnal | An Elegy on a Lap-dog | An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog | Elegy over a Tomb | Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady | An Elegy upon the Death of the Dean of St. Paul's, Dr. John Donne | Elegy V: His Picture | Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard | Eleventh Song | The Elixir | Elizabeth Barrett Browning | Eloisa to Abelard | The Embankment | Emily Brontë | The Emperor of Ice-Cream | The Emulation | Encounters with Mrs. Raccoon | An End | The End of the Furrow | Endimion and Phoebe (excerpt) | Endymion (excerpt) | Engaged Too Long | England | England and America | England in 1819 | English Bards and Scotch Reviewers (excerpt) | English Poets: Shelley | Enigma | The Enkindled Spring | Enslaved | The Enthusiast: or, the Lover of Nature (excerpt) | Enuious wits what hath been mine offence see Astrophel and Stella: 104 | Envoi | The Eolian Harp | Epicoene, or the Silent Woman: Still to be neat, still to be drest | | Epigrams: On my First Son | Epigrams: To John Donne | | Epilogue | Epiphany | Epipsychidion (excerpt) | An Epistle Containing the Strange Medical Experience of Karshish, the Arab Physician | An Epistle to a Lady | Epistle to Augusta | Epistle: to Augustus see Imitations of Horace | Epistle to J. Lapraik (excerpt) | Epistles to Several Persons: Epistle II: To a Lady on the Characters of Women | Epistles to Several Persons: Epistle IV | Epistles to Several Persons: Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot | | Epithalamion | Epithalamion | Eros | The Erotic Civilization | Erthe Toc of Erthe, Erthe wyth Woh | An Essay on Criticism: Part 1 | An Essay on Criticism: Part 2 | An Essay on Criticism: Part 3 | An Essay on Man: Epistle I | An Essay on Man: Epistle II | An Essay on Man: Epistle III (excerpt) | An Essay on Man: Epistle IV (excerpt) | Etchings II: In the Bar | Eternal Time, that Wastest Without Waste | Euclid Street | Eugenia Todd | Europe: A Prophecy (excerpt) | Eve | Eve | The Eve of Crecy | The Eve of St. Agnes | Evening | Evening | An Evening Contemplation in a College | The Evening Darkens over | The Evening Star | The Evening-Watch: A Dialogue | Even-Star | Everyday Characters I: The Vicar | Everything Is Free | Eve's Apology in Defence of Women see Salve Deus Rex Iudæorum | | An Excelente Balade of Charitie | Excelsior | Exclusion | The Exequy | Exile | The Exile | Exile | Exit God | Expectans Expectavi | Experience | The Explorer | Exposure | Exspes | Extempore Effusion upon the Death of James Hogg | The eyes of toads are great | Eyethurl | Fable L: The Hare and Many Friends | The face of all the world is changed, I think see Sonnets from the Portuguese: VII | Faces in the Street | The Factory Girl | Fæsulan Idyl | The Faerie Queene, Book 1, Canto 1 (1596) | The Faerie Queene, Book 1, Canto 10 | The Faerie Queene, Book 1, Canto 11 | The Faerie Queene, Book 1, Canto 2 | The Faerie Queene, Book 1, Canto 2 (1596) | The Faerie Queene, Book 1, Canto 3 (1596) | The Faerie Queene, Book 1, Canto 4 (excerpt) | The Faerie Queene, Book 1, Canto 4 (1596) | The Faerie Queene, Book 1, Canto 9 (excerpt) | The Faerie Queene, Book I, Canto 10 (1596) | The Faerie Queene, Book I, Canto 11 (1596) | The Faerie Queene, Book I, Canto 12 (1596) | The Faerie Queene, Book I, Canto 5 (1596) | The Faerie Queene, Book I, Canto 6 (1596) | The Faerie Queene, Book I, Canto 7 (1596) | The Faerie Queene, Book I, Canto 8 (1596) | The Faerie Queene, Book I, Canto 9 (1596) | The Faerie Queene: Book I, Canto I | The Faerie Queene, Book II, Canto 12 (excerpt) | The Faerie Queene, Book III, Canto 6 (excerpt) | The Faerie Queene, Book VI, Canto 10 (excerpt) | Fair Iris I Love and Hourly I Die | The Fair Singer | Faire eyes, sweet lips, deare heart, that foolish I see Astrophel and Stella: 43 | "Faith" is fine invention (185) | Faithless Sally Brown | Faith's Review and Expectation

The Faking Boy to the Crap is Gone | The Famous Tay Whale | Fancy | Fancy and the Poet | A Farewell | A Farewell Entitled to the Famous and Fortunate Generals of our English Forces | Farewell Love and all thy Laws for ever | Farewell to Bath | A Farewell to Tobacco | Farmer's Daughter | The Farmer's Ingle | The Fatal Sisters: An Ode | Fate | Father | Father, I Know that all my Life | Father O'Flynn | Faults | Faustine | A Favor of Love | Favrile | Fear No More the Heat o' the Sun | Feast | Felix Randal | Female Fashions for 1799 | A Female I by Name | The Female of the Species | The Feud | A Few Rules for Beginners | Fie, Pleasure, Fie! | | Fifteen men on the Dead Man's Chest | Fifth Villain | The Fight at Montgomery's | Figs | The Finger Puppets in the Attic Dollhouse | Finis | Finis | FINIS. To the Superior Animal | Fire and Ice | "Fire and Sleet and Candlelight" | The Fire of Drift-wood | The First Anniversary see An Anatomy of the World | First Epigram: Upon Being Contented with a Little | First Fig | First Person Demonstrative | First time he kissed me, he but only kissed see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXXVIII | The first time that the sun rose on thine oath see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXXII | Firstlings | A Fit of Rhyme against Rhyme | The Fitful Alternations of the Rain | The Flâneur | The Flag of Our Union | The Flaming Heart (excerpt) | The Flat-Hunter's Way | A flea and a fly in a flue | The Flesh and the Spirit | Flie, fly, my friends, I haue my death wound; fly see Astrophel and Stella: 20 | Flight into Reality | Flight of the Roller-Coaster | Flint and Feather | The Floorless Room | The Fly | The Fly | Fly, Fly, my Friends see Astrophel and Stella XX | Flying Deeper into the Century | The Flying Fish | Fog | Fog | Follow Thy Fair Sun | Follow Your Saint | The Football Match | The Footman: An Epistle to my Friend Mr. Wright | For a Column at Runnymede | For a' That and a' That | For Annie | For Beauty I am not a Star | For Christmas Day | For Christmas Day, Hark! the Herald Angels Sing | For Christmas Day: Hark! the Herald Angels Sing | For Christmas Day in the Morning | For once, then Something | For Soldiers | For the Baptist | For the young who want to | For Windows by L. D. | The Foreign Land | Forget not Yet the Tried Intent | The Forsaken | A Forsaken Garden | The Forsaken Merman | Fortuna | The Fossil Elephant | The Four Ages of Man | Four Girls at the Corner | Four Poems for a Child Son | [Four Sonnets (1922)] | The Four Zoas (excerpt) | Foweles in the Frith | Fra Lippo Lippi |

| The Frailty and Hurtfulness of Beauty | France: An Ode | Frank Dutton | Frankie and Johnnie | Frederiksted, Dusk | "Freedom" | The French Revolution (excerpt) | The French Revolution | | The friend | The Friend of Humanity and the Knife-grinder | Friendship's Mystery, To my Dearest Lucasia | The Frogs | From Clee to heaven the beacon burns see A Shropshire Lad I: From Clee to heaven the beacon burns | From Lines to William Simson | From Shanklin | From the Flats | | From Tuscan Came my Lady's Worthy Race | Frost at Midnight | The Frosted Pane | Fruit-gathering LV | Fruit-gathering XXXVI | Frustration | Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies | Further Instructions | Futility | The Future | "Fuzzy-Wuzzy" | Fy schoole of Patience, Fy, your lesson is see Astrophel and Stella: 56 | The Garden | The Garden | The Garden of Love | The Garden of Proserpine | The Gardener 38 | The Gardener 66 | The Gardener 85 | Gascoigne's Lullaby | Geert | | General William Booth Enters into Heaven | Gentlemen-Rankers | Gently on the Stream of Time | George & Rue: Pure, Virtuous Killers | Gerontion | "Get Up!" | Get Up and Bar the Door | Gethsemane | Ghazal For A Poetess | The Ghost: Book II (excerpt) | The Ghost: Book III (excerpt) | Ghosts | Girl at the Corner of Dundas & Elizabeth | A Girl Strike-leader | Gitanjali 35 | Give a Rouse | Give Me a Lass with a Lump of Land | The Given Heart | Gloire de Dijon | The Glories of our Blood and State | The Glove and the Lions | Go from me. Yet I feel that I shall stand see Sonnets from the Portuguese: VI | Go my flocke, go get you hence see Astrophel and Stella: Ninth Song | Goblin Market | God | God and the Fifties | God of Mercy, God of Grace (Psalm 67) | | God Save The King | God's Grandeur | | God's Light-houses | God's Likeness | Going to Dover | Going to Dover | The Gold-Crested Wren | The Golden Gift that Nature did thee Give | Golden Retrievals | The Golf-ball and the Loan | Golgotha | Good brother Philip, I haue borne you long see Astrophel and Stella: 83 | The Good Conceit | Good Friday, 1613. Riding Westward | Good Girl | The Good, Great Man | Good Husbands Make Unhappy Wives | A Good Night | | The Good-morrow | Gorgon, or the Wonderful Year | Gortnamona | Government | Grain Field | Grand-father's Clock

Granny | Grass | The Grave (excerpt) | The Great and Little Weavers | The Great Grey Plain | The Great Tyrannosaurus | Great, Wide, Beautiful, Wonderful World | Greek Architecture | Green Groweth the Holly | The Green Linnet | Greenland's Icy Mountains | The Grey Monk (excerpt) | Griefe finde the words, for thou hast made my braine see Astrophel and Stella: 94 | Grown about by Fragrant Bushes | Grown-up | The Growth of Love XI | The Grudge of the Old | The Guards Came Through | Gunga Din | Guysborough Road Church | Gwen | Gwine to Run All Night, or De Camptown Races | H. S. Mauberley (Life and Contacts) [Part I] | Habeus Corpus | Haenyo Song: Harvest | The Half-Breed Girl | Half-waking | Hap | The Happiest Girl in the World | Hard Luck | Harlem Shadows | The Harp of India | Harrison Street Court | A Harvest Scene | Haue I caught my heau'nly jewel see Astrophel and Stella: Second Song | Hauing this day my horse, my hand, my launce see Astrophel and Stella: 41 | | Have You Ever Faked an Orgasm? | Having this Day my Horse see Astrophel and Stella XLI | The Haystack in the Floods | he fell into my arms and said (excerpt) | He lived amidst th' untrodden ways | He that Doth Wend Her | Heark! Heark! the Lark at Heaven's Gate Sings | The Hearse Song | The Heart and Service | The heart asks pleasure first | The Heart of Night | Heat | Heaven | A heavy heart, Belovèd, have I borne see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXV | The Height of Land | Helen | Hellas: Chorus | Hence, all you vain delights | Hendecasyllabics | Her I was and Her I Drank | Heraclitus | Here Lies Poor Nick | Here's to the Maiden of Bashful Fifteen | The Hermit | Hero and Leander (excerpt) | Herons step with care | The Herring Weir | Hertha | High Diddle, Diddle | High Flight | The Higher Kinship | The Higher Pantheism | The Higher Pantheism in a Nutshell | Highland Mary | 'A Highly Valuable Chain of Thoughts' | A High-Toned Old Christian Woman | High-way since you my chiefe Parnassus be see Astrophel and Stella: 84 | Highway see Astrophel and Stella LXXXIV | The Hill | The Hind and the Panther: Part I (excerpt) | Hind Horn | The Hippopotamus | His Golden Locks Time hath to Silver Turn'd | His mother deare Cupid offended late see Astrophel and Stella: 17 | His Prayer for Absolution | His Prayer to Ben Jonson | His Return to London | His Wish to God | History | The History of Sixteen Wonderful Old Women | Hohenlinden | The Hold-fast | The Holy Emerald | The Holy Fair | Holy Sonnets: At the round earth's imagin'd corners, blow | Holy Sonnets: Batter my heart, three-person'd God | Holy Sonnets: Death, be not proud | Holy Sonnets: I am a little world made cunningly | Holy Sonnets: If poisonous minerals, and if that tree | Holy Sonnets: Show me dear Christ, thy spouse so bright and clear | Holy Sonnets: Since she whom I lov'd hath paid her last debt | Holy Sonnets: This is my play's last scene | Holy Sonnets: Thou hast made me, and shall thy work decay? | Holy Thursday: Is this a holy thing to see | Holy Thursday: 'Twas on a Holy Thursday, their innocent faces clean | Home | Home Again Home Again | Home, Sweet Home! see Song | Home they Brought her Warrior Dead see The Princess: Home they Brought her Warrior Dead | Home-Thoughts, from Abroad | Home-Thoughts, from the Sea | Homeward Bound | Homo Will Not Inherit | Hope | Hope, art thou true, or doest thou flatter me? see Astrophel and Stella: 67 | "Hope" is the thing with feathers (254) | Horace, Lib. I, Epist. IX, Imitated | An Horatian Ode upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland | Horatius | Hospitality | The Hosts | The Hottentot | The Hound of Heaven | The House below the Hill | The House of Clay | The House of Life: Silent Noon | The House of Life: Heart's Haven | The House of Life: Life-in-Love | The House of Life: Through Death to Love | The House of Life: The Heart of the Night | The House of Life: The Choice, I | The House of Life: The Choice, II | The House of Life: The Choice, III | The House of Life: A Superscription | The House of Life: The Sonnet | The House on the Hill | The Housewife | How Bateese Came Home | How Did You Die? | How do I love thee? Let me count the ways see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XLIII | How Doth the Little Crocodile | How Fares it with the Happy Dead? see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 44 | How He Died | How many paltry, foolish, painted things see Idea VI | How One Winter Came in the Lake Region | How the Camel Got his Hump | How the Fire Queen Crossed the Swamp | How the Whale Got his Throat | How to get RICHES | Hudibras: Part I (excerpt) | Huge Vapours Brood above the Clifted Shore | The Human Seasons | Humoresque | The Humours of the Seminarian's House | The Hunting of the Snark | Hurrahing in Harvest | Hush-a-by Baby | Huswifery | Hymn before Sun-rise, in the Vale of Chamouni | An Hymn In Honour Of Beauty | An Hymn Of Heavenly Beauty | Hymn of Joy | Hymn of Pan | Hymn of the Dying Man | Hymn on Solitude | Hymn: Sung at the Completion of the Concord Monument, April 19, 1836 | Hymn: Thou Hidden Love of God | A Hymn to Contentment | Hymn to God, My God, in my Sickness | A Hymn to God the Father | A Hymn to God the Father | Hymn to Intellectual Beauty | Hymn to Proserpine | Hymn to Science | A Hymn to the Name and Honour of the Admirable Saint Teresa | Hymn to the Night | A Hymne to Christ, at the Authors last going into Germany | Hyperion (excerpt) | Hysteria | I Abide and Abide and Better Abide | I am! | I Am a Parcel of Vain Strivings Tied | I am a poor tiler in simple array see Tom Tyler and his Wife | "I am Small and of no Reputation; Yet do I not Forget thy Commandments"

I am the Living Bread: Meditation Eight: John 6:51 | I am the People, the Mob | I bended unto me a Bough | I curst thee oft, I pittie now thy case see Astrophel and Stella: 46 | I Don't Want to Die | I Dug, Beneath the Cypress Shade | I Envy not in any Moods see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 27 | I Feel I'm Growing Old | I Feel (Verse Libre) | I Find no Peace | I Grant you Ample Leave | I Have a Gentil Cook | I have a Rendezvous with Death | I have been a Foster | I have been one of the fortunate ones of the Earth see The Poem of a Prisoner of War, 1917 | I Hear a River thro' the Valley Wander | I heard a fly buzz when I died see Dying | I Heard an Angel | I Hid my Love | I lift my heavy heart up solemnly see Sonnets from the Portuguese: V | I Like Americans | I Like Canadians | i like my body when it is with your | I like to see it lap the miles see The Railway Train | I lived with visions for my company see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXVI | I Love all Beauteous Things | I Love Corned Beef | "I Loved Thee, Atthis, in the Long Ago" | I. M. R.T. Hamilton Bruce (1846-1899) [Invictus] | I might! -- Unhappy Word see Astrophel and Stella XXXIII | I might, vnhappie word, O me, I might see Astrophel and Stella: 33 | I Must Have Learned This Somewhere | I neuer dranke of Aganippe well see Astrophel and Stella: 74 | I never gave a lock of hair away see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XVIII | I never hear the word "escape" (77) | I on my horse, and Loue on me doth trie see Astrophel and Stella: 49 | I Remember, I Remember | I Saw a Chapel | I Saw in Louisiana A Live-Oak Growing | I Saw Three Ships | I see the house, my heart thy selfe containe see Astrophel and Stella: 85 | I see thine image through my tears to-night see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXX | I Shall not Care | I Sing of a Maiden | I Sing the Body Electric | I sometimes Hold it half a Sin see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 5 | I thank all who have loved me in their hearts see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XLI | I think of thee!-my thoughts do twine and bud see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXIX | I thought once how Theocritus had sung see Sonnets from the Portuguese: I | I Travelled among Unknown Men | I Used to Think | I. W. To her Unconstant Lover | I Wage not any Feud with Death see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 82 | I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark | I Walk'd the Other Day | I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud | I Want You to See | I Would Fain Die a Dry Death | I would I might Forget that I am I | Iambicum Trimetrum | Ianthe! You are Call'd to Cross the Sea | Ibant Obscuræ | The Iceberg | Iceland First Seen | Ich am of Irlaunde | Ichabod | Idea LI | Idea LIII: To the River Ancor | Idea LXI | Idea: To the Reader of these Sonnets | Idea VI | Idea XX | Idea XXXI | Idea XXXVII | An Idolator | Idylls of the King: Song from The Marriage of Geraint | Idylls of the King: The Last Tournament | Idylls of the King: The Passing of Arthur | If? | If-- | If a Daughter you have | If By Dull Rhymes Our English Must Be Chain'd | "If Death be Good" | If I Ever Marry, I'll Marry A Maid | If I leave all for thee, wilt thou exchange see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXXV | If I should die | If I Should Die To-night | If Love now Reigned as it hath been | If Man him Bethocte | If Orpheus voyce had force to breathe such musicks loue see Astrophel and Stella: Third Song | If she be not as kind as fair see Song from Love in a Tub | If thou must love me, let it be for nought see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XIV | If We Must Die | III Mon. May [1734] hath xxxi days. | Il Penseroso | The Iliad, Book VI (excerpt) | The Iliad, Book XII (excerpt) | I'm nobody! Who are you? | Imbiancato | Imitated from Wordsworth | Imitations of Horace | Immortality | Implications of one plus one | Impromptus | In a groue most rich of shade see Astrophel and Stella: Eight Song | In a Herber Green Asleep Whereas I Lay | In a London Drawingroom | In a Station of the Metro | In an Old Barn | In Beechwood Cemetery | In Cities, Be Alert | In Defiance of Fortune | In Flanders Fields | In Heaven | In highest way of heau'n the Sunne did ride see Astrophel and Stella: 22 | In Honour of that High and Mighty Princess, Queen ELIZABETH | In martiall sports I had my cunning tride see Astrophel and Stella: 53 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 105 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 11 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 116 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 118 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 121 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 124 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 126 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 131 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 15 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 2 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 22 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 27 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 3 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 30 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 39 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 44 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 45 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 5 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 54 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 55 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 56 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 6 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 67 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 7 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 72 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 78 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 82 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 83 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 95 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 96 | In Memoriam A. H. H.: 99 | In Memoriam A. H. H. OBIIT MDCCCXXXIII [all 133 poems] | In Memoriam A. H. H.: [Prelude] | In Memory of a Child | In Memory of Edward Wilson, Who Repented of what was in his Mind to Write after Section | In Memory of Walter Savage Landor | In nature apt to like when I did see see Astrophel and Stella: 16 | In November (1) | In November (2) | In Prison | In Reference to her Children, 23 June 1659 | In School-days | In Spain

In Tenebris | In the Ball-room | In the Bay | In the Garden of Eden lay Adam | In the Holy Nativity of our Lord | In the Jewish Synagogue at Newport | In the Mile End Road | In the Valley of Cauteretz | In Time of "The Breaking of Nations" | In Trouble | In truth, O Loue, with what a boyish kind see Astrophel and Stella: 11 | In Women is Rest, Peas, and Pacience | The Incarnation | | The Indian Burying Ground | The Indian Serenade | Indian Summer | Indifference | The Indifferent | Infant Eyes | Infant Joy | Infant Sorrow | Influence | Influence of Natural Objects | Ingrateful Beauty Threatened | Injun Summah | Inkerman: The Battle Field by Moonlight | Innocence | The Inquest | An Inscription | Inscription for a Fountain on a Heath | Inscription under the Picture of an Aged Negro-woman | Inscriptions | Insect | Inside of King's College Chapel, Cambridge | | Insomnia | Interview | An Interview | Into Battle | Introduction to the Songs of Experience | Introduction to the Songs of Innocence | An Inventory of the Furniture in Dr. Priestley's Study | The Invitation to Selborne | Iris Holden, District Nurse | An Irish Mother | Irish Poets: Oliver Goldsmith | Is it indeed so? If I lay here dead see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXIII | Is it Possible | Is it, then, Regret for Buried Time see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 116 | Isis: Dorothy Eady, 1924 | | It Couldn't Be Done | It is a Beauteous Evening, Calm and Free | It is most true, that eyes are form'd to serue see Astrophel and Stella: 5 | It is not to be Thought of | It was a' for our Rightful King | It was an English Ladye Bright | It was not death, for I stood up (510) | "It's Great When You Get In" | Itylus | The Ivy Green | Jabberwocky | Jack | Jack and Gill | Jack Sprat | The Jackaw of Rheims | Jacob | Jacobite 'Auld Lang Syne' | January, 1795 | A January Morning | Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair | Jerusalem: England! awake! awake! awake! (excerpt) | Jerusalem: I see the Four-fold Man, The Humanity in deadly sleep (excerpt) | A Jest of Robin Hood | Jesus the Low Rider | The Jew | The Jewish Cemetery at Newport | The Jewish Conscript | Jock of Hazeldean | John-John | Jordan (I) | Jottings of New York: A Descriptive Poem | Jubilate Agno (excerpt) | Judas: A Biography | Juggling Jerry | Julian and Maddalo (excerpt) | June | "Kaiser and Co."; or, "Hoch der Kaiser" | The Kangaroo | Katy's Answer | Keats | Keen, Fitful Gusts are Whisp'ring Here and There | Kepler's Apostrophe | The Kilkenny Cats | Killed | Kindness to Insects | The King and Queen of Hearts | King Bee Blues | Kingdomes are but Cares (attributed) | The King's Hunt is up | The King's Quire (excerpt) | The Kiss | Knees up, Mother Brown | The Knight's Tomb | The Kosa | Kubla Khan | Kwannon | La Belle Dame sans Merci | La Belle et la Bête | La Figlia Che Piange | The Laboratory | The Ladder of St. Augustine | The Lady of Shalott (1832) | The Lady of Shalott (1842) | The Lady of the Lake: Canto 1 (excerpt) | The Lady of the Lake: Canto 3 (excerpt) | The Lady of the Lake: Canto 5 (excerpt) | | A lady while dining at Crewe | The Lady's Yes | The Laily Worm and the Mackerel of the Sea | The Lake Isle | The Lake of a Thousand Isles | Lakshman | Lalla Rookh (excerpt) | L'Allegro | The Lamb | Lambert Hutchins | A Lame Begger | | | | | | The Lamp of Poor Souls | A Lancashire Doxology | Land of Hope and Glory | The Land of Nod | The Landing of King George I of Greece at the Piraeus | The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in New England | The Landlord's Tale. Paul Revere's Ride | The Lane | Languages | Laodamia | Lara: Canto the First (excerpt) | The Last Bargain | The Last Buccaneer | The Last Day (excerpt) | The Last Leaf | Last Lines | Last May a Braw Wooer | The Last Oracle | A Last Word | Last Words to Miriam | Late, Late, so Late | Late tyr'd with wo, euen ready for to pine see Astrophel and Stella: 62 | The Latest Decalogue | Latitude | Laus Veneris | The Lawyers' Ways | Lay a garland on my hearse | The Lay for the Troubled Golfer | The Lay of the Last Minstrel: Canto VI see Rosabelle | The Lay of the Last Minstrel: Cantos I-II | A Lay of the Links | The Lazy Roof | Le Vieux Temps | Lead, Kindly Light see The Pillar of the Cloud | A Leak in the Dike | The Leather Bottel | Leave him now Quiet by the Way | Leave me, O Love, which reachest but to dust | A Leave-taking | A Lecture upon the Shadow | Lectures to Women on Physical Science | Leda | Lenten is Come with Loue to Toune | Les Roses de Sâdi | "Less than the Dust" | Let daintie wits crie on the Sisters Nine see Astrophel and Stella: 3 | Let Dainty Wits Cry see Astrophel and Stella III | Let it be Forgotten | Let the world's sharpness like a clasping knife see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXIV | Letter For Emily Dickinson | A Letter from Italy | Letty's Globe | Life in a Love | Life's Fate | Light Shining out of Darkness | Lights Out | Like some weake Lords, neighbord by mighty kings see Astrophel and Stella: 29 | | A Lilliputian Ode on their Majesties Accession | The Lily Bed | Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey | Lines from a Plutocratic Poetaster to a Ditch-digger | Lines on the Mermaid Tavern | Lines: The cold earth slept below

Lines to Mr. Hodgson | Lines: "When the Lamp Is Shattered" | Lines Written among the Euganean Hills | Lines Written in Kensington Gardens | Lines Written in the Bay of Lerici | Lines written under the conviction that it is not wise to read Mathematics in November after one's fire is out | The Lion | The Lion Hunt | The List | A Literature Lesson. Sir Patrick Spens In the Eighteenth Century Manner | Little Bateese | The Little Black Boy | Little Boy Blue | Little Brown Baby | Little Ditties I | A little east of Jordan (59) | Little Elegy | Little Jack Horner | Little Libbie | The Little Match Girl | The Little Orphan | Little Orphant Annie | The Little Turtle | The Little Vagabond | The Little Walls Before China | The Little White Hearse | Little Willie | Live Blindly and upon the Hour | Living | A Living and Dying Prayer for the Holiest Believer in the World | The Living Temple | Locksley Hall | Locksley Hall Sixty Years After | The Log Jam | L'oiseau bleu | London | London, 1802 | | London, hast thou Accused me | London Snow | London Voluntaries IV: Out of the Poisonous East | The Lonely Death | Long House Valley Poem | The Long Love that in my Thought doth Harbour | The Look | Looking Forward | Lord of my Heart's Elation | Lord of Unnumbered Hopes | Lord Randall | A Lost Chord | Lost Content | The Lost Leader | The Lotos-eaters | Loue borne in Greece, of late fled from his natiue place see Astrophel and Stella: 8 | Loue by sure proofe I may call thee vnkind see Astrophel and Stella: 65 | Loue still a boy, and oft a wanton is see Astrophel and Stella: 73 | Louse Hunting | Love | Love | Love | Love among the Ruins | Love and Life: A Song | Love Came to Flora Asking for a Flower | Love (I) | Love (II) | Love (III) | Love in a Life | Love in fantastic triumph sat see Song from Abdelazar | Love in the Valley | Love in Thy Youth, Fair Maid; Be Wise | Love is and was my Lord and King see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 126 | Love is Enough: Songs I-IX | Love Letters | Love Not Me for Comely Grace | Love of Fame, The Universal Passion (excerpt) | Love on the Farm see Cruelty and Love / Love on the Farm | Love Song | The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock | Love that doth Reign and Live within my Thought | Loveliest of trees, the cherry now see A Shropshire Lad II: Loveliest of trees, the cherry now | Love-Lily | The Lover: A Ballad | Lovers in a London Shadow | Lovers' Infiniteness | Love's Alchemy | Love's Apparition and Evanishment: An Allegoric Romance | Love's Deity | Love's Nocturn | Love's Phantom | Loving in truth, and faine in verse my loue to show see Astrophel and Stella: 1 | Loving in Truth see Astrophel and Stella I | Low Barometer | Low Tide on Grand Pré | Lucifer in Starlight | | Lui et Elle | The Lull | Lullaby of an Infant Chief | Lully, Lulley | The Lust of the Eyes | Lusty Youth should us ensue | Lycidas | Lyman King | Lynching | Lyrical Ballads (1798) | The M.A. Degree | Mac Flecknoe | MacGregor's Gathering | Mad Song | Madam Life's a Piece in Bloom | Madam, withouten many Words | Mademoiselle from Armentières | Madrigal | Madrigal: My Thoughts Hold Mortal Strife | Magdalen | Magwere, Who Waits Wondering | The Mahogany Tree | The Maid of Neidpath | Maiden in the Mor Lay | | Makanna's Gathering | Make we Mery bothe More and Lasse | Maker of Heaven and Earth | Making Quiltwork | Malcolm's Katie: A Love Story | The Maldive Shark | Male Fashions for 1799 | Male Rage Poem | | Mammy | Man | Man, A Torch | Man and Bat | Man Frail and God Eternal | The Man He Killed | A Man Said to the Universe | Mane Nobiscum Domine | Manfred: Incantation (excerpt) | The Man-hater, A Song | Manitoba Childe Roland | Man's a poor deluded bubble see Song | The Marble Landing | March: An Ode | The March into Virginia Ending in the First Manassas (July, 1861) | Marching Along see Cavalier Tunes: Marching Along | Marching Men | Marching On | Marching Through Georgia | Margaret Fuller Slack | The Margins Where We Live | Mariana | Mariana in the South | The Marigold | Market day | Marmion: Canto 5 (excerpt) | Marmion: Canto 6 (excerpt) | Marriage | Marriage a-la-Mode | The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (excerpt) | The Marshes of Glynn | The "Mary Gloster" | Mary Hamilton | Mary Morison | Mary's Girlhood (for a Picture) | Mary's Lamb | The Masked Face | The Masque of B-ll--l | Maternity | The Mathematician in Love | Mathematics | Matthew Arnold On hearing him read his Poems in Boston | Maud; A Monodrama (from Part I) (excerpt) | Maud; A Monodrama (from Part II) (excerpt) | MAY. [1748] III Month. | May no Man Slepe in youre Halle | McAndrew's Hymn | Me Brother Wot Stayed at 'Ome | Métis | Mediocrity in Love Rejected | Meditatio | Meditation under Stars | Medusa | Meeting at Night | Meg Merrilies | Meintjes Kopje | Memorabilia | Memorial Verses April 1850 | Memory | The Memory of Elena | Men and Women | Men Say They Know Many Things | The Men We Might Have Been | Menaphon: Doron's Eclogue | Menaphon: Sephesta's Song to her Child

Mending Wall | The Menstrual Hut | Messiah (Christmas Portions) | The Metamorphosed Gypsies (excerpt) | Methinks I see some crooked mimic jeer see Idea XXXI | Mezzo Cammin | Michael: A Pastoral Poem | 'Mid my Gold-brown Curls | Mid-America Prayer | Midland Swimmer | Midnight | | Midnight Special | Mild is the Parting Year | Milk for the Cat | The Mill | | Millie MacGill | Milton | Milton | Milton: And did those feet in ancient time (excerpt) | Milton: But in the Wine-presses the Human Grapes Sing not nor Dance (excerpt) | Milton: The Sky is an Immortal Tent Built by the Sons of Los (excerpt) | Mine own John Poynz | Miniver Cheevy | A Minor Chord | The Minstrel; or, The Progress of Genius (excerpt) | Mira's Will | The Mirror for Magistrates: The Induction | The Miseries of Man | The Mishap | Missing -- Believed Killed: On reading a Mother's letter | Mnemosyne | The Mockery of Life | Modern Love: I | Modern Love: II | Modern Love: L | Modern Love: XIV | Modern Love: XLVI | Modern Love: XVI | Modern Love: XX | Modern Love: XXII | Modern Love: XXVI | Modern Love: XXXIV | Modryb Marya -- Aunt Mary | Molecular Evolution | Monition | Monna Innominata: A Sonnet of Sonnets | Monody | Mont Blanc: Lines Written in the Vale of Chamouni | Montparnasse | Morality | More Females of the Species | Morituri Salutamus: Poem for the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Class of 1825 in Bowdoin College | Morning at the Window | Morning Hymn | Morning on the Lièvre | The Morning-Watch | Morpheus the liuely sonne of deadly sleepe see Astrophel and Stella: 32 | Mortality | Mortality | Morte d'Arthur | The Mosquito | The Most Extraordinary Women in the World | Most Sweet it is | The Mother | Mother and Poet | Mother, I cannot Mind my Wheel | Mother Mind | The Motor-Lorries | The Mountains of Mourne | The Movies | The Mower | The Mower Against Gardens see The Mower | The Mower to the Glow-Worms | The Mower's Song | Mr. Apollinax | Mr. Eliot's Sunday Morning Service | Mr. Flood's Party | Mrs. Benjamin Pantier | Mrs. Kessler | Mrs. Moody | Muier | Musée des Beaux Arts | Muses, I oft invoked your holie ayde see Astrophel and Stella: 55 | Music when Soft Voices Die (To --) | A Musical Instrument | Musophilus (excerpt) | Mutability | Mutability | The Mute Lovers On the Railway Journey | My Autograph | My Childhood's Home I See Again | My Days among the Dead are Past | My Dear and Only Love | My Dear G. | My Education | My Feet | My Friend Judge not me | My future will not copy fair my past see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XLII | My Galley, Charged with Forgetfulness | My Garden | My God Why Are You Crying? | My Heart and I | My Last Dance | My Last Duchess | My Last Will | My Lefe ys Faren in a Lond | My letters! all dead paper, mute and white! see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXVIII | My Little Wet Home In the Trench | My Lost Youth | My Love in her Attire see Madrigal | My Love's an Arbutus | My Lute Awake | My Mind to me a Kingdom Is | My Mother's Bible | My mother's body | My mouth doth water, and my breast doth swell see Astrophel and Stella: 37 | My Muse may well grudge at my heau'nly joy see Astrophel and Stella: 70 | My Old Kentucky Home, Good Night! | My own Belovèd, who hast lifted me see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXVII | My Picture Left in Scotland | My poet, thou canst touch on all the notes see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XVII | My Prime of Youth is but a Frost of Cares | My Raptor | My Sister's Sleep | My Star | My Triumph | My True-love hath my Heart see Song from Arcadia | My Vocation | My words I know do well set forth my mind see Astrophel and Stella: 44 | Mycerinus | Naima | Namby-Pamby: or, A Panegyric on the New Versification | A narrow fellow in the grass see The Snake | The Nation Builders | Native Woman | The Naturalist's Summer-Evening Walk | Nature | | Near Helikon | Nearer, my God, to Thee | Negation | A Negro Love Song | The Negro Speaks of Rivers | Nehemiah's Night Ride | The neighbor | Neo-Thomist Poem | Nephelidia | The Net of Memory | Never Seek to Tell thy Love | Never the Time and the Place | The Never-Never Country | The New Colossus | The New Decalogue | The New Ezekiel | A New Story | A New Thanksgiving | New Year's Chimes | A New York Child's Garden of Verses | The New-England Boy's Song about Thanksgiving Day | News | News Item | Niagara | A Niagara Landscape | Night | The Night Cometh | The Night has a Thousand Eyes | Night Hymns on Lake Nipigon | The Night is Darkening round Me | Night on the Uplands | The Night Piece, to Julia | Night Vision | A Night-Charge Against A Swan By A Lover | The Nightingale | A Night-piece on Death | NO! | No Baby in the House | No Buyers | No coward soul is mine | No Coward's Song | No More, my Dear see Astrophel and Stella LXIV | No more, my deare, no more these counsels trie see Astrophel and Stella: 64 | No Snake | No Tea Party | No Worst, There is None | Noah's Flood | A Nocturnal upon St. Lucy's Day | Nocturne | A Noiseless Patient Spider | Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae sub Regno Cynarae | Nonsense Verses | Northern Farmer: New Style | Northern Farmer: Old Style | Not at the first sight, nor with a dribbed shot see Astrophel and Stella: 2 | Notes on the Steps of the San Diego Bus Depot

Nothing Gold can Stay | Nou Goth Sonne under Wode | Nova Scotia | November, 1806 | November 24, 1992 | November Night | Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal see The Princess: Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal | Now that of absence the most irksome night see Astrophel and Stella: 89 | Nox Nocti Indicat Scientiam | A Nupial Eve (excerpt) | Nuremberg | Nutting | The Nymph Complaining for the Death of her Fawn | Nymph of the gard'n, where all beauties be see Astrophel and Stella: 82 | Nymphidia, The Court Of Fairy (excerpt) | The Nymph's Reply | O absent presence Stella is not here see Astrophel and Stella: 106 | O Canada | O Captain! My Captain! | O deare life, when shall it be see Astrophel and Stella: Tenth Song | O Death, O Death, Rock Me Asleep | O Earth, Sufficing All our Needs | O eyes, which do the Spheares of beautie mooue see Astrophel and Stella: 42 | O fate, O fault, O curse, child of my blisse see Astrophel and Stella: 93 | O Grammer rules, O now your vertues show see Astrophel and Stella: 63 | O happie Tems, that didst my Stella beare see Astrophel and Stella: 103 | O how the pleasant aires of true loue be see Astrophel and Stella: 78 | O joy, too high for my low stile to show see Astrophel and Stella: 69 | | O Living Well that shalt Endure see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 131 | "O May I Join the Choir Invisible" | O Mistres Mine Where are you Roming? | O Sorrow, Cruel Fellowship see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 3 | O Swallow see The Princess: O Swallow | O teares, no tears, but raine from beauties skies see Astrophel and Stella: 100 | O that 'twere possible see Maud; A Monodrama (from Part II) | O you that heare this voice see Astrophel and Stella: Sixt Song | Oak and Olive | The Oak and the Hill | Obermann Once More | Observation | Occidit Miserum Crambe Repetita Pupillum | Octaves | October | October, 1803 | An October Evening | Octopus | An Ode | Ode | Ode | Ode for the Keats Centenary | Ode in Memory of the American Volunteers Fallen for France | An Ode in Time of Hesitation | Ode, Inscribed to William H. Channing | Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood | Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College | Ode on a Grecian Urn | Ode on Melancholy | Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat Drowned in a Tub of Goldfishes | Ode on the Mammoth Cheese | Ode on the Pleasure Arising from Vicissitude | Ode on the Poetical Character | An Ode on the Popular Superstitions of the Highlands of Scotland | Ode on the Spring | Ode to a Nightingale | An Ode to Ben Jonson | Ode to Duty | Ode to Evening | Ode to Fancy | An Ode to Himself | Ode to Himself upon the Censure of his "New Inn" | Ode to Liberty | An Ode to Master Anthony Stafford, to Hasten him into the Country | Ode to Psyche | Ode to Simplicity | Ode to Stephen Dowling Bots, Dec'd. | Ode to the Cambro-Britons and their Harp, His Ballad of Agincourt | Ode to the Country Gentlemen of England | Ode: To The Immortal Memory And Friendship Of That Noble Pair, Sir Lucius Cary And Sir H. Morison see A Pindaric Ode | Ode to the Virginian Voyage | Ode to the West Wind | Ode, Written in the Beginning of the Year 1746 | Of all the kings that euer here did raigne see Astrophel and Stella: 75 | Of F. W. H. M.: 1. To One that Smokes | Of Man by Nature | Of My Self see A Vote | Of Old Sat Freedom on the Heights | Of the Death of Sir T. W. The Elder | Of the Last Verses in the Book | Of the Mean and Sure Estate | Of the Progress of the Soul: The Second Anniversary (excerpt) | Off my Game | An Offering | Offering | Oft, in the Stilly Night (Scotch Air) | Oft with true sighes, oft with vncalled teares see Astrophel and Stella: 61 | Oh! Mr. Malthus! | Oh! Susanna | Oh! That We Two Were Maying | Oh, yes! they love through all this world of ours! see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XL | Oh, yet we Trust that somehow Good see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 54 | Old Adam, the Carrion Crow | The Old Arm-chair | Old Black Joe | The Old Clock on the Stairs | The Old Cumberland Beggar | The Old Familiar Faces | Old Folks at Home | The Old Front Gate | The Old Gray Wall | Old Ironsides | The Old Maid | An old maid in the land of Aloha | The Old Man's Complaints. And how he gained them | The Old Man's Wish | The Old Man's Wish | Old Mates | The Old Sampler | Old Santeclaus (attributed) | The Old School List | Old Spookses' Pass | The Old Swimmin' Hole | The Old Vicarage, Grantchester | Old Warder of these Buried Bones see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 39 | Old Yew, which graspest at the stone see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 2 | On a Dead Child | On a Dissolution of a Ministry | On a Fair Morning as I Came by the Way | On a Girdle | On a Wife | On an Anniversary | On an Infant Dying as Soon as Born | On Being Brought from Africa to America | On Being Challenged to Write an Epigram in the Manner of Herrick | On Broadway | On Burning a Parcel of Old MSS. | On Chloris Walking in the Snow | On Cupids bow how are my heart-strings bent see Astrophel and Stella: 19 | On Death | On Digital Extremities | On Distinction | On Donne's Poetry | On First Looking into Chapman's Homer | On Her Vanity | On Himself, upon Hearing What was his Sentence | On King Arthur's Round Table at Winchester | On Lake Temiscamingue | On Monsieur's Departure | On Mr. G. Herbert's Book | On one Munday, who Hanged Himself | On Quitting | On Receipt Of My Mother's Picture | On Retirement | On Seeing the Elgin Marbles

On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again | On Six Cambridge Lasses Bathing Themselves | On Stephen Duck, the Thresher and Favourite Poet | On the Beach at Night | On the Beach at Night Alone | On the Companionship with Nature | On the Dark, Still, Dry Warm Weather, Occasionally Happening in the Winter Months | On the Death of Anne Brontë | On the Death of Dr. Robert Levet | On the Death of Mr. Crashaw | On the Death of Richard West | On the Departure of Sir Walter Scott from Abbotsford, for Naples | On the Extinction of the Venetian Republic | On the Future of Poetry | On the Grave of a Child in Morwenstow Churchyard | On the idle hill of summer see A Shropshire Lad XXXV: On the idle hill of summer | On the Lord General Fairfax at the Siege of Colchester | On the Loss of the Royal George | On the Memory of Mr. Edward King, Drown'd in the Irish Seas | On the Morning of Christ's Nativity | On the Plaza | On the Preserved Body of an Inca Child Frozen to Death as a Sacrifice to the Sun | On the Seashore | On the Shortness of Time | On the South Downs | On the Wallaby | On this Day I Complete my Thirty-Sixth Year | On Virtue | On Wenlock Edge the wood's in trouble see A Shropshire Lad XXXI: On Wenlock Edge the wood's in trouble | Once More I Put my Bonnet On | One Girl of Many | One Perfect Rose | One Sung of thee who Left the Tale Untold | One With The Sun | One Writes, that "Other Friends Remain" see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 6 | Onely joy, now here you are see Astrophel and Stella: Fourth Song | One's-Self I Sing | Only a Curl | Only a Dad | Only a Woman | An Only Son | The Onondaga Madonna | Onward, Christian Soldiers | Opifex | Ordained | An Order Prescribed, by Is. W., to two of her Younger Sisters Serving in London | Ordinary, Moving | Oread | Original Pain | | The Orphan | Orpheus | Orpheus with his Lute Made Trees | The Other World | Others, I am not the first see A Shropshire Lad XXX: Others, I am not the first | Our Casuarina-tree | Our Crocodile | Our Enemies have Fall'n see The Princess: Our Enemies have Fall'n | Our God, our help in ages past see Man Frail and God Eternal | Our Hired Girl | Our Photographs | Our Suburb | Out of Pompeii | Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking | Out of the Dust | Out of Tune | "Out, Out--" | Out traytour absence, darest thou counsell me see Astrophel and Stella: 88 | Outlook | The Oven Bird | Over the Sea our Galleys Went | The Owl and the Pussy-Cat | Ozymandias | A Pact | The Pains of Sleep | The Palace of Art | The Palace-Burner | Palladium | Pan the Fallen | A pansy who lived in Khartoum | Parable | A Parable | Paradise Lost: Book I | Paradise Lost: Book I (1674) | Paradise Lost: Book II (1674) | Paradise Lost: Book III (1674) | Paradise Lost: Book IV | Paradise Lost: Book IV (1674) | Paradise Lost: Book IX | Paradise Lost: Book IX (1674) | Paradise Lost: Book V (1674) | Paradise Lost: Book VI (1674) | Paradise Lost: Book VII (1674) | Paradise Lost: Book VIII (1674) | Paradise Lost: Book X | Paradise Lost: Book X (1674) | Paradise Lost: Book XI (1674) | Paradise Lost: Book XII (1674) | Paradise Lost: Books II-III: Editorial Summary | Paradise Lost: Books V-VIII: Editorial Summary | Paradise Lost: Books XI-XII: Editorial Summary | Paradise Regain'd: Book I (1671) | Paradise Regain'd: Book II (1671) | Paradise Regain'd: Book III (1671) | Paradise Regain'd: Book IV (1671) | Pardon mine eares, both I and they do pray see Astrophel and Stella: 51 | Pardon, oh, pardon, that my soul should make see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXXVII | | Parental Recollections | The Parlement of Fowls (excerpt) | A Parodist's Apology | The Parson's Grave | Parting at Morning | Passe-Port | Passing away, Saith the World | Passionata | The Passionate Man's Pilgrimage | The Passionate Shepherd | The Passionate Shepherd to his Love | The Passionate Suburbanite To His Love | The Passions | The Passions that we Fought with and Subdued | Passtime with good company | Past and Future | The Pastime of Pleasure (excerpt) | Pastoral | A Pastoral Ballad, Absence | Pastorals (excerpt) | The Pasture | The Path by which we twain did Go see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 22 | Patience | Patroling Barnegat | Peace | Peace. A Study | The Pearl | Peggy's Cove | The Penitent | People | Perché Pensa? Pensando s'Invecchia | Permanence | The Pessimist | Peter | Peter Bell | Peter Quince at the Clavier | Philander's Song | Philomela | The Philosopher and the Philanthropist | The Phlebotomous Flea | The Phoenix and the Turtle | The Physical Conscience | Phœbus was Iudge betweene Ioue, Mars, and Loue see Astrophel and Stella: 13 | Piano | Pibroch of Donuil Dhu | Pied Beauty | The Pied Piper of Hamelin: A Child's Story | Piers Plowman: The Prologue | "Piety" | The Pilgrim | The Pilgrims | The Pilgrims | The Pillar of the Cloud | The Pilot of the Plains | A Pindaric Ode | Pittypat and Tippytoe | Playthings | Plead for me | The Pleasures of Hope (excerpt) | The Pleasures of Imagination (excerpt) | The Pleasures of Melancholy (excerpt) | Plein Air | Plowman's Song | Poem by a Perfectly Furious Academician | The Poem of a Prisoner of War, 1917 | A Poem Sacred to the Memory of Sir Isaac Newton

A Poet! He Hath Put his Heart to School | Poeta Fit, Non Nascitur | Poetical Epistle to Mrs. Green | Poetry | Poetry | The Poetry Bus | A Poison Tree | The Politician | Polly | The Pool | Poor Speaker | Porphyria's Lover | The Portent (1859) | The Portrait | Portrait | Portrait d'une Femme | Portrait of a Lady | Portrait of a Poet with a Console TV in Hand | The Potato Harvest | The Power of Armies is a Visible Thing | The Power of Science | Prais'd be Diana's Fair and Harmless Light | Praise, my Soul, the King of Heaven (Psalm 103) | A Praise of His Love | Prayer | A Prayer for Yeats's Son | Prayer (I) | Prayer of a Soldier in France | Prayer of the Abolitionist | A Preacher | The Preface | Prelude | The Prelude: Book 1: Childhood and School-time (excerpt) | The Prelude: Book 2: School-time (Continued) | Preludes | Presentiment | A Pretty Woman | The Priest | The Prince's Progress (excerpt) | The Princess: As thro' the Land | The Princess: Ask me no more | The Princess: Come down, O Maid | The Princess: Home they Brought her Warrior Dead | The Princess: Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal | The Princess: O Swallow | The Princess: Our Enemies have Fall'n | The Princess: Sweet and Low | The Princess: Tears, Idle Tears | The Princess: The Splendour Falls on Castle Walls | The Princess: Thy Voice is Heard | The Prisoner of Chillon | The Prisoner's Road | The Progress of Poesy: A Pindaric Ode | Prologue | Prometheus | Prometheus Unbound (excerpt) | A Promise | The Properly Scholarly Attitude | Prosopopoia: or Mother Hubbard's Tale | Prospice | Protest of a Young Intellectual | Prothalamion | Protus | Proud Maisie | A Psalm of Freudian Life | A Psalm of Life | The Puff-adder | The Pulley | Punishment | The Purple Cow | The Purple Cow: Suite | The Purple Island (excerpt) | Putting in the Seed | The Puzzle Factory | Qua Cursum Ventus | The Quangle Wangle's Hat | Queen Anne's Lace | Queen Mab: Part VI (excerpt) | Queen of Hearts | Queen-Anne's Lace | Queene Vertues court, which some call Stellas face see Astrophel and Stella: 9 | Queens | Queer People | The Question | Question [1] | The Quiet Snow | The Quip | Rabbi Ben Ezra | The Rabbit | Radiolatry | The Raggedy Man | Rags and Robes | Rags and Robes | The Railway Station | The Railway Train | Rain | Rain along Shore | The Rain and the Wind | Range-finding | The Rape of the Lock: Canto 1 | The Rape of the Lock: Canto 2 | The Rape of the Lock: Canto 3 | The Rape of the Lock: Canto 4 | The Rape of the Lock: Canto 5 | Rapids at Night | The Rattling Boy from Dublin | The Raven | Reading Titus Andronicus In Three Mile Plains, N.S. | Ready to Kill | Reality | The Reaper | Reason, in faith thou art well seru'd, that still see Astrophel and Stella: 10 | Recessional | Recipe | Recipe for a Salad | Recollections of the Arabian Nights | Recuerdo | Red Black White | A Red, Red Rose | The Red River Valley | Redemption | | Referendum | A Refusal to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child in London | The Regiment of Princes (excerpt) | A Regular Sort of a Guy | Relativity | Relativity | Release | Reliance | The Relic | Religio Laici (excerpt) | Religio Medici | Remember | Remembrance | A Reminiscence | Remonstrance | Reparation | The Repulse to Alcander | A Request | Requiem | Requiem | Requiem | Requiescat | Requiescat in Pace | Reserve | Resolution and Independence | Resumé | Retaliation: A Poem | The Retired Cat | The Retreat | Retrospect | Retrospect | "The Return to Nature" | Reuben Bright | Revenge | The Reverie of Poor Susan | Reverie: The Orchard on the Slope | The Revival | The Revolutionary | Rhapsody on a Windy Night | The Rhodora | The Rhyme of the Beast | Rich fooles there be, whose base and filthy hart see Astrophel and Stella: 24 | Richard Cory | | Riding the Thundering Horse | Riding Together | The Rights of Women | The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (text of 1834) | "Rimer" | Ring Out Your Bells | Riparto d'Assalto | Risest thou thus, Dim Dawn, again see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 72 | Risest thou thus, Dim Dawn, again see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 99 | The Rising Village | Risus Dei | The River of Pearls at Fez: Translation | The River-Merchant's Wife: a Letter | Rivers of Canada | The Road Not Taken | Robin and Malkin | Robin Hood | Robin Redbreast | Rock of Ages, cleft for me see A Living and Dying Prayer for the Holiest Believer in the World | Rokeby: Canto III (excerpt) | Roll Me Over | Romance | Romans in Dorset: A.D. MDCCCXCV | | Rondeau | Rondeau Redoublé | Rosabelle (excerpt) | | Rose Aylmer | Rose-Cheeked Laura | The Roundel | Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám | The Rubaiyat of Omar Cayenne | | The Ruined Maid | | A Runnable Stag | Rutherford McDowell | Sable Island | Sad Hesper o'er the Buried Sun see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 121 | Safe | Safe in their alabaster chambers | Safety First | "Safety-Clutch" | Said the West Wind | The Sailor's Grave at Clo-oose, V.I. | The Salt Flats | Salve Deus Rex Iudæorum (excerpt) | Samson | Samson Agonistes (excerpt) | The Sandpiper

The Sands of Dee | Sapphics | Sarah Brown | | Saul | | Say Me, Viit in the Brom | Say not the Struggle nought Availeth | Say over again, and yet once over again see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXI | A Saying of the Old Duke of Ormond's, Versified | The Scholar-Gipsy | The School-mistress (excerpt) | The Science Masquerade | Scorn not the Sonnet | Scots of the Riverina | Scots Wha Hae | The Scourge of Villainy | A Scrap of Paper | Sea | The Sea Change | A Sea Child | The Sea Horse | A Sea of Foliage Girds our Garden round | Sea Poppies | Sea Rose | The Seafarer | Seamen Three | The Seasons: Summer (excerpt) | The Seasons: Winter (excerpt) | Seaweed | Second Fig | The Secret | The Secular Masque | See It Through | See, See, Mine Own Sweet Jewel | Self | The Self Banished | Self-Dependence | Self-Pity | September | September, 1819 | A Sequence of Sonnets on the Death of Robert Browning | A Serenade at the Villa | A Serious and Pathetical Contemplation of the Mercies of God | A Servant | Service | Sestina | A Sestina of Memories | Sestina of the Tramp-Royal | Sestina Otiosa | Seth Compton | The Seventeenth Book Of Homer's Odysseys (excerpt) | Seventh Seal | Sex | The Shadow Of Night (excerpt) | Shadow River: Muskoka | The Shag | Shakespeare | Shakespeare | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Accuse me thus, that I have scanted all | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Against my love shall be as I am now | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Against that time (if ever that time come) | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Ah, wherefore with infection should he live | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Alack, what poverty my muse brings forth | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Alas 'tis true, I have gone here and there | Shakespeare's Sonnets: As a decrepit father takes delight | Shakespeare's Sonnets: As an unperfect actor on the stage | Shakespeare's Sonnets: As fast as thou shalt wane, so fast thou grow'st | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Be wise as thou art cruel, do not press | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Being your slave, what should I do but tend | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Beshrew that heart that makes my heart to groan | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Betwixt mine eye and heart a league is took | Shakespeare's Sonnets: But be contented when that fell arrest | Shakespeare's Sonnets: But do thy worst to steal thy self away | Shakespeare's Sonnets: But wherefore do not you a mightier way | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Canst thou, O cruel, say I love thee not | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Cupid laid by his brand and fell asleep, | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Devouring time, blunt thou the lion's paws | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Farewell, thou art too dear for my possessing | Shakespeare's Sonnets: For shame deny that thou bear'st love to any | Shakespeare's Sonnets: The forward violet thus did I chide | Shakespeare's Sonnets: From fairest creatures we desire increase | Shakespeare's Sonnets: From you have I been absent in the spring | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Full many a glorious morning have I seen | Shakespeare's Sonnets: How can I then return in happy plight | Shakespeare's Sonnets: How can my muse want subject to invent | Shakespeare's Sonnets: How careful was I when I took my way | Shakespeare's Sonnets: How heavy do I journey on the way | Shakespeare's Sonnets: How like a winter hath my absence been | Shakespeare's Sonnets: How oft when thou, my music, music play'st | Shakespeare's Sonnets: How sweet and lovely dost thou make the shame | Shakespeare's Sonnets: I grant thou wert not married to my muse | Shakespeare's Sonnets: I never saw that you did painting need | Shakespeare's Sonnets: If my dear love were but the child of state | Shakespeare's Sonnets: If the dull substance of my flesh were thought | Shakespeare's Sonnets: If there be nothing new, but that which is | Shakespeare's Sonnets: If thou survive my well-contented day | Shakespeare's Sonnets: If thy soul check thee that I come so near | Shakespeare's Sonnets: In faith, I do not love thee with mine eyes | Shakespeare's Sonnets: In loving thee thou know'st I am forsworn | Shakespeare's Sonnets: In the old age black was not counted fair | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Is it for fear to wet a widow's eye | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Is it thy will thy image should keep op'n | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Let me confess that we two must be twain | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Let me not to the marriage of true minds | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Let not my love be call'd idolatry | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Let those who are in favour with their stars | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Like as to make our appetites more keen | Shakespeare's Sonnets: The little love-god lying once asleep | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Lo, as a careful housewife runs to catch | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Lo in the orient when the gracious light | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Look in thy glass and tell the face thou view'st | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Lord of my love, to whom in vassalage | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Love is my sin, and thy dear virtue hate | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Love is too young to know what conscience is | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Mine eye and heart are at a mortal war | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Mine eye hath play'd the painter and hath stell'd | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Music to hear, why hear'st thou music sadly? | Shakespeare's Sonnets: My glass shall not persuade me I am old | Shakespeare's Sonnets: My love is as a fever longing still | Shakespeare's Sonnets: My love is strength'ned, though more weak in seeming

Shakespeare's Sonnets: My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun | Shakespeare's Sonnets: My tongue-tied muse in manners holds her still | Shakespeare's Sonnets: No longer mourn for me when I am dead | Shakespeare's Sonnets: No more be griev'd at that which thou hast done | Shakespeare's Sonnets: No! Time, thou shalt not boast that I do change | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Not from the stars do I my judgement pluck | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Not marble, nor the gilded monuments | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Not mine own fears nor the prophetic soul | Shakespeare's Sonnets: O call not me to justify the wrong | Shakespeare's Sonnets: O, for my sake do you with fortune chide | Shakespeare's Sonnets: O how I faint when I of you do write | Shakespeare's Sonnets: O lest the world should task you to recite | Shakespeare's Sonnets: O me! what eyes hath love put in my head | Shakespeare's Sonnets: O never say that I was false of heart | Shakespeare's Sonnets: O that you were your self, but love you are | Shakespeare's Sonnets: O thou my lovely boy, who in thy pow'r | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Oh from what pow'r hast thou this pow'rful might | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Oh how much more doth beauty beaut'ous seem | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Oh how thy worth with manners may I sing | | | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Or whether doth my mind being crown'd with you | Shakespeare's Sonnets: The other two, slight air and purging fire | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Poor soul, the centre of my sinful earth | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Say that thou didst forsake me for some fault | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Sin of self-love possesseth all mine eye | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Since I left you, mine eye is in my mind | Shakespeare's Sonnets: So am I as the rich whose blessèd key | Shakespeare's Sonnets: So are you to my thoughts as food to life | Shakespeare's Sonnets: So is it not with me as with that muse | Shakespeare's Sonnets: So now I have confess't that he is thine | Shakespeare's Sonnets: So oft have I invok'd thee for my muse | Shakespeare's Sonnets: So shall I live, supposing thou art true | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Some glory in their birth, some in their skill | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Some say thy fault is youth, some wantonness | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Sweet love, renew thy force, be it not said | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Take all my loves, my love, yea take them all | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Th' expense of spirit in a waste of shame | Shakespeare's Sonnets: That God forbid that made me first your slave | Shakespeare's Sonnets: That thou are blam'd shall not be thy defect | Shakespeare's Sonnets: That thou hast her it is not all my grief | Shakespeare's Sonnets: That time of year thou may'st in me behold | Shakespeare's Sonnets: That you were once unkind be-friends me now | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Then hate me when thou wilt, if ever, now | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Then let not winter's wragged hand deface | Shakespeare's Sonnets: They that have pow'r to hurt and will do none | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Thine eyes I love, and they, as pitying me | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Those hours that with gentle work did frame | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Those lines that I before have writ do lie | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Those lips that love's own hand did make | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Those parts of thee that the world's eye doth view | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Those pretty wrongs that liberty commits | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Thou art as tyrannous, so as thou art | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Thou blind fool love, what dost thou to mine eyes | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Thus can my love excuse the slow offence | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Thus is his cheek the map of days out-worn | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Thy bosom is endearèd with all hearts | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Thy gift, thy tables, are within my brain | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Thy glass will show thee how thy beauties wear | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Tir'd with all these for restful death I cry | Shakespeare's Sonnets: 'Tis better to be vile than vile esteemed | Shakespeare's Sonnets: To me, fair friend, you never can be old | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Two loves I have of comfort and despair | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Unthrifty loveliness, why dost thou spend | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Was it the proud full sail of his great verse | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Wer't ought to me I bore the canopy | Shakespeare's Sonnets: What is your substance, whereof are you made | Shakespeare's Sonnets: What potions have I drunk of siren tears | Shakespeare's Sonnets: What's in the brain that ink may character | Shakespeare's Sonnets: When forty winters shall besiege thy brow | Shakespeare's Sonnets: When I consider every thing that grows | Shakespeare's Sonnets: When I do count the clock that tells the time | Shakespeare's Sonnets: When I have seen by time's fell hand defaced | Shakespeare's Sonnets: When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes | Shakespeare's Sonnets: When in the chronicle of wastèd time | Shakespeare's Sonnets: When most I wink, then do mine eyes best see | Shakespeare's Sonnets: When my love swears that she is made of truth | Shakespeare's Sonnets: When thou shalt be disposed to set me light

Shakespeare's Sonnets: When to the sessions of sweet silent thought | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Where art thou, muse, that thou forget'st so long | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Whil'st I alone did call upon thy aid | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Who ever hath her wish, thou hast thy Will | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Who is it that says most, which can say more | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Who will believe my verse in time to come | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Why did'st thou promise such a beaut'ous day | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Why is my verse so barren of new pride? | Shakespeare's Sonnets: A woman's face with nature's own hand painted | Shakespeare's Sonnets: Your love and pity doth th'impression fill | Shakesperian Readings | Shall earth no more inspire thee | Shall I Wasting In Despair | Shameful Death | The Shanty on the Rise | She comes, and streight therewith her shining twins do moue see Astrophel and Stella: 76 | She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways | She Walks in Beauty | She Was a Phantom of Delight | Sheep and Lambs | She'll be Comin' Round the Mountain | Shelley | Sheltered Garden | The Shepheardes Calender: April | The Shepheardes Calender: October | The Shepherd's Week (excerpt) | Sherbourne Morning | Shiloh: A Requiem (April, 1862) | The Ship of Death | | The Ships of Saint John | The Ships of Yule | Ships that Pass in the Night | The Shooting of Dan McGrew | Short Short Song | Should the Wide World Roll Away | Shrapnel | A Shropshire Lad I: From Clee to heaven the beacon burns | A Shropshire Lad II: Loveliest of trees, the cherry now | A Shropshire Lad LXII: "Terence, this is stupid stuff | A Shropshire Lad XII: When I watch the living meet | A Shropshire Lad XIX: The time you won your town the race | A Shropshire Lad XXVI: Along the field as we came by | A Shropshire Lad XXX: Others, I am not the first | A Shropshire Lad XXXI: On Wenlock Edge the wood's in trouble | A Shropshire Lad XXXV: On the idle hill of summer | The Shrubbery | Shuffle-Shoon and Amber-Locks | The Sick Rose | Sideshow | Sighs | Signs of the Times | Silence | Silent, Silent Night | The Silver Swan, Who Living Had No Note | Similar Cases | A Simile | Simon Lee: The Old Huntsman | The Simplon Pass | Sin (I) | The Sin of Omission | Since there's no help, come let us kiss and part see Idea LXI | Since ye so Please | Sing me a Song of a Lad that is Gone | Sink-we Scento | Sir Gawain and the Green Knight | Sir Giles' War-Song | Sir Humphrey Gilbert | Sir Patrick Spence | Sir, Say no More | Sir Wilfrid Laurier -- Diplomatist | Sister, Awake! Close not Your Eyes | Sister Helen | Six O'Clock | The Sixth Book Of Homer's Iliads (excerpt) | The Skater | The Skeleton in Armor | Skipper Ireson's Ride | Skirt, My Pretty Name | The Sky Watcher | The Skylark | Slain | The Slave Mother | The Slave's Complaint | The Sleigh-Bells | A Slumber did my Spirit Seal | The Smile | The Snail | Snake | The Snake | The Sniper | Snow | Snow | The Snow Man | Snow-Bound: A Winter Idyl | Snow-flakes | The Snow-Storm | "So Careful of the Type?" but no see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 56 | So Cruel Prison | So Long It's Been | so much depends | So We'll Go no More a Roving | The Social Plan | Sohrab and Rustum | Soldiers who wish to be a hero | Soliloquy | Soliloquy of a Maiden Aunt | The Solitary Reaper | The Solitary Woodsman | Solitude | Solitude: An Ode | Solomon Grundy | Some Louers speake when they their Muses entertaine see Astrophel and Stella: 6 | Something Childish, but Very Natural | Song | Song | Song | Song | Song | Song at the Feast of Brougham Castle | A Song before Sailing | A Song for St. Cecilia's Day, 1687 | Song from Abdelazar | Song from Arcadia | Song from Love in a Tub | A Song from Shakespeare's Cymbeline | A Song from the Italian from Limberham: or, the Kind Keeper | Song from the Ship | Song: Go and catch a falling star | Song: Go Lovely Rose | Song: How sweet I roam'd from field to field | | Song: If you refuse me once, and think again | Song in a Minor Key | Song in the Songless | Song: Love still has something of the sea | Song: Memory, hither come | The Song my Paddle Sings | Song: My silks and fine array | Song of a Sewing Machine | The Song of an Exile | Song of Ecclesiastes | Song of Fairies Robbing an Orchard | A Song of Life and Golf | Song of Myself | Song of Myself | A Song of the Bar | The Song of the Bow | The Song of the Darling River | Song of the Hindustanee Minstrel | Song of the Open Road | Song of the Sewing-Machine | The Song of the Shirt | The Song of the Ungirt Runners | The Song of the Wage-slave | The Song of the Western Men | Song of the Wild Bushman | Song of the Worm | The Song of the Wreck | Song: Out upon it, I have lov'd | Song: Phoebus Arise | Song: Rarely, rarely, comest thou | Song: Sweetest love, I do not go | Song (The Earliest Wish I ever Knew) | Song to a Fair Young Lady Going out of Town in the Spring | | Song to Celia | A Song to David (excerpt) | Song to the Evening Star | A Song: When June is past, the fading rose | Song: Why so pale and wan fond lover? | Song (Wintah, summah, snow er shine) | Song, Written at Sea | | The Songs of Selma (excerpt) | A Sonnet | Sonnet 1: Dost see how unregarded now | Sonnet Reversed

Sonnet to William Wilberforce, Esq. | A Sonnet upon the Pitiful Burning of the Globe Playhouse in London | Sonnet VII: How soon hath Time, the Subtle Thief of Youth | Sonnet VII. Whither is Gone the Wisdom and the Power | Sonnet: What doth it Serve | Sonnet XII: I did but Prompt the Age to Quit their Clogs | Sonnet XIX: When I Consider How my Light is Spent | Sonnet XVI. November | Sonnet XVI: To the Lord General Cromwell | Sonnet XVI: Who shall Invoke her | Sonnet XVIII: On the Late Massacre in Piemont | Sonnet XXII: To Cyriack Skinner | Sonnet XXIII: Methought I Saw my Late Espoused Saint | Sonnets (1923) | Sonnets from an Ungrafted Tree | Sonnets from the Portuguese 1: I Thought how Theocritus | Sonnets from the Portuguese 14: If Thou | Sonnets from the Portuguese 20: Beloved, my Beloved | Sonnets from the Portuguese 22: When our Two Souls | Sonnets from the Portuguese 26: I Lived with Visions | Sonnets from the Portuguese 28: My Letters! | Sonnets from the Portuguese 35: If I Leave all for thee | Sonnets from the Portuguese 43: How do I Love thee? | Sonnets from the Portuguese 6: Go from me | Sonnets from the Portuguese 7: The Face | Sonnets from the Portuguese: I | Sonnets from the Portuguese: II | Sonnets from the Portuguese: III | Sonnets from the Portuguese: IV | Sonnets from the Portuguese: IX | Sonnets from the Portuguese: V | Sonnets from the Portuguese: VI | Sonnets from the Portuguese: VII | Sonnets from the Portuguese: VIII | Sonnets from the Portuguese: X | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XI | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XII | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XIII | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XIV | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XIX | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XL | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XLI | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XLII | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XLIII | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XLIV | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XV | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XVI | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XVII | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XVIII | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XX | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXI | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXII | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXIII | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXIV | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXIX | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXV | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXVI | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXVII | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXVIII | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXX | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXXI | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXXII | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXXIII | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXXIV | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXXIX | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXXV | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXXVI | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXXVII | Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXXVIII | Sonnets from The River Duddon: After-Thought | Soon, O Ianthe! Life is O'er | The Soote Season, that Bud and Bloom forth Brings | Sorrow | The Sorrows of Charlotte | Sorrows of Werther | The Soul of Spain | The soul selects her own society see Exclusion | Soules joy, bend not those morning starres from me see Astrophel and Stella: 48 | The soul's Rialto hath its merchandize see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XIX | The Sparrow | The Sparrow's Nest | Speak Gently | Speak Roughly to Your Little Boy | Speed the Parting --- | The Spell | Spende, and Gode schal Sende | The Spider and the Fly | The Spider and the Ghost of the Fly | The Spirit | The Spirit's Depths | The Splendid Shilling | The Splendour Falls on Castle Walls see The Princess: The Splendour Falls on Castle Walls | Spring | The Spring | Spring | Spring and Autumn | Spring and Fall | Spring Offensive | Spring, the sweet spring | Squirrel | St. Agnes' Eve | St. Andrews Bay | St. Augustine and Monica | St. Stephen and Herod | Stand Up! -- | Stans Puer ad Mensam | Stanzas for Music | | Stanzas Written in Dejection, near Naples | The Star | The Star | The Starlight Night | Stars | The Star-spangled Banner see Defence of Fort M'Henry | The Star-splitter | State's Attorney Fallas | The Statesmen | The Statue of Sherman by St. Gaudens | Stay with Me, God | Steam-launches on the Thames | The Steel Glass (excerpt) | Stella Flammarum: An Ode to Halley's Comet | Stella is sicke, and in that sicke bed lies see Astrophel and Stella: 101 | Stella oft sees the very face of wo see Astrophel and Stella: 45 | Stella since thou so right a Princesse art see Astrophel and Stella: 107 | Stella, the fulnesse of my thoughts of thee see Astrophel and Stella: 50 | Stella, the onely Planet of my light see Astrophel and Stella: 68 | Stella, thinke not that I by verse seeke fame see Astrophel and Stella: 90 | Stella, whence doth this new assault arise see Astrophel and Stella: 36 | Stella, while now by honours cruell might see Astrophel and Stella: 91 | Stella's Birthday March 13, 1719 | Stella's Birthday March 13, 1727 | The Step Mother | The Sting of Death | Stones from Ashbourn Churchyard | Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening | Storm | Storming Toward a Precipice | The Story of Phœbus and Daphne, Applied | The Story of Sigurd the Volsung (excerpt) | Strahan, Tonson, Lintot of the Times see Impromptus | Strange Meeting | Strange Meetings | The Stranger | Strangers | The Strayed Reveller | The Stream's Secret | Strictly Germ-Proof | A strife is growne betweene Vertue and Loue see Astrophel and Stella: 52 | Strong Son of God see In Memoriam A. H. H.: [Prelude]

The "Student" | Studies at Delhi, 1876 | The Study of a Spider | The Sublime | Submission | Suburb | Success | Success is counted sweetest see Success | Sudden Light | Suicide's Note | The Sum of Life see The Pessimist | Summe Men Sayon that Y am Blac | Summer | Summer Images | | The Sun Rising | Sunday Morning | Sunday Up the River (excerpt) | Sunrise along Shore | A Sunset at Les Eboulements | Superfly | A Supplement of an Imperfect Copy of Verses of Mr. William Shakespear's, by the Author | Suppose | Supremacy | Surgeons must be very careful | The Swamp Angel | Swan | Swarte Smekyd Smethes | Sweeney | Sweeney among the Nightingales | Sweeney Erect | Sweet and Low see The Princess: Sweet and Low | Sweet are the thoughts that savour of content | Sweet Evenings Come and Go, Love | Sweet kisse, thy sweets I faine would sweetly endite see Astrophel and Stella: 79 | Sweet Machine | A Sweet Nosegay, or Pleasant Poesy, Containing a Hundred and Ten Philosophical Flowers | Sweet swelling lip, well maist thou swell in pride see Astrophel and Stella: 80 | Sweet William's Farewell to Black-ey'd Susan: A Ballad | Sweet William's Ghost | A Swimmer's Dream | Sympathetic Portrait of a Child | The Tables Turned | Take, O Take those Lips Away | A Taking Girl | A Tale | Tam Glen | Tam O 'Shanter | Tantramar Revisited | The Task: from Book II: The Time-Piece (excerpt) | The Task: from Book IV: The Winter Evening (excerpt) | The Task: from Book V: The Winter Morning Walk (excerpt) | The Task: from Book VI: The Winter Walk at Noon (excerpt) | The Teams | Tears, Idle Tears see The Princess: Tears, Idle Tears | Tease | The Telegraph Operator | Telling the Bees | Temagami | The Temper (I) | The Temple Tank | Ten Precepts from Dhammapada | Tender Mercies, on my Way | Tenebris Interlucentem | "Terence, this is stupid stuff see A Shropshire Lad LXII: "Terence, this is stupid stuff | The Testament of Cressida (excerpt) | The Testament of John Lydgate (excerpt) | The Testament of Love (excerpt) | Thanksgiving | A Thanksgiving to God, for his House | That First Year | That Leaf | That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire | That which we dare Invoke to Bless see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 124 | Theme in Yellow | Theology in Extremis: Or a soliloquy | There Is A Garden In Her Face | There Is a Lady Sweet and Kind | There is a Tavern in the Town | There Is No Death | There is Nothing Like a Dame- | There may be Chaos still around the World | There once was a young man of Ghent | There once was an old man of Lyme | There once was an old monk of Basing | There was a Boy | There was a little girl | There was a young bard of Japan | There was a young lady named Bright see Relativity | There was a young lady named Laura | There was a young lady of Riga | There was a Young Lady Whose Eyes | | There was a young plumber of Leigh | There was an Old Man of Calcutta | There was an Old Man of New York | There was an Old Man of Thermopylæ | There was an Old Man on the Border | There was an Old Man with a Beard | There was an Old Person of Nice | There was an Old Woman | There was was a girl of Lahore | There's a certain slant of light | There's Nae Luck about the House | They are all Gone into the World of Light | They flee from me that Sometime did me Seek | They say that I was in my youth | They Will Say | The Things That Cause a Quiet Life | The Things We Dare not Tell | Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird | Thirti Dayes hath Nouembir | Thirty Bob a Week | Thirty-Six Ways of Looking at Toronto Ontario | This Lime-tree Bower my Prison | This night while sleepe begins with heauy wings see Astrophel and Stella: 38 | This Pig Went to Market | Tho' Lack of Laurels and of Wreaths Not One | Those lookes, whose beames be joy, whose motion is delight see Astrophel and Stella: 77 | Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord | Thou comest! all is said without a word see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXXI | Thou hast thy calling to some palace-floor see Sonnets from the Portuguese: IV | Though dustie wits dare scorne Astrologie see Astrophel and Stella: 26 | Though some Saith that Youth Ruleth me | Though that Men do Call it Dotage | A Thought of the Nile | A Thought on Death: November, 1814 | Thought with good cause thou likest so well the night see Astrophel and Stella: 96 | Thoughtless Cruelty | Thoughts | The Three Enemies | The Three Fishers | The Three Ravens | Three wise men of Gotham | Three Years She Grew | Thrice Toss These Oaken Ashes | Through these Pale Cold Days | Thule, the Period of Cosmography | Thunder at Night | A Thunderstorm | Thy Voice is Heard see The Princess: Thy Voice is Heard | Thyrsis: A Monody | Thys Boke ys On | Tiare Tahiti | Tick! Tick! Tick! | The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls | Tie the strings to my life, my Lord | Time | The Time I've Lost in Wooing | Time Long Past | The Time of Youth is to be Spent | The Time When I First Fell in Love | The time you won your town the race see A Shropshire Lad XIX: The time you won your town the race | Times is Hard | Titanic | Tithonus | To -- -- --. Ulalume: A Ballad | To ---- | To a Canadian Aviator Who Died for his Country in France | To a Cat | To a Cat | To a Child of Quality, Five Years Old, the Author Suppos'd Forty | To a Dead Crow | To A Friend | To a Gentleman and Lady on the Death of the Lady's Brother and Sister | To A German Lady | To A Greek Girl On The Seashore | To a Highland Girl | To a Kaffir Baby | To a Lady, Asking him how Long he would Love her | To A Lady | To a Lady

To a Lady with an Unruly and Ill-mannered Dog Who Bit several Persons of Importance | To a Little Invisible Being Who is Expected Soon to Become Visible | To a Millionaire | To a Mountain Daisy | To a Mouse | To a Sicilian Boy | To a Skylark | To a Skylark | To a Vagabond | To a Very Young Lady | To a Young Poet who Killed Himself | To Althea, from Prison | To an Intra-mural Rat | To Anthea, who may Command him Anything | To Any Reader | To Arthur Edmonds | To Asra | To Autumn | To Ben Jonson | To Celia | To Chloe Jealous | To Correspondents | To Daffodils | To Daughter Ann, New Year's Day, 1567 | To E. T. | To Elsie | To Flush, My Dog | To Germany | To Hannah | To Heaven | To Helen | To her friends said the Bright one in chatter | To her Sister Mistress A. B. | To his Conscience | To his Coy Mistress | To his Friend Master R. L., In Praise of Music and Poetry | To His Mistress | To His Son, Vincent Corbet | To Homer | To J. S. | To Jane: "The Keen Stars Were Twinkling" | To John Clare | To Lallie | To Live Merrily, and to Trust to Good Verses | To Lucasta, Going to the Wars | To Margaret W------ | To Marguerite: Continued | To Mary | To Mr. Barbauld, November 14, 1778 | To Mr. Blanchard, the Celebrated Aeronaut | To Mr. Lawrence | To Mrs. M. A. at Parting | To Mrs. P********, with some Drawings of Birds and Insects | To Mrs. Reynold's Cat | To my Beloved Vesta | To my Dear and Loving Husband | To my Dear Friend Mr. Congreve on his Comedy Call'd the Double Dealer | To My Friends and Critics | To My Grandmother | To my Honor'd Friend, Dr. Charleton (excerpt) | To my Husband on our Wedding-Day | To my Inconstant Mistress | To my little niece Anne Duyckinck, aged 9 years | To My Spinning-Wheel | To Night | To Night | To One on her Birthday | To One who has been Long in City Pent | To One Who would Make a Confession | To Philaster | To Quilca, a Country House not in Good Repair | To R. K. | To Robert Browning | To Rosa | To Rosemounde | To seem the stranger lies my lot, my life | To Sir Toby, | To Sir Walter Scott | To Sleep | To Stretcher Bearers | To the Bartholdi Statue | To the Canadian Poets, 1940 | To the Chief Musician upon Nabla: A Tyndallic Ode | To the Cuckoo | To The Dead in the Graveyard Underneath My Window | To the Earl of Warwick, On the Death of Mr. Addison | To the Hills! | To The Indifferent Women | To the King on his Navy | To the Ladies | To the Memory of Mr. Oldham | To the Memory of My Beloved the Author, Mr. William Shakespeare | To the Moon | To the Muses | To the Ottawa | To the Pious Memory of the Accomplished Young Lady Mrs. Anne Killigrew | To the Returned Girls | To The Royal Society (excerpt) | To the Town Clock | To the Young Wife | To Virgil | To Virgins, to Make Much of Time | To. W. P. | To Winter | A toad can die of light! | Toad dreams | A Toast to the Men | Tobacco is a Dirty Weed | The To-be-forgotten | Toboggan | A Toccata of Galuppi's | Today | Tom Deadlight (1810) | Tom Tyler and his Wife | Tone | The Tongue's Allotment | To-night the Winds Begin to Rise see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 15 | To-night ungather'd let us Leave see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 105 | Too Much has Resisted Us | Tortoise Gallantry | Tortoise Shout | Tour Abroad of Wilfrid the Great | | Town Eclogues: Saturday; The Small-Pox | Town Eclogues: Thursday; the Bassette-Table | Town Eclogues: Tuesday; St. James's Coffee-House | Town Eclogues: Wednesday; The Tête à Tête | The Toys | Tract | Trafalgar Square | Transfigured | Trapped | The Traveler | Traveling dream | The Traveller; or, A Prospect of Society (excerpt) | The Tree | Trees | Triad | Trifles | The Triple Fool | The Triumph of Life | The Triumph of Love | The Triumph of Time | Trivia; or, the Art of Walking the Streets of London | | The Tropics in New York | The True Born Englishman (excerpt) | True Confessions Variations | Truth | The Tuft of Flowers | The Tunning of Elenor Rumming | Turn, Fortune, turn thy wheel see Idylls of the King: Song from The Marriage of Geraint | The Twa Corbies | The Twa Sisters o' Binnorie | 'Twas just this time, last year, I died see Retrospect | Twilight on Sixth Avenue at Ninth Street | Twin-growth | Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bat! | Two Bodies | Two Brothers | Two Canadian Memorials | Two in the Campagna | Two Old Crows | The Two Sisters | The Two Spirits: An Allegory | The Two Streams | Two voices are there see A Sonnet | Two Went up into the Temple to Pray | The Tyger | Ubi sunt qui ante nos fuerunt? | Ultima Thule: Dedication to G. W. G. | Ulysses | Ulysses and the Siren | Unchain the Laborer | Under the Greenwood Tree | Ungh | Uninvited Reader | Union Square | The United States to the Filipinos | The universe is as close as the veins in your neck | The Unknown | Unknown Country | Unlike are we, unlike, O princely Heart! see Sonnets from the Portuguese: III | Unmanifest Destiny | The Unnamed Lake | Unstable Dream | Unto this Last | Up at a Villa--Down in the City | Up-hill | Upon a Quiet Conscience | Upon a Spider Catching a Fly | Upon Apparel | Upon Appleton House, to my Lord Fairfax | Upon His Majesty's Repairing of Paul's | Upon Julia's Clothes | Upon my Lap my Sovereign Sits | Upon Parson Beanes | Upon the Disobedient Child | Upon the Loss of his Mistresses | Upon the Vine-tree | Upon Time and Eternity | Upon Wedlock, and Death of Children | The Useless Ones | V Mon. July [1747] hath xxxi days. | The Vagabonds | A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning

A Valediction: of Weeping | The Vampire | The Vanity of Human Wishes | Variations of Greek Themes. I. A Happy Man | Venal Vera | Veni, Creator Spiritus | Venus and Adonis | Verses on Sir Joshua Reynold's Painted Window at New College, Oxford | Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift, D.S.P.D. | Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 18th, 1666 | Verses Wrote on her Death-Bed at Bath, to her Husband, in London | Vertue alas, now let me take some rest see Astrophel and Stella: 4 | VI Mon. August [1742] hath xxxi days. | The Vicar Of Bray | The View at Gunderson's | Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field one Night | VII Mon. September [1742] hath xxx days. | The Village: Book I | VillainElle | Villanelle of Change | Villanelle of Ye Young Poet's First Villanelle to his Ladye and Ye Difficulties Thereof | Villon's Straight Tip to All Cross Coves | The Violin | Violin Song | Virgidemiarum (excerpt) | The Virgin | The Virgin | Viroconium | Virtue | Vision | A Vision of a Wrangler, of a University, of Pedantry, and of Philosophy | The Vision of Judgment (excerpt) | Visiting a dead man on a summer day | Vit{ae} Summa Brevis Spem nos Vetet Incohare Longam | Vnhappie sight, and hath she vanisht by see Astrophel and Stella: 105 | The Voice | The Voice of Toil | The Voice that Sings | Voices of Earth | Voices of the Air | Volpone: Come my Celia, let us prove | A Vote (excerpt) | The Vulture and the Husbandman | Wages | Waggawocky | A Walk by Moonlight | Walking | The Walrus and the Carpenter | Waly, Waly | War | Waring | Warm Summer Sun | The War-song of Dinas Vawr | Wash of Cold River | Washington McNeely | The Waste Land | The Waster's Presentiment | Watching the Oregon Whale | Watercolour for Negro Expatriates in France | The Water-fall | We too shall Sleep | We Two | We Wear the Mask | "We Women" | The Weary Blues | "Weather" | The Wedding Posy | Week-End | Weep You No More, Sad Fountains | The Well of St. Keyne | Western Wind, When will thou Blow? | Westminster Abbey | Wet-weather Talk | Whales Weep Not! | Whanne Ich Thenche Thinges Thre | What are big girls made of? | What can I give thee back, O liberal see Sonnets from the Portuguese: VIII | What haue I thus betrayed my libertie? see Astrophel and Stella: 47 | What I Know (Making Free with Villon's Smalltalk) | What Indians? | What Is Impossible | What Kind of Mistress He would Have | What may words say, or what may words not say see Astrophel and Stella: 35 | What Needeth these Threat'ning Words | What should I Say | What the Birds Said | What the Sexton Said | Whatever Is | What's the Good? | When a Little Farm I Keep | When Aurelia First I Courted | When Christ Was Born of Mary Fre | When Daisies Pied and Violets Blue | When de Co'n Pone's Hot | When, Dearest, I But Think On Thee | When far-spent night perswades each mortall eye see Astrophel and Stella: 99 | When he would have his Verses Read | When I am dead, my dearest | When I am Old -- | When I have Fears that I may Cease to Be | When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer | When I Read Shakespeare -- | "When I Set Out for Lyonnesse" | When I was forst from Stella euer deere see Astrophel and Stella: 87 | When I was Young and Fair | When I watch the living meet see A Shropshire Lad XII: When I watch the living meet | When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd | "When Lovely Woman" | When Lovely Woman Stoops to Folly | When 'Midst the Gay I Meet | When my good Angell guides me to the place see Astrophel and Stella: 60 | When Nature made her Chief Work see Astrophel and Stella VII | When Nature made her chiefe worke, Stellas eyes see Astrophel and Stella: 7 | "When 'Omer smote' is bloomin' lyre" | When on my Bed the Moonlight Falls see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 67 | When on the Marge of Evening | When our two souls stand up erect and strong see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXII | When sorrow (vsing mine owne fiers might) see Astrophel and Stella: 108 | When the Frost is on the Punkin | When Thou Must Home to Shades of Underground | When we met first and loved, I did not build see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXXVI | When You See Millions of the Mouthless Dead | When Your Pants Begin to Go | Where be those Roses gone, which sweetned so our eyes? see Astrophel and Stella: 102 | Where is the soul to find | Where Lies the Land to which the Ship would Go? | Where the Brumbies Come to Water | Whether the Turkish new-moone minded be see Astrophel and Stella: 30 | Which Has More Patience -- Man or Woman? | While fauour fed my hope, delight with hope was brought see Astrophel and Stella: Fift Song | Whilst Shepherds Watch'd | Whispers of Immortality | The White Man's Burden | White Nassau | A White Rose | Who is it that this Dark Night see Eleventh Song | Who is it that this darke night see Astrophel and Stella: Eleuenth Song | Who will in Fairest Book of Nature see Astrophel and Stella LXXI | Who will in fairest booke of Nature know see Astrophel and Stella: 71 | Whose senses in so euill consort, their step-dame Nature laies see Astrophel and Stella: Seuenth Song | Whoso List to Hunt, I Know where is an Hind | Why dost thou Shade thy Lovely Face? | Why Should We Care? | Widow McFarlane | The Wife | The Wife A-Lost | | The Wife of Usher's Well | A Wife's Protest | The Wild Common | Wild nights!--wild nights! (249)

Will and Testament | Will He No Come Back Again? | Willie Winkie | Windflowers | The Windhover | Windy Nights | Winter Evening | The Winter Lakes | A Winter Night | Winter promises | The Winter Scene | Winter Trees | Winter Uplands | Winter-Solitude | The wisest scholler of the weight most wise see Astrophel and Stella: 25 | The Wish | The Wish, that of the Living Whole see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 55 | Wishes of an Elderly Man Wished at a Garden Party, June 1914 | Wishes to his (Supposed) Mistress | The Witch in the Glass | With a Book | With how Sad Steps, O Moon see Astrophel and Stella XXXI | With how sad steps, O Moone, thou climb'st the skies see Astrophel and Stella: 31 | With the same heart, I said, I'll answer thee see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXXIV | With Trembling Fingers did we Weave see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 30 | With what sharp checkes I in my selfe am shent see Astrophel and Stella: 18 | "With Whom is no Variableness, Neither Shadow of Turning" | The Witness | The Witnesses | Wo, hauing made with many fights his owne see Astrophel and Stella: 57 | Woak Hill | The Woman Hater, a Song | A Woman's Last Word | A Woman's Reason | Women | The Women of the West | Women's Rights | Wonder | Woodbine Willie | The Woodlouse | Woodman, Spare that Tree! | The Wood-mouse | The Wood-pile | The Woodspurge | The Word | A Word From a Petitioner | Work While it is Day | Work without Hope | The World | The World below the Brine | The World is too much with us | A World of Light | Worldly Place | Worm Either Way | Worn Out | The Worship of Nature | The Wreck of the Deutschland | The Wreck of the Hesperus | The Wreck of the "Julie Plante" | The Writers Postscript | Written at Stonehenge | Written for my Son, … at his First Putting on Breeches | Written for my Son, … upon his Master's First Bringing in a Rod | Written in her French Psalter | Written in London. September, 1802 | Written on a Wall at Woodstock | Written with a Diamond on her Window at Woodstock | Wynken, Blynken, and Nod | X Mon. December [1744] hath xxxi days. | XI Mon. January [1733] hath xxxi days. | XI Mon. January [1736] hath xxxi days. | XII Mon. February [1746] hath xxviii days. | XIII. The First Feminist | Yarrow Revisited | Yarrow Unvisited | Yarrow Visited. September, 1814 | Ye Flowery Banks (Bonie Doon) | Ye Mariners of England | Ye Old Mule | A Year and a Day | Yee Bow | The Yellow Bittern | Yes | Yes, call me by my pet-name! let me hear see Sonnets from the Portuguese: XXXIII | Yet If His Majesty Our Sovereign Lord | Yet, love, mere love, is beautiful indeed see Sonnets from the Portuguese: X | Yet sighes, deere sighs, indeede true friends you are see Astrophel and Stella: 95 | You are Old, Father William | You Ask Me, Why, Tho' Ill at Ease | You charm'd me not with that fair face | You Gote-heard Gods | You know where you did despise | You Meaner Beauties Of The Night | You Say, but with no Touch of Scorn see In Memoriam A. H. H.: 96 | You Say, Columbus with his Argosies | You Smiled, You Spoke, and I Believed | You that do search for euerie purling spring see Astrophel and Stella: 15 | You that do Search see Astrophel and Stella XV | You that with allegories curious frame see Astrophel and Stella: 28 | Young and Old | The Young Laird and Edinburgh Katy | Your Fellow Americans | Your Hay it is Mow'd, and Your Corn is Reaped | Your Idea of Embracing Horror | Your words my friend (right healthfull caustiks) blame see Astrophel and Stella: 21 | Youth and Age | Youth and Art | Youth and Calm | A Youth Mowing | Yowr Yen Two Woll Sle me Sodenly | Yozgad IV: How like an ocean is existence here | Yozgad XXIV: War that begins in Man in nations ends | Zimbabwe

Glossary of Poetic Terms

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