ubc.ca - TIP
Terminology - Indigenous peoples
(E?)(L?) https://indigenousfoundations.arts.ubc.ca/terminology/
So, which terms do I use?
Terminology, particularly as it relates to Indigenous peoples, can be tricky to navigate. A term that might be acceptable to some might be offensive to others. Because of this, many people do not feel confident using certain terms when referring to Aboriginal peoples. Fear of using the “wrong” word should never stifle important dialogue and discussions that need to be had.
By taking a moment to consider the history of certain terms, it is very possible to learn and be comfortable with which words to use in which contexts. We have compiled this guide to help inform your decisions on terminology.
Terms in this section:
- Why does terminology matter?
- Aboriginal
- First Nations
- Inuit
- Metis
- Indian
- Indigenous
- Native
- Peoples (plural)
- To capitalize or not to capitalize?
Erstellt: 2023-01