Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
BR Brasilien, Brasil, Brésil, Brasile, Brazil, (esper.) Brazilo
Region, Región, Région, Regione, Region, (lat.) regio, (esper.) regionoj
Bundesstaaten, États fédérés, Federal States
São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, Sao Paulo
São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, Sao Paulo
Städte in São Paulo
São Paulo
Einige der Städtevorstellungen nehmen auch Bezug auf die Namensgebung.
Städte - Aussuchen: Aparecida do Norte | Brotas | Campinas | Guarujá | Ilhabela | Mogi das Cruzes | Paranapiacaba | Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar | PETAR - Staatstourismuspark des Alto Ribeira | Santos | São Luís do Paraitinga | São Paulo | Serra da Bocaina | Taubaté | Ubatuba | Vale do Paraíba
- "Aparecida do Norte": Der Glaube und das Gelübde an "Nossa Senhora Aparecida" machen diese im Tal Vale do Paraíba gelegene Stadt zu einem Zentrum von Religion und Tourismus für Wallfahrtsreisende der ganzen Welt. Saiba Mais
- "Brotas": ist ein beliebtes Reiseziel für Anhänger des Öko-Tourismus und der ideale Ort zum Betreiben von Sportarten wie rafting, canyoning und rapel. Saiba Mais
- "Campinas": Wenn von Geschäftstourismus die Rede ist, dann stellt sich Campinas als eine der besten Möglichkeiten im Land heraus. Saiba Mais
- "Guarujá": Die auch als „Perle des Atlantiks“ bekannte Stadt Guarujá hat seinen Besuchern mehr als nur wunderschöne Strände zu bieten. Mit einem der ältesten und schwierigsten Golfplätze Brasiliens zieht die Stadt zahlreiche Golfspieler an. Saiba Mais
- "Ilhabela": Ilhabela ist wegen der Schönheit der Natur und dem klaren Wasser bekannt und hier steigt auch jedes Jahr der südamerikanische Yachtwettbewerb. Saiba Mais
- "Mogi das Cruzes": Die Stadt, in dessen Umgebung sich das zweitgrößte Reservat atlantischen Regenwaldes vom Bundesland São Paulo befindet, gehört ferner zum Muss für alle Golfspieler und Deltaflieger. Saiba Mais
- "Paranapiacaba": Die Siedlung Paranapiacaba ist ein kleines Stück Europa in Brasilien. Im 19. Jahrhundert als Wohnstätte für Fremdarbeiter aus England erbaut bildet der Ort mit seinen Holzhäusern und angenehm kühlen Klima mittlerweile eine der größten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Region. Saiba Mais
- "Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar": Derartig viele Schönheiten werden Sie hier vorfinden daß Sie sie für immer erhalten wollen werden, vor allem im Gedächtnis. Saiba Mais
- "PETAR": - Staatstourismuspark des Alto Ribeira Er besteht aus einer grandiosen Höhlen-, Grotten- und Abgrundsgruppierung und bildet ein wichtiges nationales Gut. Saiba Mais
- "Santos": Sitz des größten Hafens Lateinamerikas, Santos ist auch der Geburtsort des Fußballkönigs "Pelé". Heute beherbergt die Stadt eines der schönsten Taucherparadiese Brasiliens. Saiba Mais
- "São Luís do Paraitinga": Hier laden die Naturschönheiten jeden ein, vom Abenteuersportler bis zum Besucher der die Gegend genießen will. Saiba Mais
- "Serra da Bocaina": Der Serra da Bocaina-Nationalpark gilt als das größte Regenwald-Schutzgebiet des Landes. Saiba Mais
- "Taubaté": Ein wichtiger Industriepol im Paraíba-Tal, das die Merkmale der Vergangenheit mit der Gegenwart zusammenbringt. Saiba Mais
- "Ubatuba": Dieser Strand hat die besten Wellen der paulistaner Küste und ist unter den Wassersportler, Taucher und Surfer aus aller Welt berühmt. Saiba Mais
- "Vale do Paraíba": Das aus mehreren Gemeinden bestehende Tal Vale do Paraíba ist zugleich eine der industrialisiertesten Regionen Brasiliens. Aber der Reichtum reicht jenseits der Industriegebiete. Entlang des Flussverlaufes vom Rio Paraíba do Sul rechnet die Region ferner über zahlreiche natürliche Schätze, die entlang des gesamten „Flusstals“ verteilt sind. Saiba Mais
Iracema (W3)
Der in Südamerika häufiger zu findende weibliche Vorname geht auf eine Titelgestalt eines im indianischen Milieu spielenden Romans des brasilianischen Schriftstellers José de Alençar (19. Jh.) zurück. Der Name wurde in Anlehnung an eine Tupí-Sprache geprägt. Er kann aber auch als Anagramm für "América" ("Amerika") aufgefasst werden.
Iracemápolis {Iracemapolis}
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Dt. Span. Frz. Engl. "Iracema" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1880 auf.
Erstellt: 2015-07
Sao Paulo (W3)
"Sao Paulo" geht auf ein Jesuitenkolleg zurück, das Manuel da Nobrega und José de Acosta am 25. Januar 1554 gründeten. Da es gerade der Festtag der Bekehrung des Apostels Paulus war, nannten sie das Kolleg "Sao Paulo", port. "São Paulo". Heute ist "São Paulo" die benölkerungsreichste Stadt Südamerikas.
Sao Paulo (city) Brazil: 23° 35' S 46° 43' W
Auch die Städte "Rio de Janeiro" und "Salvadore de Bahia" sind jesuitische Gründungen.
Casa de Pedra
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Casa de Pedra
The eccentric home of Estevao Silva da Conceicao, known as the "Brazilian Gaudi"
Eccentric Homes
11 Aug 2011
World's Tallest Lego Tower
Sao Paulo, Brazil
World's Tallest Lego Tower
Many cities have held the title, but Brazil snatched the crown from Chile in 2011
Unusual Monuments, Strange Statues
18 Apr 2011
Butantã Snake Institute
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Butantã Snake Institute
A snake farm famous for its venemous varieties
Fascinating Fauna, Unique Collections
24 Nov 2008
Sao Paulo
- Sao Paulo City, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Copacabana Beach, Rio, Brazil
- Handy Brazilian Portuguese Phrases
- Ayrton Senna - Racing Legend
- Will They Power Your Car With Sawdust From Canada?
- Rephlex - the Record Label
- Southampton FC
- The h2g2 Calendar - 3 - March
Geography of Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo, Brazil - Interactive Map (New York Times)
Tienda Volume B / Marcio Kogan
in Sao Paulo, Brazil, by Marcio Kogan.
Brasilien, Generalkonsulat Sao Paulo
Mata Atlântica (including Sao Paulo City Green Belt)
- Design of the City of Sao Paulo
- Maps of the Border Region Between the States of Rio of Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo, and of the Course of the Sao Francisco River
- Region Between Amazon River and Sao Paulo
The Wooster Collective was founded in 2001. This site is dedicated to showcasing and celebrating ephemeral art placed on streets in cities around the world.
Keywords: Sao Paulo
Grafica Fidalga, a printing press in São Paulo, Brazil, makes posters on a 1929 German letterpress using hand-carved wooden letters. In this video, we visit the trio of friends who make up Grafica Fidalga to watch them make a poster we commissioned for our 99% conference.
Erstellt: 2014-01
São Paulo (W3)
"São Paulo" trägt den Namen des "Heiligen Paulus".
Als Mönche am 25.01.1554 den Grundstein für eine Missionsstation legten erinnerten sie sich an die Bekehrung des Saulus ("der Begehrte") zum Paulus ("der Kleine", lat. "paullus" / "paulus" = "klein"), die an diesem Tag geschehen sein soll.
Die Stadt "São Paulo" ("St. Paul") trögt den Namen eines ehemaligen Jesuitischen Klosters "São Paulo de Piratininga" (engl. "St. Paul of Piratininga"), das gegründet wurde um die Einwohner zu christianisieren. Später wurde der Name der Hauptstadt auf den Bundesstaat übertragen.
"São Paulo" geht auf ein Jesuitenkolleg zurück, das Manuel da Nobrega und José de Acosta am 25. Januar 1554 gründeten. Da es gerade der Festtag der Bekehrung des Apostels Paulus war, nannten sie das Kolleg "Sao Paulo", port. "São Paulo". Heute ist "São Paulo" die benölkerungsreichste Stadt Südamerikas.
Auch die Städte "Rio de Janeiro" und "Salvadore de Bahia" sind jesuitische Gründungen.
Livraria da Vila
São Paulo, Brazil
Livraria da Vila
The bookstore with bookshelves built into unlikely places
Commercial Curiosities, Purveyors of Curiosities
23 Apr 2013
- Jardim Botânico Municipal de Bauru Bauru São Paulo
- Jardim Botânico do Instituto de Biociências da UNESP- Botucatu Botucatu São Paulo
- Jardim Botânico do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Campinas São Paulo
- Jardim Zoobotânico Municipal de Franca Franca São Paulo
- Jardim Botânico de Jundiaí - Walmor de Souza Jundiai São Paulo
- Jardim Botanico Municipal de Santos "Chico Mendes" Santos São Paulo
- Parque Zoobotânico Orquidario Municipal de Santos Santos São Paulo
- Jardim Botânico de São Paulo São Paulo São Paulo
"São Paulo": Die grösste Stadt Brasiliens braucht gar keine Vorstellungen. Hier fühlt sich die ganze Welt wie zu Hause. Saiba Mais
- Ibirapuera Park (park, São Paulo, Brazil)
- Paulista, Avenida (avenue, São Paulo, Brazil)
Adamantina | Aguaí {Aguai} | Agudos | Álvares Machado {Alvares Machado} | Americana | Américo Brasiliense {Americo Brasiliense} | Amparo | Andradina | Aparecida | Araçatuba {Aracatuba} | Araraquara | Araras | Artur Nogueira | Arujá {Aruja} | Assis | Atibaia | Avaré {Avare} | Bariri | Barra Bonita | Barretos | Barrinha | Barueri | Batatais | Bauru | Bebedouro | Bertioga | Birigui | Biritiba-Mirim | Boituva | Botucatu | Bragança Paulista {Braganca Paulista} | Brodowski | Cabreúva {Cabreuva} | Caçapava {Cacapava} | Cachoeira Paulista | Caieiras | Cajamar | Cajati | Cajuru | Campinas | Campo Limpo Paulista | Campos do Jordão {Campos do Jordao} | Cândido Mota {Candido Mota} | Capão Bonito {Capao Bonito} | Capivari | Caraguatatuba | Carapicuíba {Carapicuiba} | Casa Branca | Catanduva | Cerquilho | Conchal | Cosmópolis {Cosmopolis} | Cotia | Cravinhos | Cruzeiro | Cubatão {Cubatao} | Descalvado | Diadema | Dois Córregos {Dois Corregos} | Dracena | Embu | Embu-Guaçu {Embu-Guacu} | Espírito Santo do Pinhal {Espirito Santo do Pinhal} | Fernandópolis {Fernandopolis} | Ferraz de Vasconcelos | Franca | Francisco Morato | Franco da Rocha | Garça {Garca} | Guaíra {Guaira} | Guararapes | Guararema | Guaratinguetá {Guaratingueta} | Guariba | Guarujá {Guaruja} | Guarulhos | Hortolândia {Hortolandia} | Ibaté {Ibate} | Ibitinga | Ibiúna {Ibiuna} | Igaraçu do Tietê {Igaracu do Tiete} | Igarapava | Iguape | Ilhabela | Ilha Solteira | Indaiatuba |
| Itanhaém {Itanhaem} | Itapecerica da Serra | Itapetininga | Itapeva | Itapevi | Itapira | Itápolis {Itapolis} | Itaquaquecetuba | Itararé {Itarare} | Itatiba | Itu | Itupeva | Ituverava | Jaboticabal | Jacareí {Jacarei} | Jaguariúna {Jaguariuna} | Jales | Jandira | Jardinópolis {Jardinopolis} | Jaú {Jau} | José Bonifácio {Jose Bonifacio} | Jundiaí {Jundiai} | Juquitiba | Laranjal Paulista | Leme | Lençóis Paulista {Lencois Paulista} | Limeira | Lins | Lorena | Louveira | Mairinque | Mairiporã {Mairipora} | Marília {Marilia} | Martinópolis {Martinopolis} | Matão {Matao} | Mauá {Maua} | Mirandópolis {Mirandopolis} | Mirassol | Mococa | Mogi das Cruzes (Moji das Cruzes) | Mogi Guaçu (Moji Guaçu) {Mogi Guacu} | Mogi-Mirim (Moji Mirim) | Mongaguá {Mongagua} | Monte Alto | Monte Aprazível {Monte Aprazivel} | Monte Mor | Morro Agudo | Nova Odessa | Novo Horizonte | Olímpia {Olimpia} | Orlândia {Orlandia} | Osasco | Osvaldo Cruz | Ourinhos | Paraguaçu Paulista {Paraguacu Paulista} | Paulínia {Paulinia} | Pederneiras | Pedreira | Penápolis {Penapolis} | Pereira Barreto | Peruíbe {Peruibe} | Piedade | Pilar do Sul | Pindamonhangaba | Piracaia | Piracicaba | Piraju | Pirapozinho | Pirassununga (Piraçununga) | Pitangueiras | Poá {Poa} | Pontal | Porto Feliz | Porto Ferreira | Praia Grande | Presidente Epitácio {Presidente Epitacio} | Presidente Prudente | Presidente Venceslau | Promissão {Promissao} | Rancharia | Registro | Ribeirão Pires {Ribeirao Pires} | Ribeirão Preto {Ribeirao Preto} | Rio Claro | Rio das Pedras | Rio Grande da Serra | Salto | Salto de Pirapora | Santa Bárbara d'Oeste {Santa Barbara dOeste} | Santa Cruz das Palmeiras | Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo | Santa Fé do Sul {Santa Fe do Sul} | Santa Gertrudes | Santa Isabel | Santana de Parnaíba {Santana de Parnaiba} | Santa Rita do Passa Quatro | Santa Rosa de Viterbo | Santo André {Santo Andre} | Santos | São Bernardo do Campo {Sao Bernardo do Campo} | São Caetano do Sul {Sao Caetano do Sul} | São Carlos {Sao Carlos} | São João da Boa Vista {Sao Joao da Boa Vista} | São Joaquim da Barra {Sao Joaquim da Barra} | São José do Rio Pardo {Sao Jose do Rio Pardo} | São José do Rio Preto {Sao Jose do Rio Preto} | São José dos Campos {Sao Jose dos Campos} | São Manuel {Sao Manuel} | São Miguel Arcanjo {Sao Miguel Arcanjo} | São Paulo {Sao Paulo} | São Pedro {Sao Pedro} | São Roque {Sao Roque} | São Sebastião {Sao Sebastiao} | São Vicente {Sao Vicente} | Serrana | Serra Negra | Sertãozinho {Sertaozinho} | Socorro | Sorocaba | Sumaré {Sumare} | Suzano (Susano) | Taboão da Serra {Taboao da Serra} | Tambaú {Tambau} | Tanabi | Taquaritinga | Taquarituba | Tatuí {Tatui} | Taubaté {Taubate} | Tietê {Tiete} | Tremembé {Tremembe} | Tupã {Tupa} | Ubatuba | Valinhos | Valparaíso {Valparaiso} | Vargem Grande do Sul | Vargem Grande Paulista | Várzea Paulista {Varzea Paulista} | Vinhedo | Votorantim | Votuporanga |
Loducca building in São Paulo by Triptyque
São Paulo (Brazil)
Folha de São Paulo - Daily news from Brazil
- MAM, Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo
- Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo
- São Paulo Street Art
Der Brasilianer Alberto Santos-Dumont (* São Paulo 1873, † Guarujá 1932) verwendete 1898 erstmals einen Benzinmotor als Antrieb für ein von ihm gebautes lenkbares, unstarres Luftschiff und flog damit eine Acht. In einem verbesserten Typ durchflog er 1901 einen 10 km langen Rundkurs um den Eiffelturm in weniger als 30 Minuten.
São Paulo, Brazil
- Latitude: 23° 31' S
- Longitude: 46° 31' W
Niehoff, Stephanie - Köln, August 2006 - »Das Portugiesische bei italienischen Immigranten in São Paulo«
Search Results: São Paulo (801 results)
São Paulo
(E2)(L1)ão Paulo
- Bildergalerie | Copan (São Paulo, 1966) | Structurae
- 4. Jan. 2014 ... Hier finden Sie Fotografien, Bilder und andere Abbildungen für das Bauwerk " Copan" in rückwärts chronologischer Reihenfolge nach Aufnahmedatum, sofern ...
- U-Bahn-Strecken und -Linien | Structurae
- 26. Dez. 2013 ... 67, Linie 1 der Metro São Paulo, São Paulo (SP) Brasilien, in Nutzung. 68, Linie 1 der Metro Valencia, Valencia Spanien, in Nutzung. 69, Linie 1 der Metro ...
- Stahlfachwerktürme (freistehend) | Structurae
- 26. Dez. 2013 ... 50, Fernsehturm Bandeirantes, 1997, São Paulo (SP) Brasilien, in Nutzung. 51, Fernsehturm Eriwan 1, 1977, Eriwan Armenien, in Nutzung. 52, Fernsehturm ...
- Andreas Hoier | Structurae
- 23. Dez. 2013 ... Bibliografie. Hoier, Andreas Das neue Stadion der Corinthians in São Paulo, in " Stahlbau", 2013, n. 6 v. 82; S. 444-451. Relevante Webseiten. Es sind derzeit ...
- Arena Corinthians (São Paulo, 2014) | Structurae
- 2. Dez. 2013 ... November 2013. Während der Montage des Daches stürzt ein Kran ein. Dabei werden zwei Menschen am Boden getötet und das im Bau ...
- Bildergalerie | Santo-Amaro-Brücke / Metrobahnhof Santo Amaro ...
- 22. Okt. 2013 ... Hier finden Sie Fotografien, Bilder und andere Abbildungen für das Bauwerk " Santo-Amaro-Brücke / Metrobahnhof Santo Amaro" in rückwärts chronologischer ...
- Stephen Hagenmayer | Structurae
- 12. Juli 2012 ... 17; S. Hagenmayer, Stephen Das neue Stadion der Corinthians in São Paulo, in "Stahlbau", 2013, n. 6 v. 82; S. 444-451; Hagenmayer, Stephen Die Highlight ...
- Renaissance São Paulo Hotel (São Paulo, 1994) | Structurae
- 18. Aug. 2010 ... Es sind derzeit keine Fotos für dieses Bauwerk verfügbar. Wenn Sie über solche verfügen und uns diese gerne zur Verfügung stellen möchten, ...
- Copan (São Paulo, 1966) | Structurae
- 17. Aug. 2010 ... Copan ist ein(e), erbaut von 1957 bis 1966. Das Bauwerk befindet sich in São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasilien, Südamerika.
- Edificio Jacaranda (São Paulo, 1988) | Structurae
- 17. Aug. 2010 ... Es sind derzeit keine Fotos für dieses Bauwerk verfügbar. Wenn Sie über solche verfügen und uns diese gerne zur Verfügung stellen möchten, ...
- Linie 5 der Metro São Paulo (São Paulo) | Structurae
- 20. Febr. 2010 ... Linie 5 der Metro São Paulo ist ein(e) U-Bahn-Strecke oder -Linie. Das Projekt befindet sich in São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasilien, Südamerika.
- Metrobahnhof Hospital Servidor Público (São Paulo) | Structurae
- 19. Febr. 2010 ... Metrobahnhof Hospital Servidor Público ist ein(e) U-Bahn-Haltestelle / unterirdischer Bahnhof. Das Bauwerk befindet sich in São Paulo, São ...
- Viaduto de Cidade de Guarulhos (Guarulhos, 2008) | Structurae
- 2. Febr. 2009... und, Straßenbrücke und wurde fertiggestellt im Jahre 2008. Das Bauwerk befindet sich in Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brasilien, Südamerika.
- Octávio Frias de Oliveira-Brücke (São Paulo, 2008) | Structurae
- 11. Aug. 2008 ... Octávio Frias de Oliveira-Brücke ist ein(e) Schrägseilbrücke und Autobahnbrücke und wurde fertiggestellt im Jahre 2008. Das Bauwerk ...
- Bahnhof Luz (São Paulo, 1901) | Structurae
- 29. März 2008 ... Bahnhof Luz ist ein(e) Hängebrücke mit Schrägseilen, Museum, Bahnhofsgebäude, und, Straßenbrücke, erbaut von 1895 bis 1901.
- Basilika Unserer Lieben Frau von Aparecida (Aparecida, 1984 ...
- 8. Apr. 2008 ... Basilika Unserer Lieben Frau von Aparecida ist ein(e) Kirche, erbaut von 1955 bis 1984. Das Bauwerk befindet sich in Aparecida, São Paulo, ...
- Catedral Metropolitana de São Paulo (São Paulo, 1954) | Structurae
- 28. März 2008 ... Catedral Metropolitana de São Paulo ist ein(e) Kathedrale, erbaut von 1913 bis 1954. Das Bauwerk befindet sich in São Paulo, São Paulo, ...
- Andraus-Gebäude (São Paulo, 1962) | Structurae
- 9. Juli 2006 ... Andraus-Gebäude ist ein(e) Bürogebäude und wurde fertiggestellt im Jahre 1962 . Das Bauwerk befindet sich in São Paulo, São Paulo, ...
- Mario Covas-Viadukt (São Paulo, 2002) | Structurae
- 20. Mai 2005 ... Mario Covas-Viadukt ist ein(e) Schrägseilbrücke, und, Straßenbrücke wurde erbaut im Jahre 2002. Das Bauwerk befindet sich in São Paulo, ...
- Mirante do Vale (São Paulo, 1966) | Structurae
- 27. Okt. 2004 ... Mirante do Vale ist ein(e) Bürogebäude, erbaut von 1960 bis 1966. Das Bauwerk befindet sich in São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasilien, Südamerika.
- e-Tower (São Paulo, 2004) | Structurae
- 27. Okt. 2004 ... E-Tower ist ein(e) Bürogebäude und wurde fertiggestellt im Jahre 2004. Das Bauwerk befindet sich in São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasilien, ...
- Epidauro (São José do Rio Pardo, 1996) | Structurae
- 16. Okt. 2004 ... Epidauro ist ein(e) Theater, und, Seilnetz wurde erbaut im Jahre 1996. Das Bauwerk befindet sich in São José do Rio Pardo, São Paulo, ...
- Bildergalerie | Grande São Paulo (São Paulo, 1971) | Structurae
- Hier finden Sie Fotografien, Bilder und andere Abbildungen für das Bauwerk " Grande São Paulo" in rückwärts chronologischer Reihenfolge nach ...
- Kerstin Puller | Structurae
- Bibliografie. Puller, Kerstin Das neue Stadion der Corinthians in São Paulo, in " Stahlbau", 2013, n. 6 v. 82; S. 444-451. Relevante Webseiten. Es sind derzeit ...
46 results
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Tunnel Entrance in São Paulo
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Design of the City of São Paulo
- This drawing shows the Brazilian city of São Paulo. Founded in 1554 by Jesuit missionaries as a base for their work with the Guaraní Indians, the city first grew as a result of the coffee trade and later due to industrialization. The drawing is done with Nanquim ink, a type of ink developed in China and used for colloidal drawings and watercolors. It involves suspending carbon particles in water and stabilizing it with some type of glue.
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Maps of the Border Region Between the States of Rio of Janeiro, Minas Gerais and São Paulo, and of the Course of the São Francisco River
- This map shows an area near the end of the São Francisco River. The river originates in Brazil’s Minas Gerais state and travels some 3,160 kilometers to the Atlantic Ocean.
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Map of the Region of Minas Gerais with a Part of the Way from São Paulo and of Rio de Janeiro to the Mines, Showing Tributaries of the São Francisco River
- This map shows navigable routes to the mines of the southeastern Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. During the 18th century, when this map was drawn, the region’s gold and diamond mines attracted thousands of prospectors. The Portuguese crown financed the construction of a road through the mining regions, from Rio de Janeiro to the diamond center, Diamantina, and strictly controlled traffic on the road. The region was also accessible via the São Francisco River, which begins in Minas Gerais.
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Tunnel Entrance in São Paulo: Inclined Plane
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Course of the São [Francisco] River and the Navigation Along It from São Paulo to the Pitangui Mines
- This early-18th century manuscript map shows the São Francisco River in Brazil’s Minas Gerais state. In this period, the Portuguese sent numerous expeditions up the São Francisco and its tributaries in search of gold, silver, and diamonds.
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Region Between Amazon River and São Paulo
- This pen-and-ink watercolor map shows the course of the Amazon River, including its minor tributaries and the towns located along its banks. Although much of the area along the Amazon was controlled by indigenous people through the early colonial period, settlers established towns along the riverbanks to support trade and exploration into Brazil’s interior. The largest of these towns was Belem, which appears on the map.
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Cruzeiro Station
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Village and Square of Santos
- This drawing shows the village of Santos in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. The village was established in 1546 and quickly became an export site for coffee. The drawing is done with Nanquim ink, a type of ink developed in China and used for colloidal drawings and watercolors. It involves suspending carbon particles in water and stabilizing it with some type of glue.
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Plan of the Tietê River Summarized with All Its Turns: Waterfalls are from Port of the Araritaguaba up to the Big Paraná River
- This map shows the Tietê River, which runs for 1,100 kilometers through the southeastern Brazilian state of São Paulo before connecting with the Paraná River, South America’s second longest river. Although the source of the river is located near the sea, the topography of the region forces the river to flow into the interior of the continent. Brazil’s largest city, São Paulo, grew up along the banks of the Tietê.
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Storage Yard
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Workshops
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: The Ants Nest
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Brick Factory, at Kilometer 4
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Tunnel, at Kilometer 6
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Tunnel, at Kilometer 13 Meter 300
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Big Embankment, at Kilometer 9 Meter 800
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Big Embankment, at Kilometer 11 Meter 800
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Horseshoe Curve at Pedra Branca, at Kilometer 12, Seen from South
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Horseshoe Curve at Pedra Branca, at Kilometer 12, Seen from North
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Mantiqueira Mountains
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Overview of the Line
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Precipice, at Kilometer 18, Seen from South
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Precipice, at Kilometer 18, Seen from North
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Mantiqueira Mountain
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line was ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Partial View of the Mantiqueira Mountains
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line was ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Tunnel, at Kilometer 19 Meter 38
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Viaduct, at Kilometer 20 Meter 160
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Precipice, at Kilometer 20 Meter 500, Formerly Known as Quebra Pescoço
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Mantiqueira Tunnel: Visits from Your Majesties on the 25th of June, 1882
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Tunnel Entrance in Minas Gerais
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Bridge, at Kilometer 28 Meter 8
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Bridge, at Kilometer 32 Meter 12
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Passa Quatro Bridge, at Kilometer 34, One Span of 20 Meters and Another of 12 Meters
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Passa Quatro Station, at Kilometer 34
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Bridge over the River Ribeirão Dos Santos, at Kilometer 65
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Embankment Bridge, at Kilometer 73 Meter 18
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Bridge over the River Verde, at Kilometer 74, One Span of 36 Meters
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Bridge over the River Verde, at Kilometer 127, Three Spans of 20 Meters
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Bridge over the River Lambary, at Kilometer 157, One Span of 26 Meters
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Três Corações, at Kilometer 170
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Passa Vinte, at Kilometer 20 Meter 500
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil: Passa Vinte, at Kilometer 20 Meter 500 : Bridge
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Minas and Rio Railway, Brazil, between 1881 and 1884
- The Minas and Rio Railway, also known as the Rio Verde Railway, was opened for traffic on July 14th, 1884, in the presence of Emperor Pedro II (1825-91), his daughter Princess Isabel, and her husband, Prince Gastão de Orléans, conde d’Eu. The British-owned and constructed line ran from Cruzeiro in the interior of the state of São Paulo, across the Mantiqueira Mountains, and through cities and towns in the southern part of the state of Minas Gerais as far as Três Corações do Rio Verde. The line played ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Town of Santos
- This drawing shows the village of Santos in southern Brazil. The drawing is done with Nanquim ink, a type of ink developed in China and used for colloidal drawings and watercolors. It involves suspending carbon particles in water and stabilizing it with some type of glue.
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
- Geographic Map of the Captaincy of Mato Grosso
- This hand-colored manuscript map shows the topography of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso, along with parts of Grão Pará, the Negro River, Goiás, and São Paulo. It also shows the Assumpção province of Paraguay and the western provinces of the Moxós and Chiquitos Indians. The latter regions, important areas in the Guarani War of 1756, were at the center of the disputes over territory between the crowns of Spain and Portugal. Important notes on the right side of the map provide information about two treaties between the two kingdoms ...
- Contributed by: National Library of Brazil
São Paulo Travel Guide
São Paulo - Saint Paul
Erstellt: 2014-01