Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
BE Belgien, Bélgica, Belgique, Belgio, Belgium, (esper.) Belgujo
Philosophie, Filosofía, Philosophie, Filosofia, Philosophy, (esper.) filozofio
Web Dictionary of Cybernetics and Systems
This dictionary is a combination (with permission) of the "ASC Glossary, Krippendorff's Dictionary" and "Hornung's Glossary". The author of each definition is mentioned at the end of a section. References to authors without hyperlinks can be found in the references of the ASC Glossary page. The original texts were compiled and converted to hypertext by Francis Heylighen, helped by An Vranckx.
This dictionary is provided as part of Cybernetics and Systems Theory in the Principia CyberneticaWeb, which contains additional definitions of some concepts not found here. More general dictionaries, including a Non-linearity and Complexity Glossary, an extensive Dictionary of Computing terms, Mathematical Programming Glossary and Dictionary of Cell Biology, are available elsewhere on the Web. Most of these, including the present one, are searchable through a single interface: the OneLook Dictionaries.
Defined Terms
- A Fortiori Analysis | Absolute Discrimination | | Adiabatic | Aesthetical Imperative | Aggregation | Algedonic Loop | Algedonic Regulation | Allopoiesis | Allopoietic Machine | Alphabet | Alternative | Ambiguity | Analog Computer | Analogy | Analysis | Anomie | Anthropomorphism | Anticommunication | Argument | | Association | Atomism | Autarky | Authority | Autocatalysis | Autocatalytic | Autoletics | Automation | Autonomous | Autonomy | Autopoiesis | Autopoietic Machine | Autopoietic Space | Axiology
- Back Channel Communication | Basin | Behavior | Behavior Space | Behavioral Sciences | Behaviorism | Benefit | Bifurcation | Binary | Biological Explanation | Biological Phenomenon | Biosphere | Bit | Black Box Method | Borsodi's Law | Boundary | Brain Theory | Bremermann's limit | Brownian Movement | Bureaucracy | Bureaucratic Balance of Power Principle
- Calculus | Cartesian Product | Catalyst | Catastrophe Theory | Category | Causality | Chance | Change | Channel | Channel Capacity | Character | Chunking | Closed System | Closure | Code | Coding | Cognition | Cognitive Domain | Cognitive System | Combinatorial Explosion | Combinatorics | Commensal | Communication | Communication System | Communications | Communicative Domain | Compatibility | Competence And Performance | Competition | Complementary | Composition | Computation | Computer | Computer Conferencing | Computer Science | Computing | Concept | Concrete | Confirmation | Conflict | Consequence | Conservation Law | Constitution | Constraint | Constraint Analysis | Construct | Constructivism | Context | Contingency Analysis | Continuum | Control | Convention | Convergence | Cooperation | Coordination | Coorientation | Copying | Correlation | Correspondence Principle | Cost Effectiveness | Coupled | Coupling (of Unities) | Course of Action | Creativity | Creod | Criterion | Cultural Determinism | Culture | Cybernetics | Cyborg
- Data | Data Bank | Datum | Decentralized Government | Decision | Decision Maker | Decision Science | Decision Theory | Decoding | Decryption | Degree of Freedom | Delphi Method | Demand | Deterministic | Development | Deviation Amplifying Feedback | Deviation Reducing Feedback | Diachronic | Dialectic | Diffusion | Digital Computer | Dimension | Diminishing Returns | Discount Rate | Discounting | Discrimination | Dissipative Structure | Distribution | Diversity | DNA | Domain | Dominance | Double Bind | Double-Talk | Dualism | Dyad | Dynamic | Dynamic Evaluation | Dysfunction
- Eco System | Ecology | Economy of Scale | Ecosphere | Effectiveness | Effectivity | Efficiency | Eigen Value | Electronic Data Interchange (Edi) | Electronic Data Processing(Edp) | Embryogenesis | Encoding | Encoding | Encryption | Energy | Ensemble | Entailment | Entropy | Environment | Epigenetic | Epistemology | Equifinality | Equilibrium | Equilibrium States | Equivocation | Ergodic | Error Correcting Code | Error Detecting Code | Ether | Ethical Imperative | Ethics/Ethical | Ethology | Eudemony | Evaluation | Evaluation Research | Evidence | Evolution | Exchange | Excluded Middle | Expansionism | Expectation | Experimentation | Explanation | Externalities | Externality
- Fact | Fail Safe | Feedback | Figure-Ground | Finite | First Law of Thermodynamics | First-Order Cybernetics | Fluctuation | Forecast | Frame of Reference | Freedom | Frequency | Function
- Game | General Systems Theory | Generative | Genesis of Structure | Genetic Information | Genetics | Genotype | Gestalt | Goal | Goal Formulation | Goal Seeking | Goal-Oriented | Goedel Theorem | Government | Graph | Growth
- Habitat | Hamming Distance | Hardware | Hawthorne Effect | Hermeneutic | Hermeneutics | Heterarchy | Heteropoiesis | Heuristic | Hierarchy | Historical Phenomenon | History Determined | Holism | Homeostasis | Homeostat | Homeostatic Machines | Homomorphism | Hyperspace | Hypothesis
- Icon | Identification | Identity | Ideography | Immunity | Impact | Implementation | Incentive | Incompleteness Theorem | Independence | Index | Individuality | Inertia | Informatik | Information | Information Environment | Information System | Information Technology (IT) | Information Theory | Infrastructure | Input | Input-Output (Leontief) Analysis | Input-Output Analysis | Inquiring System | Integration of Systems | Intelligence | Intelligence Amplification | Interface | Interfaceability | Internalization | Intersubjectively Verifiable | Intuition | Invariant | Isomorphic | Isomorphism | It Sector | Iteration | Iterative Process
- Jump Phenomena
- K | Kluge
- Lag | Laissez Faire | Language | Large Numbers | Latent Function | Lattice | Law | Law of Diminishing Returns | Law of Genesis of Structure | Law of Large Numbers | Law of Regulatory Models | Law of Requisite Variety | Law of the Excluded Middle | Law/Legal Regulations | Laws of Form | Lead | Learning | Life Cycle | Limit Cycle | Limit of Absolute Discrimination | Linear | Linguistic Domain | Linguistics | Logarithm | Logical Types
- Machine | Machine with Input | Machine, Purpose or Aim of | Macro | Management | Management Information System (MIS) | Manifest/Latent Function | Marginal Effectiveness | Markov Chain | Markovian Machine | Mathematics | Matrix | Measurement | Mechanical Phenomenology | Mechanism | Media | Mediate | Memory | Mentalism | Meta- | Metasystem | Meta-Uncertainty | Metaphor | Methodology | Micro- | Microworld | Milieu | Miller's Magical Number Seven | Minimax Principle | Mode | Model | Model of the World | Model-Regulator Identity | Monitoring | Morphocatalysis | Morphogenesis | Morphology | Morphostasis | Motivation | Multifinality | Multistable System | Mutation
- Necessity | Need | Negentropy | Net | Net Effectiveness..Value Added..Net Gain | Network | Noise | Non-Deterministic | Non-Ergodic | Non-Verbal Communication | Noosphere | Norm | Normative
- | | | Observer |
| Ontogeny | Ontology | Open System | Operating System | Operation | Operationalism | Operationalization | Operations Research | Opportunity Cost | Optimization | Optimization Theory | Optimizing | Order through Fluctuation | Ordinality | Organization | Orgware | Oroborus | Output
- Paradigm | Paradox | Parameter | Pareto Optimality | Pathology | Perception | Perceptron | Perfect Information | Performance | Periodicity | PERT | Phase Plane | Phenomenological Domain | Phenomenology | Phenotype | Physical Space | Planning | Politics | Pollution | Polystability | Polystable System | Population | Possibilistic | Power | Prediction | Preference | Principle of Comparative Advantage | Principle of Complementarity | Principle of Economies of Scale | Principle of Events of Low Probability | Principle of Least Effort | Principle of Maximal Autonomy | Principle of Parsimony or Principle of Simplicity | Principle of Redundancy of Potential Command | Principle of Relativity | Principle of Self-Organization | Principle of Suboptimization | Principle of Subsidiarity | Principle of Superposition | Principle of The Humble Elite | Principle of Undifferentiated Encoding | Probabilistic | Probability | Problem | Problem-Formulation | Problem-Solving | Production | Program | Programmed Instruction | Progress | Project Evaluation | Public | Punctuation | Purpose
- Radiation | Radical | RAM | Random | Range of a Transformation | Realization | Recognition | Reconstructability | Recursion | Recursive System Theory | Recycling | Reductionism | Redundancy | Referent | Regulation | Regulator | Reification | Relation | Relations of Constitution | Relations of Order | Relations of Specificity | Relativity | Reliability | Replication | Representation | Reproduction | Requisite Variety | Research and Development (R&D) | Resilience | Resource Analysis | Responsibility | Rewrite Rules | Risk | Ritual | RNA | Robot | Role-Playing | ROM | Rule | Runaway
- Safe Fail | Satisficing | Scenario | Schema | Scientific Method | Second Law of Thermodynamics | Second-Order Cybernetics | Secondary Decision | Selection | Selective Information | Self-Consciousness | Self-Correcting Code | Self-Definition | Self-Description | Self-Fulfilling Hypothesis | Self-Fulfilling Prophesy | Self-Organization | Self-Organizing | Self-Organizing System | Self-Production | Self-Reference | Self-Regulation | Self-Reproduction | Self-Similarity | Semantics | Sensitivity Analysis | Servomechanism | Shannon's Tenth Theorem | Simulation | Size Principle | Social Entropy | Social Mobility | Social System | Socialization | Socio-Technical System | Software | Solipsism | Specialization | Species | Stability | Standard | State | State of the World | State-Determined | State-Determined System | States | Statical Phenomenology | Statistical Entropy | Stochastic | Stochastic Process | Strategy | Structure | Suboptimization | Subsystem | Supersystem | Survival | Symbiotic | Symbol | Symptom | Synchronic | Synchronicity | Synergistic or Synergetic | Synergy | System | Systems Analysis | Systems Engineering
- Teaching | Technic | Technical Assessment | Technological Determinism | Technology | Technology Assessment (TA) | Telematics | Teleology | Teleonomy | Tenth Theorem of Information Theory | Text | Theory | Theory of Logical Types | Thermodynamic Entropy | Thermodynamics | Third Law of Thermodynamics | Tolerance | Trade-off | Transcendence | Transduction | Transformation | Transient States | Translation | Truth
- Ultrastability | Ultrastable System | Uncertainty | Uncertainty Principle | Unity | Utility
- Validation | Value | Variability | Variable | Variation | Variety | Verification | Voting
- Whole
- Zipf's Law