Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
EU Europa, Europa, Europe, Europa, Europe
Natur, Naturaleza, Nature, Natura, Nature, (esper.) naturo kaj cirkaumondo
European Environment Agency
Environmental Terminology and Discovery Service (ETDS)
EEA (W3)
Multilingual Environmental-Glossary
"EEA" steht für "European Environment Agency".
List of environmental terms used by EEA
Erstellt: 2021-05
Alle Begriffe werden definiert und in folgende Sprachen übersetzt:
Czech | Danish | Dutch | English | Estonian | Finnish | French | German | Icelandic | Italian | Latvian | Lithuanian | Norwegian | Polish | Portuguese | Romanian | Slovak | Slovenian | Spanish | Swedish
ar bg cs da de el en es et eu fi fr hu is it lt lv mt nl no pl pt ro ru sk sl sv tr
- Environmental issues | Acidification | Air quality | Biodiversity change | Chemicals | Climate change | Human health | Natural resources | Noise | Ozone depletion | Waste | Various other issues
- Sectors and activities | Agriculture | Energy | Fisheries | Households | Industry | Population and economy | Tourism | Transport
- Information related to specific media | Air | Nature | Soil | Water
- Environment in different regions and specific areas | Coasts and seas | Regions | Urban environment
- Actions for improving the environment | Environmental information | Environmental management and practices | Environmental reporting | Policy measures and instruments | Environmental scenarios
- 5: 5EAP
- 6: 6EAP
- A:
- A-weighted decibel | AMAP | AOT40 | ASCOBANS | Agreement on the conservation of small cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas | Air Quality Framework Directive | AirView | Airbase | Arctic monitoring and assessment programme | abatement | absorption | absorption barrier | accession countries | acid deposition | acid precipitation | acid rain | acidification | acidifying compounds | active ingredient | acute exposure | adsorption | advanced wastewater treatment | aeolian energy | aerosol | afforestation | agri-environmental indicator | agricultural biological diversity | agricultural structure | agrobiodiversity | agroecosystem | agroforestry | air emission | air pollutant | air pollution | air quality monitoring station | air quality standard | alien species | alkalinity | alternative energy | ambient air | annelid | annoyance | anoxia | anticipatory scenario | aquaculture | aquatic ecosystem | aquatic toxicity | aquifer | arable land | arctic (climate zone) | artificial recharge (of groundwater) | asbestos | asbestosis | assumption | atmospheric emission inventory guidebook
- B:
- BAT | BOD | Basel Convention | Bern Convention | Birds Directive | Blue Plan | Bonn Convention | Brundtland Commission | Bucharest Convention | Bureau | backcasting scenario | background level | background noise | background station (air monitoring) | bagged waste | baseline scenario | bathing water | bedrock | benthic organism | best available techniques | binding target | bioassay | biochemical oxygen demand | biocoenosis | biodegradable | biodegradable waste | biodiesel | biodiversity | biodiversity clearing-house mechanism | bioenergy | bioethanol | biofuel | biogas | biological diversity | biological wastewater treatment | biomass | biomonitoring | biosafety clearing-house mechanism | biosphere reserve | biota | biotope | black smoke | body of groundwater | body of surface water | boreal forest | boreal region | bottom ash | brackish water | breeding bird | broadleaved forest | broadleaved woodland | brownfield site | buffer zone | bulky waste | burden of the past | burden sharing | business-as-usual scenario | by-product
- C:
- CAFE Programme | CAP | CDDA | CDM | CFP | CHP generation | CITES | CO | CO2 | CO2 equivalent | COD | Cardiff European Council | Cardiff Summit | Charter of European Cities and Towns Towards Sustainability | Circle | Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora | Convention on bBological Diversity | Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats | Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals | Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal | Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution | Corinair | Corine | Corine biotopes | Corine land cover | capacity building | carbon dioxide | carbon dioxide equivalent | carbon dioxide tax | carbon monoxide | carbon sequestration | carbon sink | carbon tax | carbon uptake | catalytic converter | catchment area | catchment basin | cetacean | chemical accident | chemical oxygen demand | chemical preparation | chemical treatment (of hazardous waste) | chlorinated hydrocarbon | chlorofluorocarbon | clean air for Europe programme | clean development mechanism | climate change | climatic change | coastal area | coastal erosion | coastal habitats | coastal lagoons | coastal protection | coastal waters | coastal zone | coastline | cogeneration | coliform organism | combined cycle gas turbine | combined heat and power generation | combined sewer | command-and-control | common agricultural policy | common database on designated areas | common fisheries policy | company environmental policy | compost | composting | concentration | concentration-effect relationship | confined aquifer | coniferous forest | coniferous woodland | conifers | conservation | constructed, industrial and other artificial habitats | construction and demolition waste | consumptive use (of water) | contaminated land | contaminated site | continental margin | continental shelf | continental slope | contingent valuation | controlled landfill | conurbation | cooling water | cooperative programme on assessment and monitoring of air pollution effects on forest | coppice forest | corporate social responsibility | corridor | cost-covering charge | cradle to grave | critical load | crop rotation | cross-compliance | crustacean | cumulative impacts |
- D:
- DDD | DDT | DIS/MED | DO | DPSIR | Directive on access to environmental information | Directive on the conservation of wild birds | Dobson unit | dB | dB(A) | data service | decibel | deciduous forest | decision framework | defensive expenditure | defoliation | deforestation | deliberate release of genetically modified organism | demand-side management | demersal | deposit-refund system | derelict land | dermal toxicity | descriptive indicator | diatom | diesel fuel | diffuse pollution | diffuse source | dinoflagellate | dioxin | discharge | disposal site | dissolved oxygen | dissolved solids | district heating | domestic tourism | domestic waste | dose | dose rate | dose-response assessment | double dividend | down-the-drain chemical | drainage area | drainage basin | dredging | drinking water | drip irrigation | driving force | drought | dual flushing system | dump | dust
- E:
- EEZ | EIA | EINECS | ELINCS | EMAS | EMEP | EPE | EPER | EPRG | ETC | ETC consortium | ETC/ACC | ETC/NPB | ETC/TE | ETC/WMF | EUNIS | EUNIS habitats classification | EUNIS habitats database | EUNIS sites database | Eionet | Eionet elements | Emerald network | Environmental Policy Review Group | Envirowindows | Euroairnet | European Blue Flag | European Chemical Bureau | European Community biodiversity strategy | European Environment Agency | European Environment Bureau | European Landscape Convention | European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change | European Topic Centre on Nature Protection and Biodiversity | European Topic Centre on Terrestrial Environment | European Topic Centre on Waste and Material Flows | European climate change programme | European environment information and observation network | European inventory of existing commercial chemical substances | European list of notified chemical substances | European nature information system | European pollutant emission register | European spatial development perspective | European spatial planning observatory network | European sustainable cities | European topic centre | European waste catalogue | Eurovignette | Eurowaternet | e-EIONET | e-windows | eEurope | earmarked tax | earmarking | echinoderm | eco-design | eco-efficiency indicator | eco-industrial park | eco-industry | eco-intensity | ecological corridor | ecological resilience | ecological rucksack | ecological status of aquatic ecosystems | ecological system | ecology | ecosystem | ecosystem diversity | ecotax | ecotourism | ecotoxicology | effect | effective dose equivalent | effectiveness of a measure | efficiency indicator | effluent | electrical and electronic waste | electricity generation | electromagnetic field | emission factor | emission inventory | emission limit | emission standard | emission tax | emission trading | end-of-life vehicle | end-of-pipe | endangered species | endemic species | energy intensity | energy recovery | enrichment | environmental accounting | environmental appraisal | environmental convention | environmental headline indicator | environmental health | environmental hygiene | environmental impact | environmental impact assessment | environmental impact assessment directive | environmental impact study | environmental indicator | environmental liability | environmental load | environmental management plan | environmental management system | environmental medicine | environmental medium | environmental performance evaluation | environmental product declaration | environmental programme for Europe | environmental risk | environmental satellite account | environmental scenario | environmental scenario analyses | environmental scenario development | environmental space | environmental tax | episode | euphotic zone | eutrophication | evaluation | ex ante evaluation | ex post evaluation | ex-situ conservation | exceedance | exclusive economic zone | exotic species | exploratory scenario | exposure assessment | exposure duration | exposure frequency | exposure interval | exposure pathway | exposure scenario | extensive agriculture | extensive farming | external benefit | external cost | external cost/benefit | externality | extinct species | extrapolation
- F:
- factor 10 | feed-in law | feed-in tariff | fifth environmental action programme | final energy | financial instrument for fisheries guidance | fish by-catch | fish catch | fish farm | fish farming | fish landing | fish stock | fishery | fishing quota | fjord | flood control | floodplain | flue gas desulphurisation | fly ash | food chain | food web | forecast | forecasting scenario | forest | forest degradation | forest management | forest regeneration | fossil fuel | founding regulation |
| freshwater | fuel efficiency | fuel switching | fugitive emission | full cost accounting | full-cost pricing | furans
- G:
- GEF | GEMET | GHG | GIS | GMO | gene flow | general multilingual environmental thesaurus | genetic diversity | genetically modified organism | geo-referenced data | geographic information system | geosphere | global biodiversity information facility | global environment facility | global warming | grassland | grassland and tall forb habitats | green accounting | green certificate (electricity) | green chemistry | green electricity | green investment fund | green pricing (energy) | green procurement | green revolution | greenfield site | greenhouse effect | greenhouse gas | gross electricity consumption | gross inland energy consumption | groundwater | groundwater recharge | groundwater surface | guidance value
- H:
- HCFC | HELCOM | HFC | HPV chemical | Habitat Agenda | habitat | habitat type | habitats directive | half-life (biological) | halocarbon | halogenated hydrocarbon | halon | hazard | hazard assessment | hazard characterisation | hazard evaluation | hazard identification | hazardous substance | hazardous waste | heathland | heathland, scrub and tundra habitats | heavily modified water body | hedge | herbicide | hidden flow | high production volume chemical | high-density polyethylene | high-level radioactive waste | household waste | human settlements | hydrocarbons | hydrochloro-fluorocarbon | hydrofluorocarbon | hydrographic basin | hypoxic water
- I:
- ICES | ICP forests | ICZM | IDA | IG | INES | IPCC | IPPC | ISO 14000 | IUCLID | Incineration Directive | Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea | International Tropical Timber Agreement | International Uniform Chemical Information Database | implementation | imposex | in-built evaluation | in-situ conservation | incineration (of waste) | incineration plant | incinerator | indicator | indigenous species | industrial waste | inland surface water habitats | inland unvegetated or sparsely vegetated habitats | inland water | inorganic waste | inshore | integrated assessment | integrated coastal zone management | integrated crop management | integrated environmental assessment | integrated environmental management | integrated farming | integrated pest control | integrated pest management | integrated plant protection | integrated pollution prevention and control | integrated product policy | intensive agriculture | intensive farming | interchange of data between administrations | interest group | internalisation of external costs | internalisation of externalities | international nuclear event scale | intertidal zone | intervention scenario | introduced species | invasive species | ionising radiation | irreversibility (of environmental damage)
- J:
- joint implementation
- K:
- Kiev report | Kyoto Protocol | Kyoto forest | Kyoto mechanisms | kelp forest | keystone species
- L:
- LOEL | LPV chemical | LRTAP | Laeq | Landfill Directive | Large Combustion Plant Directive | Lden | Ldn | Leq | lag time | land | land classification | land clearing | land consumption | land cover | land development | land take | land use | land-use classification | land-use planning | landfill | landfill gases | landfilling | landscape | less favoured areas | life cycle | life cycle analysis | life cycle assessment | life cycle cost | life cycle impact assessment | life cycle inventory analysis | lifestyle | limiting factor | lindane | lithosphere | litter | loading | long-range transport of air pollutants | low production volume chemical | low-level radioactive wastes | lowest-observed-adverse-effect level | lowest-observed-effect level
- M:
- MAB programme | MAP | MARPOL Convention | MARS | MCE | MDIAR | MOU | Macaronesian | Management Board | Marinebase | Mediterranean action plan | Mediterranean pollution monitoring and research programme | Medpol | Montreal Protocol | macrobenthos | macrophyte | macroplankton | main component elements | major accident reporting system | man and biosphere programme | mangal | mangrove forest | manure | mariculture | marine environment | marine habitats | marine pollution | market failure | market-based instrument | marsh | material flow accounting | material flow analysis | material productivity | material reclamation | material recovery | materials and energy balance | maximum hourly average | maximum sustainable yield | megaplankton | memorandum of understanding | metabolite | methaemoglobinaemia | methane | microalgae ) | microbenthos | mining waste | mire, bog and fen habitats | mixed woodland | mobile source | mobility | modelling | mollusc | monitoring | monitoring mechanism of Community greenhouse gas emissions | morbidity | mortality | multi-pollutant multi-effect protocol | multimedia approach | multimedia model | municipal discharge | municipal sewage | municipal waste | municipal wastewater | mutagen | mutation
- N:
- N2O | NAMEA | NFP | NMVOC | NO | NOAEL | NOEL | NOx | NRC | NUTS | National Emission Ceilings Directive | Natlan | Natura 2000 | North Sea Conference | national focal point | national reference centre | native species | natural capital | natural ecosystem | natural forest | natural habitat | natural resource accounting | nature and land cover information system | negotiated agreement | nematodes | neurotoxicity | niche | nitric oxide | nitrogen oxides | nitrous oxide | no-observed-adverse-effect level | no-observed-effect level | noise | noise abatement | noise barrier | noise map | noise pollution | nomenclature of territorial units for statistics | non-conventional energy | non-ionising radiation | non-methane volatile organic compound | non-point sources | non-renewable resource | normative scenario | nuclear accident | nutrient balance | nutrient removal
- O:
- OSPAR Convention | Ozoneweb | occupational exposure | off-site conservation | offshore | old-growth forest | oligotrophic | on-site conservation | open land | oral toxicity | organic agriculture | organic farming | organic farming label | organic logo | organic matter | organic waste | organochlorines | organotin compound | outfall | overexploitation | overfishing | overgrazing | ozone | ozone depletion potential | ozone hole | ozone layer | ozone layer depletion | ozone precursor | ozone-depleting potential | ozone-depleting substance
- P:
- PAH | PCB | PCT | PEC | PFC | PIC Convention | PM10 | PNEC | PVC | p.e. | pH | packaging waste | pan-European | pan-European landscape and biological diversity strategy | parent material | particulate matter | parts per billion | parts per billion in volume | parts per million | parts per million in volume | pathogenic | peak level | peat bog | pelagic | percentile | perfluorocarbon | performance indicator | permafrost | photic zone | photochemical reaction | physical input-output tables | phytobenthos | phytoplankton | plankton | plantation forest | plasticiser | point source | | policy scenario | policy-maker | pollution load | pollution prevention | polychlorinated biphenyl | polychlorinated triphenyl | polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon | polyvinyl chloride | population equivalent | post-consumer materials | power generation | ppb | ppbv | ppm | ppmv | precaution | precautionary approach | precautionary prevention | precautionary principle | predicted environmental concentration | predicted no-effect concentration | preliminary treatment (of wastewater) | pressure | pretreatment (of wastewater) | prevention | prevention principle | price signal | primary energy | primary forest | primary particles | primary production | primary treatment | principle of proximity | principle of self-sufficiency | product tax | projection | propellant | protected area | proxy indicator | public water supply
- Q:
- qualitative scenario | quantitative scenarios | quantitative status
- R:
- REC | REM | ROD | Ramsar Convention | Ramsar list | Ramsar site | Rio+10 Conference | Rotterdam Convention | radiation flux | radiative forcing | radioactive contamination | radioactivity | rare species | receiving waters | recreational land | recycling | red book | red list | reforestation | regularly or recently cultivated agricultural, horticultural and domestic habitats | regulatory instrument | rehabilitation | remediation | remote sensing | reporting directive | reporting obligations database | reporting on environmental conventions | reporting on environmental policies and measures. | reservoir | resistance | resource depletion | response | restoration | reuse | riparian | risk | risk analysis | risk assessment | risk characterisation | risk communication | risk evaluation | risk management | risk monitoring | risk-benefit evaluation | river basin | river basin district | river station | run-off | runoff | rural area | rural development | rural tourism
- S:
- SAC | SAS approach | SCI | SEA | SERIS | SO2 | SPA | SPIRS | STAR database | Scientific Committee | Semi-natural forest | Seveso II Directive | Seveso Plants Information Retrieval System | Seveso plant | Sixth environmental action programme | Solvents Directive | saline water | sanitation | scenario | scoping | screening | scrubber | sea dumping | sea grass bed | sea level rise | seaweed | secondary forest | secondary particles | secondary productivity | secondary treatment | sectoral indicator | sedimentation | sensitive area | separate collection | separated collection | septic tank | sewage | sewage lagoon | sewage oxidation pond | sewage sludge | sewage sludge treatment | sewage treatment plant | sewer | sewerage network | sewerage system | shoreline | shrub | site of Community importance | sludge | sludge digestion | social cost | soil compaction | soil conservation | soil organic carbon | soil porosity | sorption | source principle | spatial planning | special area of conservation | special protection area | species diversity | species richness | spent nuclear fuel | stabilisation pond | stakeholder | standardised reporting directive | state indicator | state of the environment | state of the environment reporting information system | stationary source | story-and-simulation approach | storyline | strategic environmental assessment | strategic environmental assessment directive | stratosphere | stratospheric ozone depletion | substrate | suburbanisation | sulphur dioxide | surface water | surface water status | suspended particulate matter | suspended solids | sustainability indicator | sustainable agriculture | sustainable development indicator | sustainable forest management
- T:
- TAC | TBT | TEMS | TEN | TERM | TERRIS | TMR | Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation | teratogen | teratogenic | terrestrial ecosystem monitoring sites | terrestrial environment | terrestrial environment information system | tertiary treatment | thermal pollution | thermal power plant | threatened species | threshold | tidal area | tidal energy | tidal marsh | tidal power | tolerable daily intake | tolerance | toluene | tonne-kilometre | tonne-km | top soil | total allowable catch | total material requirement | toxic waste | toxicity | trace elements | tradable permits | trans-European networks | transboundary pollution | transitional waters | transport and environment reporting mechanism | tributyltin | trophic level | tropical forest | troposphere | tundra | turbidity
- U:
- UAA | UNFCCC | UV radiation | United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change | Urban initiative | ultraviolet radiation | untreated wastewater | uplands | upwelling | urban agglomeration | urban air pollution | urban area | urban communication platform | urban run-off | urban sewage | urban sprawl | urban waste water treatment directive | urban wastewater | urbanisation | user charge | user-pays principle | utilised agriculture area
- V:
- vehicle-kilometre | vehicle-km | virtual library of environmental information | voluntary agreement | vulnerability
- W:
- WTA | WTP | Wastebase | Waterbase | World Heritage Convention | World Summit on Sustainable Development | wait-and-see principle | warning | waste | waste collection | waste disposal | waste dumping | waste generation | waste management | waste minimisation | waste oil | waste reclamation | waste stream | waste treatment | waste-to-energy scheme | wastewater charge | wastewater treatment plant | water abstraction | water abstraction charge | water body | water column | water consumption | water cycle | water demand | water demand management | water erosion | water framework directive | water pollution | water quality | water resources | water reuse | water stress | water supply | water table | water use | water withdrawal | waterborne disease | waterlogged | watershed | weed | what if scenario | wild relative | wild species | willingness to accept | willingness to pay | wind energy | wind erosion | world heritage site
- X:
- Y:
- Z:
- zoning | zoobenthos | zooplankton
Erstellt: 2014-01 (war 2021-05 nicht mehr erreichbar)
Bedrohte Tierarten in Europa
Wir sind eine gemeinnützige Stiftung und kämpfen auf vielen Ebenen für den Erhalt des europäischen Naturerbes. Dazu zählen spezielle Artenschutzprojekte, Renaturierungsmaßnahmen und Flächenschutz genauso wie politische Lobbyarbeit und Umweltbildung. EuroNatur-Projekte sind langfristig und oftmals grenzüberschreitend angelegt. Ihr Ziel ist nicht nur der Schutz der Natur, sondern auch eine ökologische Entwicklung der jeweiligen ländlichen Region. Denn ohne die Bedürfnisse der Bevölkerung ernst zu nehmen, kann kein langfristiger Schutz der natürlichen Ressourcen gelingen. Deshalb arbeitet EuroNatur stets eng mit lokalen Partnerorganisationen und den Menschen vor Ort zusammen. Regionalentwicklung und Naturschutz gehen dabei Hand in Hand und sorgen so für mehr Arbeitsplätze und Lebensqualität.
- Braunbär
- Wolf
- Mönchsrobbe
- Kranich
- Storch
- Zugvögel
EuroNatur-Projektgebiete A-Z
- Albanische Alpen (Albanien)
- Alonnisos* (Griechenland)
- Bojana-Buna-Delta und Skutari See (Albanien, Montenegro)
- Brandenburg (Deutschland)
- Cap Blanc (Mauretanien)
- Crau* (Frankreich)
- Dragoman (Bulgarien)
- Donau-Drau-Mur (Österreich, Slowenien, Kroatien, Ungarn, Serbien)
- Durankulak* (Bulgarien)
- Extremadura (Spanien)
- Hula-Tal* (Israel, Naher Osten)
- Jablanica-Shebenik (Albanien, Mazedonien)
- Kantabrisches Gebirge (Spanien)
- Kfarzabad* (Libanon, Naher Osten)
- Kotel-Berge (Bulgarien)
- Livanjsko Polje (Bosnien-Herzegowina)
- Narew (Polen)
- Prespa-Ohrid-Region (Albanien, Mazedonien, Griechenland)
- Rhodopen (Bulgarien)
- Sakar-Hügelland (Bulgarien)
- Save-Auen und Naturpark Lonjsko Polje (Kroatien)
- Senne (Deutschland)
- Vértes* (Ungarn)
- Wolgadelta* (Russland)
Umweltterminologiedienst (ETDS)
Europäische Umweltagentur (EUA)
Kongens Nytorv 6
1050 Kopenhagen K
Alle Themen
Was passiert?
- Umweltfragen
- Luftverschmutzung
- Biologische Vielfalt
- Chemische Stoffe
- Klimawandel
- Umwelt und Gesundheit
- Flächennutzung
- Natürliche Ressourcen
- Lärm
- Böden
- Abfall und Materialressourcen
- Wasser
- Verschiedene andere Themen
Warum passiert's?
- Sektoren und Tätigkeiten
- Landwirtschaft
- Energie
- Fischerei
- Konsum der Haushalte
- Industrie
- Bevölkerung und Wirtschaft
- Tourismus
- Verkehr
Umwelt verschiedener Regionen und spezifischer Gebiete
- Küsten und Meere
- Spezifische Regionen
- Städtische Umwelt
Übergreifende Umweltfragen und Sektoren
- Umwelttechnologie
- Politische Instrumente
- Umweltszenarien
Data and maps
Erstellt: 2014-01
Bücher zur Kategorie:
Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
EU Europa, Europa, Europe, Europa, Europe
Natur, Naturaleza, Nature, Natura, Nature, (esper.) naturo kaj cirkaumondo
Andera, Milos (Autor)
Subova, Dana (Übersetzer)
Die Natur Europas - Bildenzyklopädie
Gebundene Ausgabe: 240 Seiten
Verlag: 7hill; Auflage: Neuauflage. (29. April 2010)
Sprache: Deutsch
Dieser mit viel Liebe zum Detail illustrierte Band stellt nicht nur die europäische Tier- und Pflanzenwelt vor, sondern führt auch mitten hinein in 37 verschiedene Biotoptypen: Von Bächen und Bachauen über Moore, Wiese und Weiden bis hin zu Ziergärten werden die verschiedensten Lebensräume in ihrer ganzen Komplexität gezeigt . Zahlreiche Farbzeichnungen und Fotografien bilden die jeweils typischen »Bewohner« sowie Besonderheiten ab. Dabei werden auch sonst meist verborgene Zusammenhänge deutlich.
Erstellt: 2011-06
Stichmann-Marny, Ursula (Autor)
Stichmann, Wilfried (Autor)
Kretzschmar, Erich (Autor)
Der große Kosmos-Naturführer Tiere und Pflanzen
Gebundene Ausgabe: 896 Seiten
Verlag: Kosmos (Franckh-Kosmos); Auflage: 3., Aufl. (Januar 2009)
Sprache: Deutsch
Die Jubiläumsausgabe des Kosmos-Naturführers beinhaltet gleich zwei Bücher in einem festen Einband: Auf insgesamt fast 900 Seiten gibt es zunächst die Tiere, dann die Pflanzen Mitteleuropas zu entdecken. Wunderbar gelungen ist dabei die anschauliche Darstellung: Jeder Seite mit der Beschreibung von vier bis fünf Tieren oder Pflanzen ist eine zweite Seite mit den jeweiligen Farbfotos gegenübergestellt.
Bei der Fülle der über 1.800 Arten ist die Beschreibung naturgemäß kurz gehalten. Körpermaße, auffallende Kennzeichen, Vorkommen und einige Sätze zu "Wissenswertem": Etwa dass die Zwergspitzmaus das kleinste Säugetier Europas ist, sich von Insekten und Schnecken ernährt, ein bis anderthalb Jahre alt wird und im Laufe ihres Lebens zwei Würfe zur Welt bringt. Der Führer zielt ganz klar auf eines ab: Er möchte vermitteln, um welche Art es sich bei einem Tier oder einer Pflanze handelt und es somit ermöglichen, diese in der Natur wiederzuerkennen.
Der Buch behandelt die Tiere und Pflanzen Mitteleuropas und umfasst damit Deutschland, den Süden Dänemarks, die Niederlande, Belgien und Luxemburg, Österreich sowie Teile Frankreichs und der Schweiz, Tschechiens und Polens. Trotz der großen Zahl der behandelten Arten handelt es sich lediglich um eine Auswahl: Aufgenommen wurden nur mit bloßem Auge sichtbare, vorzugsweise auffällige und gut unterscheidbare Tiere. Das bedeutet, dass Säugetiere, Vögel, Reptilien und Amphibien vollständiger abgehandelt werden als Fische und Wirbellose. Ähnlich wurde bei den Pflanzen verfahren: Hier wurden die häufigen, weit verbreiteten ausgewählt, die sich gut unterscheiden lassen und die für den Menschen oder ein Ökosystem bedeutsam sind.
Der Naturführer ist ein äußerst praktisches und dabei erstaunlich umfassendes Buch für alle, die sich bei Streifzügen durch die Natur immer wieder fragen: "Was ist das für ein Vogel? Wie heißt noch einmal jener Baum?" Mit den 2.700 schönen Farbfotos, den vielen Farbtafeln und Zeichnungen ist es dabei sehr ansprechend gestaltet -- und das zu einem unschlagbaren Preis.
Birgit Will
Erstellt: 2011-03