Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
@f Afrika, África, Afrique, Africa, Africa
Enzyklopädie, Enciclopedia, Encyclopédie, Enciclopedia, Encyclopaedia, (esper.) enciklopedioj
L'Encyclopédie Africaine
Der "Afrika-Himmel" bietet eine Menge Information zum aktuellen Geschehen und zu Geschichte und Kultur Afrikas.
- ¦Actualite: Afrique | Monde | N.T | Emploi
- ¦Portail-Afrique
- ¦Multimedia: Cites d'Afrique | La zik africaine | Clips africains
- ¦Blogs
- ¦Annonces: Affaires & Business | Aide et Financement | Amities & Rencontres | Associations | Offres d'emploi | Projets humanitaires | Recherche d'emploi
- ¦Annuaire: Actualites | Arts/Cultures | Formation | Informatique/Internet | Musique | Projets | Sites persos | Sports | Societe | Tourisme/Voyage
- ¦Dossiers: Icones africaines | Chefs d'etats africains
- ¦Espace débat: Général | Politique | Annonces
- ¦A propos: F.A.Q | Partenaires | Contact | S'inscrire
Présentation est un site d'actualité dédié à l'afrique noire.
Conçu et réalisé par de jeunes africains, le site a pour ambition de promouvoir la culture africaine, d'encourager toutes les iniatives positives en faveur du continent
Ce site se veut une référence du web africain de part la qualité de son conetenu et la gratuité des services qu'il propose.
Africaciel s'est donné pour mission:
- •de présenter en continu l'actualité africaine, et cela, à partir de sites et sources différentes, sans un quelconque parti pris.
- •de faire connaitre les cutures africaines dans leurs diversités et toutes leurs richesses.
- •de susciter des réflexions et des débats sur des sujets majeurs (des sujets de culture, de société, de politique,...)
- •de fournir des ressources internet gratuites sur le thème de l'afrique (des blogs, des annuaires, des annonces, des ressources multimédia sous forme de musiques, de vidéos ou d'animations flash).
- •de proposer des services et des applications internet professionnelles pour des associations, sociétes et autres structures oeuvrant en Afrique.
L'Encyclopédie Africaine
Les Nations:
- Afrique de l'Ouest: Bénin | Burkina Faso | Canaries(Espagne) | Cap-Vert | Côte d'Ivoire | Gambie | Ghana | Guinée | Guinée-Bissau | Libéria | Madère(Portugal) | Mali | Mauritanie | Niger | Nigeria | Sahara Occidental(Maroc) | Sénégal | Sierra Leone | Togo
- Afrique centrale: Cameroun | République centrafricaine | République du Congo | République démocratique du Congo | Gabon | Guinée équatoriale | Sao Tomé-et-Principe | Tchad
- Afrique de l'Est: Burundi | Djibouti | Érythrée | Éthiopie | Kenya | Ouganda | Rwanda | Seychelles | Somalie | Soudan | Tanzanie
- Afrique du Nord: Algérie | Égypte | Libye | Maroc | Tunisie
- Afrique australe: Angola | Botswana | Comores | ?les Éparses(France) | Lesotho | Madagascar | Malawi | Maurice | Mayotte(France) | Mozambique | Namibie | La Réunion(France) | | Swaziland | Zambie | Zimbabwe
- Histoire de l'Afrique: Algérie | Angola | Bénin | Botswana | Burkina Faso | Burundi | Cameroun | Cap-Vert | République centrafricaine | Union des Comores | Congo | République démocratique du Congo | Côte d'Ivoire | Djibouti | Égypte | Érythrée | Éthiopie | Gabon | Gambie | Ghana | Guinée | Guinée-Bissau | Guinée équatoriale | Kenya | Lesotho | Libéria | Libye | Madagascar | Maroc | Malawi | Mali | Maurice | Mauritanie | Mozambique | Namibie | Niger | Nigeria | Ouganda | Rwanda | Sahara occidental | Sao Tomé-et-Principe | Sénégal | Seychelles | Sierra Leone | Somalie | Soudan | Swaziland | Tanzanie | Tchad | Togo | Tunisie | Zambie | Zimbabwe
- Anciens pays: Égypte antique | Royaume_de_Koush | Histoire de l'Éthiopie | Empire_du_Mali | Royaume du Benin | Biafra | Carthage | Côte-de-l'Or | Dahomey | Damaraland | Empire du Ghana | Haute-Volta | Hereroland | Royaume du Kanem-Bornou | Katanga | Kaokoland | Rhodésie | Royaume du Kénédougou | Royaume du Kongo | Maurétanie | Nubie | Numidie | QwaQwa | Empire songhaï | Tanganyika | Zanzibar
- Traite des Noirs | Traite musulmane | Malédiction de Cham |
| Maison des Esclaves | Colonisation | Soudan français
- Apartheid | | Panafricanisme
- L'Afrique est un continent avec une superficie de 30 065 000 km? qui recouvre environ 20% de la surface des terres émergées de la planète.
- Géographie de l'Afrique | Points extrêmes
- Villes: Abidjan | Abuja | Accra | Addis-Abeba | Alexandrie | Alger | Asmara | Bamako | Bangui | Banjul | Bissau | Brazzaville | Bujumbura | Casablanca | Conakry | Dar es Salam | Dakar | Djibouti | | Douala | Durban | Freetown | Gaborone | Harare | Kampala | Khartoum | Kigali |
| Lagos | Le Caire | Le Cap | Libreville | Lilongwe | Lomé | Luanda | Lusaka | Malabo | Maputo | Mbabane | Mogadiscio | Moroni | Monrovia | Nairobi | Ndjamena | Niamey | Nouakchott | Ouagadougou | Porto Novo | Port-Louis | Praia | Rabat | São Tomé | Serrekunda | Tananarive | Tripoli -Tombouctou | Tunis | Victoria | Windhoek | Yamoussoukro | Yaoundé -
- Fleuves: Congo | Nil | Niger | Okavango | Oum Errabiaa. Sénégal | Zambèze
- Lacs: Grands Lacs | Lac Nasser | Lac Tana | Lac Tchad
- Reliefs: Atlas | Darfour | Hoggar | Kilimandjaro | Massif de l'Adamaoua | Massif de l'Aïr | Massif éthiopien | Monts Drakensberg | Monts Inyanga | Monts Loma | Monts Mitumba | Monts Muchinga | Mont Nimba | Tibesti | Piton de la Fournaise | Piton des Neiges -
- Economie en Afrique : Economie de l'Afrique
- Economie des pays africains : Angola | Bénin | Burkina | Burundi | Cameroun | Congo-Brazzaville | Congo-Kinshasa (RDC) | Côte d'Ivoire | Djibouti | Égypte | Gabon | Gambie | Ghana | Guinée | Guinée-Bissau | Kenya | Lesotho | Madagascar | Mali | Maroc | Mauritanie | Mozambique | Namibie | Niger | Nigeria | Ouganda | Rwanda | République centrafricaine | Sénégal | Sierra Leone | Tanzanie | Tchad | Togo | Tunisie | Zambie | Zimbabwe
- Communautés et Associations : Communauté économique des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest | Communauté économique et monétaire de l'Afrique centrale | Communauté des États sahélo-sahariens | Communauté d'Afrique de l'Est | Communauté économique des Pays des Grands Lacs | Association cotonnière africaine | Association des producteurs de pétrole africains | Nouveau partenariat pour le développement de l'Afrique
- Banques: Banque africaine de développement | Banque centrale des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest | Banque des États de l'Afrique centrale | Banque internationale pour l'Afrique occidentale | Banque ouest-africaine de développement
- Monnaies : Ariary malgache | Birr | Cedi | Dalasi | Dinar algérien | Dinar libyen | Dirham marocain | Dobra | Dollar libérien | Dollar namibien | Dollar zimbabwéen | Eco (monnaie) | Escudo cap-verdien | Franc CFA | Franc CFA (CEMAC) | Franc CFA (UEMOA) | Franc Djibouti | Franc burundais | Franc comorien | Franc congolais | Franc guinéen | Franc malien | Franc rwandais | Krugerrand | Kwacha malawite | Kwacha zambien | Kwanza | Leone | Lilangeni | | Livre soudanaise | Livre égyptienne | Loti | Mahaboub | Metical | Monnaie de Côte d'Ivoire | Naira | Nakfa | Ouguiya | Pula (monnaie) | Rand | Roupie mauricienne | Roupie seychelloise | Shilling kényan | Shilling ougandais | Shilling somali | Shilling tanzanien | Zaïre (monnaie)
- Diamants de conflits | Situation alimentaire de l'Afrique subsaharienne | Incidence économique du Sida en Afrique subsaharienne
- Cinéma africain : FESPACO | Écrans noirs | | Théâtre africain
- Littérature africaine : Écrivains africains | Grand prix littéraire d'Afrique noire | Prix Ahmadou Kourouma
- Art africain : Art africain traditionnel | Art contemporain africain | Musée d'Art africain
- Langues africaines | Groupes ethniques africains | Les Griots africains | Patrimoine mondial en Afrique
Erstellt: 2010-02
Encyclopedia of the orient
Diese Enzyklopädie behandelt alle Länder und Kulturen von Nordafrika bis zum Mittleren Osten, von Mauretanien bis zum Iran, von der Türkei bis zum Sudan.
Mit vielen Begriffen und 4.000 Artikeln und Bildern, Karten, Reiseinformationen aus dem Orient.
Auch einen Arabischkurs findet man auf der Site.
Tore Kjeilen
Editor of Encyclopaedia of the Orient
(b. 1968) I live in the centre of Oslo, the capital of Norway. I have an honors degree (a somewhat longer study than a Master's) in Science of Religion from the University of Bergen, with Arabic and History as supporting subjects. I specialized in modern Islam for my honors, in which I wrote Tunis - Islam - 1994 - 1995. I have also studied architecture for 2,5 years.
Since 2005, Dave Zersen has been co-editor of the encyclpaedia. Working his way through the alphabet, his is the honour of the improved quality of the language.
What is this?
The Encyclopaedia of the Orient is a one-stop online resource which covers all countries and cultures between Mauritania in the west and Iran in the east, Turkey in the north and Sudan in the south. It is exactly what the name indicates, an encyclopaedia. And even better, you will never come to a page that suddenly tells you that you can't get any further unless you pay for a subscription. Everything is free. This time, and the next time you come back! The only change is that the next time you visit us, you will find more information. The Encyclopaedia of the Orient grows all the time.
The Encyclopaedia contains original material. What you read here is written for this publication, only. The content is updated on a weekly basis, and as long as the world does not change too quickly for our small staff, you will always find the freshest information here.
The Encyclopaedia of the Orient has articles that aim at both the high school and university level student. So even if the articles we have published since 2000 (articles written before this date are generally short) are more extensive than any other serious encyclopaedia, the Encyclopaedia of the Orient will never be the fully exhaustive on all subjects, for this you should refer to specialized publications. But it will hopefully be able to help anyone to find just the right information he or she needs within few minutes.
North Africa and the Middle East are still far too unfairly treated in the world press. This might not be a problem for an audience which already knows the region well , but all too many get little information on this region beyond the media image of wars and poverty.
In Encyclopaedia of the Orient we try to present all aspects of one of the world's most interesting regions. And as one of far too few websites, we present all nations and religions in one place and aim to do justice to all of them. It's clearly a difficult task, since we from time to time also have to rely upon sources that are not unbiased. But fortunately, with our large (and increasing) audience, we get corrected quickly if we make errors.
This is the way we intend to continue building what we aim at becoming the world's superior collection of information on North Africa and the Middle East.
Historical maps
Algeria | Bahrain | Egypt | Iran | Iraq | Israel | Jordan | Kuwait | Lebanon | Libya | Mauritania | Morocco | Oman | Palestine | Qatar | Saudi Arabia | Sudan | Syria | Tunisia | Turkey | U.A.E. | Western Sahara | Yemen |
Historical maps: Ancient Egypt |
| Paul's journeys (1st century CE) | Seljuqs (11th and 12th centuries) | Andalucia (711-1492) | Mamluks (1250-1517) ca. 1400 | Ottoman Empire 1300-1922 | Safavids (1501-1732) ca. 1650
Major cities: Baghdad, Iraq | Cairo, Egypt | Damascus, Syria | Jerusalem, Israel/Palestine
Am 20.10.2007 waren folgende Begriffe aufgeführt:
- A
- Abadan | Abbas | Abbas 1 | Abbas 2 Hilmi | Abbas, Mahmoud | Abbasids | Abd al-Malik | Abduh, Muhammad | Abdullah 1 | Abdullah 2 | Abdullah (Iq.) | Abdullah (S.A.) | Abdu l-Karim | Abdu l-Wahhab | Abdul Aziz | Abdülaziz | Abdülhamid 1 | Abdülhamid 2 | Abdülmecid 1 | Abd al-Qadir | Abha | Abraham | Abu Bakr | Abu Dhabi | Abu Hanifa | Abu Nidal | Abu Simbel | Abydos | Acacus | Achaemenid Dynasty | Adana | Adapazari | Aden | Aden, Gulf of | Adhan | Adiyaman | Adonis | Adoptionism | Michel Aflaq | Afyon | Agadir | Agri | Aha | Ahl-e Haqq | Ahmad Ibn Hanbal | Ahmed 1 | Ahmed 2 | Ahmed 3 | Ahhiyawa | Ahmad bin Yahya | Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud | Ahmose 1 | Ahmose 2 | Ahriman | Ahura Mazda | Ahvaz | Al Ain | Aïn Beïda | Ain Draham | AIS | A'isha | Ajdabiyya | Akh | Akhetaten Akhmim | Akkad | Akkadian | Akko | Aksu, Sezen | Al-Ahram | Alawites | Alborz Mountains | Aleppo | Alevism | Alexander | Alexandria | Algeria | Algiers | Ali | Ali l-Hadi | Ali r-Rida | Ali Zayni l-Abidin | Alids | Allah | Allahu akbar | Almohads | Almoravids | Amal | Al Amarah | Amarna, Tell el- | Amasya | Amenemhet 1 | Amenemhet 2 | Amenemhet 3 | Amenophis 1 | Amenophis 2 | Amenophis 3 | Amenophis 4 | Amesha Spentas | al-Amin | Ammon | Amol | Amon | Amonoean | Amr Diab | Anath | Anastasius 1 | Anastasius 2 | Anatolia | Andalucia | Anglo treaties | - Egyptian (1936) | - Iraqi (1922) | - Iraqi (1930) | - Jordanian (1948) | - Ottoman (1913) | - Persian (1919) | - Transjordanian | Ankara | Ankh | Annaba | Ansar al-Islam | Antakya | Antalya | Anti-Lebanon Mountains | Antioch, Norman Principality of | Anu | Anubis | Aoun, Michel | Aphthartodocetism | Apis | Apophis | Apries | Aqaba | Aqaba, Gulf of | al-Aqsa Mosque | al-Aqsa Intifada | al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades | Arab League | Arab Peace Initiative | Arabia | Arabian Sea | Arabian Gulf | Arabic | Arabs | Arafat, Yassir | Arak (city) | Arak (beverage) | Aramaic | Arcadius | Archbishop | Ardabil | Arianism | Arius | Arif, Abdul Rahman | Arif, Abdul Salam | Al Arish | Arses | Arsuzi, Zaki | Artabasdus | Artaxerxes 1 | Artaxerxes 2 | Artaxerxes 3 | Artvin | Aruj | Ash'ari, Abu l-Hassani l- | Ash'aris | Ashdod | Asherah | Ashkelon | Ashur | Ashura | Ashurbanipal | Ashurnasirpal 1 | Ashurnasirpal 2 | Asilah | Asir | Aspelta | al-Assad, Bashar | al-Assad, Hafez | al-Assad, Rifaat | Assassins | | - religion | | Assyut | Aswan | Aswan High Dam | Atatürk | Atlas Mountains | Atum | Augustine | Aurès Mountains | Averroës | Avesta | Avicenna | Ay | Aya | Aydin | Ayyubid Dynasty | Azerbaijan | Azeri | Aziz, Tariq
- B
- Ba | Baal | Baalbek | Bab (Islam) | Bab (Babism) | Babel, Tower of | Babi | Babism | Babol | Babylon | Babylonia | - religion | Badr, Battle of | Badr, Muhammad al- | Baghdad | Baghdad Pact | Baha'i | Baha'ullah | Bahrain | Bakr, Ahmad | Balfour Declaration | Balikesir | Bam | Bandar-e Abbas | Bandar-e Anzali | Bandirma | Banha | Banna, al-Hassan | Banna, Sabri l- | Banu Hillal | Baptism | Ba'quba | Barak, Ehud | Baraka | Barbarossa | Barbary coast | Barbary pirates | - First War | - Second War | Bari | Bar/Bat Mitzvah | Barzani, Masud | Barzani, Mustafa | Basil 1 | Basil 2 | Basilicus | Basra | Bastet | Ba'th Party | Batman | Batna | Battle of Three Kings | Baybars 1 | Al-Bayda | Bayezid 1 | Bayezid 2 | Bechar | Bedouins | Beer Sheva | Begin, Menachim | Behbehan | Beirut | Beja | Bejaïa | Bekaa Valley | Bektashi | Ben Ali, Zine el Abidine | Ben Bella, Ahmed | Ben-Gurion, David | Benghazi | Beni Mellal | Beni Suef | Berber | Berbers | Bergama | Berri, Nabih | Bes | Bethlehem | Bey | Bible | Bid'a | Bilecik | Bilharziasis | Bingöl | Birjand | Bishop | Biskra | Bismillah | Bitar, Salah al-Din | Bitlis | Bizerte | Black Spring | Blida | Bodrum | Bolu | Book of the dead | Bordj Bou Arreridj | Borujerd | Boufarik | Bouïra | Boumedienne, Houari | Bourguiba, Habib | Bou-Saada | Bouteflika, Abdelaziz | Brayqa | Brotherhood | Bubastis | Bukhari | Bukhtaran | Buraydah | Bursa | Bushehr | Buto | Byblos | Byzantine Empire
- C
- Cairo | Calah | Caliph | Cambyses 2 | Camel | Canaan | - religion | Cappadocia | Carthage | Casablanca | Cedar | Ceuta | Chalcedon | Chaldean Catholic Church | Chamoun, Camille | Chanukkah | Cheb Mami | Chefchaouen | Chehab, Fuad | Cheikha Rimitti | Ech Cheliff | Cherry | Chinguetti | Chott el Jerid | Christ | Christianity | - Armenian Orth. | - Coptic Orth. | - Eastern Rite | - Armenian | - Chaldean | - Coptic | - Maronite | - Melkite | - Syrian | - Greek Orthodox | - Nestorian | - Protestants | - Roman Cath. | - Syrian Orth. | Christian iconoclasm | Christmas | Church | Ciller, Tansu | Circassians | Cleopatra | Coffee | Constans 2 | Constantinople | Constantius 2 | Copts | - language | - catholic church | - orthodox church | Corum | Council | - Nicaea, First | - Constantinople, First | - Ephesus | - Chalcedon | - Constantinople, Second | - Constantinople, Third | - Nicaea, Second | Croesus | Ctesiphon | Couscous | Cuneiform writing | Cush | Cyrenaica | Cyrus 2 the Great
- D
- Dagan | Dahuk | Dakhla Oasis | Damascus | Damghan | Damietta | Dammam | Darab | Darwish, Mahmoud | Darius 1 | Darius 2 | Darius 3 | Date | King David | Dead Sea | Deir ez-Zawr | Demirel, Süleyman | Demotic script | Den | Dendera | Denizli | Der'a | Derna | Dervish | Devil worshipers | Devsirme | Dey | Dezful | Dhahran | Dhamar | Dhikr | Dhimmi | Dhofar | Dilmun | Dinka | Diocese | Divrigi | Diwaniyah | Diyarbakir | Djedkare | Djelfa | Djer | Djet | Docetism | Dogubeyazit | Doha | Donatism | Dougga | Draa valley | Dragut | Druze | Dubai
- E
- Easter | Eastern Rite Churches | Eban, Abba | Edessa, Countship of | Edfu | Edirne | Edom | Ecevit, Bülent | Egypt | - Ancient | - Language | - Religion | - Gods | Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty | Eilat | El | Elam | Elazig | Elephantine | Emir | Enki | Enlil | Enuma Elish | Ephesus | Erbakan, Necmettin | Erdogan, Recep Tayyip | Eridu | Erzurum | Esfahan | Eshkol, Levi | Eskisehir | Esna | Essaouira | Essenes | Euphrates | Eucharist | Eunuch
- F
- Fahd | Faisal 1 (Saudi Arabia) | Faisal 1 (Iraq) | Faisal 2 | Farabi, Al | Faruk | Fatah, Al | Fatiha | Fatima | Fatimids | Fatwa | Fayoum | Fez | Fezzan | Fig | Figuig | Fiqh | First Palestinian War | Firuzabad | FIS | FLN | Franjieh, Suleiman | Frankincense | Fu'ad 1 | Fundamentalism | Fur | Fustat
- G
- Gabes | Gadhafi, Mu'ammar | Gafsa | Gaiseric | Galilee, Sea of | Garamantian Empire | Garum | Gatha | Gaziantep | Gebel Barkal | Gebze | Gelibolu | Gelimer | Gemara | Gemayel | - Amin | - Bashir | - Pierre | Ghadames | Ghardaïa | Gharyan | Ghashmi, Ahmad | Ghat | King Ghazi 1 | al-Ghazzali | Ghazzawi, Izzat al- | Ghurfa | GIA | Gilgamesh | Giresun | Giza | - Pyramids | Glubb, John | Gnosticism | Golan Heights | El-Golea | Gorgan | Gospel | Goulimime | Great Manmade River | Greek Orthodox Church | Guelma | Gulf War | Gümüshane | Gunthamund
- H
- Hadith | Abdel Halim Hafez | Haganah | Haggada | Haifa | Ha'il | Hajj | al-Hajjaj | Hajjiyy/a | Hakim, Tawfiq al- | Hakkari | Halacha | Halwa | Hama | Hamadan | Hamas | Hamdi, Ibrahim | Hamilcar Barca | Hammam | Hammamet | Hammurabi | Code of Hammurabi | Hamoukar | Hamza El Din | Hanafi | Hanbali | Ismail Haniya | Hannibal | Haoma | Hariri, Rafiq | Harissa | al-Hasa Oasis | Hasdrubal | Hasdrubal Barca | Hasideans | Hashish | Hassake | Hassan al Askari | Hassan | Hassan 2 | Hassan, Prince | Hathor | Hathra | Hatshepsut | Hattusha | Haza, Ofra | HCE | Hebrew | Hebron | Heb-Sed festival | Heliopolis | Helou, Charles | Helwan | Henna | Heraclius | Heraclonas | Herakleopolis | Heresy | Herihor | Hermopolis Magna | Mount Hermon | Hierakonpolis | Hieratic script | Hieroglyphs | Hijab | Hijaz | Hijaz Railway | Hijra | Hilderic | Al Hillah | Himyarites | Hinduism | Hisham | Histadrut | Hittite | - kingdom | - religion | - language | Hizbullah | Al-Hoceima | Hofuf | Hoggar | Holy Week | Homosexuality | Homs | Horemheb | Hormuz, Strait of | Horus | al-Hoss, Salim | Hrawi, Elias | Hudayda | Huneric | Huni | Hurghada | Husayn | Hussein, Saddam | Hussein 1 | Hyksos | Hypostyle hall
- I
- Ibadi | Ibb | Ibn Batuta | Ibn Khaldoun | Ibn Sa'ud | Ibn Taymiya | Ibn Tufayl | Ibn Tumart | Ibrahim | Ibrahim Pasha | Sultan Ibrahim | Idir | Idris | Id al-Fitr | Id al-Kabir | Ihram | Ijma | Ijtihad | Ilam | Imam | Imhotep | Ismail Pasha | In Salah | Ismet Inönü | Intef 1 | Intef 2 | Intef 3 | Intifada | Iran | Iran-Iraq War | Iraq | Irbil | Irene | Iriha | Iryani, Abdurrahman al- | Isauria |
| Iskenderun | Islam | - Calendar | - Ibadi | - Shi'i | - Sunni | - Alawites | Islamic Jihad | Islamism | Ismailia | Isma'ilism | Isnad | Isparta | Israel | - Israel-Lebanon Conflict 2006 | Izmir | Izmit
- J
- Jadid, Salah | Jadida, El | Jaffa | Jafar as Sadiq | Jafari | Janissaries | Jedda | Jem, El | Jenin | Jesus | Jesus-Judaism | Jerash | Jerba | Jerusalem | Jerusalem, Kingdom of | Jew | Jewish calendar | Jihad | Jijel | Jinn | John, Gospel of | John 1 | Jordan | Jordan River | Jovian | Jubail | Judaism | Conservative | - Orthodox | - Reform | - Ashkenazi | - Sephardi | - Neturei Karta | Jugurtha | Julian | Jumblat, Kamal | Jumblat, Walid | Justin 1 | Justin 1 | Justinian 1 | Justinian 2
- K
- Ka | Ka'ba | Kabylia | Kadima | Kaedi | Kafr ash-Shaykh | Kahramanmaras | Kalabsha | Karabük | Karaism | Karaj | Karami, Rashid | Karbala | Karnak | Kars | Karun | Kasbah | Kashan | Kasserine | Kassites | Kastamonu | Kawa | Kayseri | Kazerun | Le Kef | Kemal, Mustafa | Kenitra | Kerma | Kerman | Kermanshah | Ketama | Khaba | Khadija | Khafre | - Pyramid of | Khaled | Khalid | Khalil, Al | Khamis Mushayt | Kharga Oasis | Kharijis | Kharj | Khartoum | Khat | Khatami, Mohammed | Khayyam, Omar | Khemisset | Khenchela | Khentkawes, Tomb of | Khnum | Khobar | Khomeini, Ayatollah | Khonsu | Khorramabad | Khorramshahr | Khouri, Bishara | Khouribga | Khufu | - Pyramid of | Al-Khoms | Khutba | Khvoy | Kibbutz | Kiddush | Kippah | Kirikkale | Kirkuk | Kizilbash | Knesset | Kom Ombo | Konya | Koran | Kosher | Kothar | Ksar el-Kebir | Kufa | Kufra | Kurdistan | Kurdistan Republic of Mahabad | Kurdish | Kurds | Al Kut | Kütahya | Kuwait | Kuwait City
- L
- Laayoune | Labour Party (Isr.) | Laghouat | Lahoud, Emile | Lake Nasser/ Nubia | Larache | Last Supper | Latakia | Latin Empire of Constantinople | Lawrence of Arabia (Thomas Edward) | Lebanon | - Civil War | - Israel-Lebanon Conflict 2006 | Lebanon Mountains | Lent | Leo 1 | Leo 2 | Leo 3 | Leo 4 | Leo 5 | Leo 6 | Leontius | Leptis Magna | Levant | Leviathan | Libya | Likud | Litani River | Liwa Oasis | Lixus | Luke, Gospel of | Luxor | Luxor Temple | Lycia | Lydia
- M
- Maadi | Maahes | Maat | Macedonianism | Madina | Madaba | Madhhab | Maghnia | Maghreb | Mahabad | Mahalla al-Kubra | Mahdi | al-Mahdi | El Mahdi | Mahdia | Mahfouz, Naguib | Mahmud 1 | Mahmud 2 | Maimonides | Malatya | Malayer | Malik ibn Anas | Maliki | Mamluk | Mamluks | Manama | Mandeans | Mandulis | Manetho | Mani | Manisa | Manichaeism | al-Mansur | Mansura | Marabout | Maragheh | Marcian | Marcionism | Mardin | Marduk | al-Marj | Marlik | Mark, Gospel of | Maronite Church | Marrakech | Marsa Matruh | Marwan 1 | Marwan 2 | Mary | Masada | Mascara | Mashhad | Mashriq | Masjed-e Soleyman | Masinissa | Mastaba | Matmata | Matthew, Gospel of | Maurice | Mauritania | Mawlid | Mazdakism | al-Ma'mun | Mecca | Medea | Medes | Media | Medinet Habu | Mehmed 1 | Mehmed 2 | Mehmed 3 | Mehmed 4 Avci | Mehmed 5 Resat | Meir, Golda | Meknes | Melkite Church | Melilla | Memphis | Menderes, Adnan | Menes | Menkauher | Menkaure | - Pyramid of | Mentese Dynasty | Mentuhotep 2 | Mentuhotep 3 | Mentuhotep 4 | Merenre 1 | Queen Merneith | Merneptah | Meroë | Mersin | Mesopotamia | Mevlevi | MIA | Michael 1 | Michael 2 | Michael 3 | Michael 4 | Michael 5 | Middle East | Midrash | Mihna | Mihrab | Miliana | Minaret | Minbar | Minya | Mishnah | Misrata | Misyar | Mitanni | Mithra | Mithraism | Mithradates 1 | Moab | Mohammedia | Monarchianism | Monasticism | Monastir | Monk | Monophysitism | Monothelitism | Montanism | Moorish Spain | Morocco | Moses | Mosque | Mosque of Hassan 2 | Mossad | Mostaganem | Mosul | Mot | Moulay Idriss | Moulay Ismail | Mount Hermon | M'sila | Mu'awiyya 1 | Mubarak, Hosni | Muezzin | Mufti | Mugla | Muhammad | Muhammad 5 | Muhammad 6 | Muhammad Ali | Muhammad al Baqir | Muhammad al Mahdi | Muhammad at Taqi | Muharram | Mukalla | Mukha | Mummy | al-Muqtadir | Murad 1 | Murad 2 | Murad 3 | Murad 4 | Murji'is | Musandam | Musa al Kazim | Muslim | Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj | Muslim Brotherhood | - Egypt | - Jordan | - Palestine | - Saudi Arabia | - Syria | Muslim iconoclasm | Musqat | Mustafa 1 | Mustafa 2 | Mustafa 3 | Mut | al-Mutanabbi | al-Mutawakkil | Muwahhidun | Mut'a | al-Mu'tadid | al-Mu'tamid | al-Mu'tasim | Mu'tazilis | Myrrh | M'zab
- N
- Nabateans | Nabeul | Nablus | Nador | Naguib, Muhammad | Nahayan, Khalifa al- | Nahayan, Zayed al- | Nahj al-Balagha | Najaf | Najd | Najran | Napata | Naqada | Narmer | Nasser, Gamal Abdu l- | an-Nasir | Nasiriyah | Nazareth | Nebuchadnezzar 2 | Nectanebo 1 | Nectanebo 2 | Neferirkare | Nefertiti | Nefta | Neith | Neko 2 | Neo-Wafd | Nephthys | Nestorian Church | Nestorius | Nestorianism | Netanya | Netanyahu, Benjamin | Neturei Karta | New Testament | New Valley Project | Neyshabur | Nile, The | Nile Delta | Nimeiri, Gafar Mohammad | Nimrud | 99 names of God | Nineveh | Nippur | Niqab | Nitiqrit, Queen | Nome | Noor, Queen | North Africa | Nouadhibou | Nouakchott | Nuba | Nubia | - language | - people | - Ancient religion | - Ancient gods | Nuer | Numidia | Nun | Nun | Christianity | Nureddin | Nusaybin | Nusayris | Nut | Nyuserre
- O
- Oasis | Obelisk | Ogdoad | Old Testament | Olive | Olmert, Ehud | Oman | Omdurman | On | Opet | Oran | Ordu | Orhan | Orontes River | Orthodox | Orumiyeh | Osama bin Laden | Osiris | Oslo Agreement | Oslo 2 Agreement | Osorkon 2 | Ottoman Empire | Oualata | Ouargla | Ouarzazate | Oud | El Oued | Oujda | Ould Daddah, Moktar | Oz, Amos | Turgut Özal
- P
- Pahlavi, Reza Shah | Pahlavi, Muhammad Reza Shah | Palestine | Palestine National Charter | Papyrus | Parthia | Parthian Dynasty | Pasha | Patriarch | Paul | Pekkan, Ajda | Pelagianism | Pepi 1 | Pepi 2 | Peres, Shimon | Amir Peretz | Persepolis | Persia | Persian Gulf | Persian language | Pesach | Peshmerga | Petah Tiqwa | Petra | Phalangists | Pharaoh |
| Philae | Philippicus | Philistines | Phocas | Phoenicia | - religion | Phrygia | PLO | Polisario | Pontus | Pope | Port Said | Priest | Protestant churches | Psametik 1 | Psametik 2 | Psametik 3 | Ptah | Ptolemaic dynasty | Ptolemy 1 | Ptolemy 2 | Ptolemy 3 | Ptolemy 4 | Ptolemy 5 | Ptolemy 6 | Ptolemy 7/8 | Ptolemy 12 | Ptolemy 13 | Purim | Pyramids | Pyramids of Giza
- Q
- Q | Qa'a | Qaboos ibn Said | Qadi | Qadiriya | Qahira | Qa'ida, Al- | Qala'un | Qamishli | al-Qaradawi, Yusuf | Qarmatians | Qasim, Abdul Karim | Qatar | Qatif | Qattara | Qayen | Qazvin | Qiyas | Qibla | Qiyas | Qom | Quchan | Quds, Al | Qutb, Sayyid | Qurei, Ahmed | Qur'an, The
- R
- Rabat | Rabbi | Rabin, Yitzhak | Er-Rachidia | Raï | Ramadan | Ramadan War | Ramadi | Ramallah | Ramesseum | Ramitti, Cheikha | Ramses 1 | Ramses 2 | Ramses 3 | Ramses 4 | Ramses 5 | Ramses 6 | Ramses 7 | Ramses 8 | Ramses 9 | Ramses 10 | Ramses 11 | Raneferef | Raqqa | Rasht | Ra'y | Re | Red Sea | Redjedef | Rehovot | Relizane | Ridda | Rif Mountains | Rifa'i | Riyadh | Rize | Roman Catholic Church | Romanus 1 | Romanus 2 | Romanus 3 | Rosetta | Rosh Hashanah | Rosso | Rub al-Khali
- S
- Sa | Saadawi, Nawal El | Sabah clan | - Abdullah 3 | - Ahmad 1 | - Jaber 2 | - Sabah 3 | Sabbath | Sabellianism | Sabzevar | Sadat, Anwar as- | Sadducees | al-Sadr, Muqtada | Safavids | Saff | as-Saffah | Safi | Sahara | Sahrawi | Sahure | Said, Edward W. | Said ibn Taimur | Said Pasha | Saïda | Sais | Saladin | Salafism | Salalah | Salé | Saleh, Ali Abdullah | Sallal, Abdullah as- | Samaritans | Samarra | Samsun | San'a | Sanakhte | Sanandaj | Sand War | Sanliurfa | San Remo Agreement | Sanusi | Saqqara | Sargon | Sari | Sardis | Sarkis, Elias | Sassanid dynasty | Satet | Satrap | Saudi Arabia | Saudi Aramco | Sa'ud | Sawm | Sayda | Schistosomiasis | Scorpion | Sea people | Sebha | Second Gulf War | Sefrou | Sekhemkhet | Sekhmet | Seleucid Dynasty | Selim 1 | Selim 2 | Selim 3 | Seljuqs | Semitic languages | Semitic, West religions | Semnan | Serapis | Serket | Sesostris 1 | Sesostris 2 | Sesostris 3 | Seth | Seti 1 | Seti 2 | Setif | Settat | Seveners | Seven Wonders of the World | Shabak | Sfax | Shafi'i | Shafi'i, Abu Abdullah ash- | Shahada | Shahr-e Rey | Shahr Kord | Shamir, Yitzhak | Sharett, Moshe | Shari'a | Sharif, Omar | Sharm el-Sheikh | Sharon, Ariel | Shatt El Arab | Shavuoth | Shaykh | Sheba | Shepseskaf | Shepseskare | Shi'i Islam | Shibam | Shibin al-Kawm | Shilluk | Shiraz | Shoshenq 1 | Shubra al-Khayma | Shushtar | Sidi Bel Abbes | Sidi Ifni | Siffin, Battle of | Sinai | Sipahi | Sira | Sirte | Ali al-Sistani | Sivas | Siwa | Six-Day War | Skikda | Smenkhkare | Snefru | Sobek | Socotra | Sohag | Soleb | Solomon | Sousse | Spanish North Africa | Stauracius | Sudan | Suez | Suez Canal | Suez, Gulf of | Suez-Sinai War | Sufism | Suhar | Sukkoth | Sulayman | Sulaymaniyah | Süleyman 1 | Süleyman 2 | Sultan | Sumer | Sunna | Sunni | Suq | Sura | Susa | Suweida | Sykes-Picot Agreement | Synagogue | Synod | Syria | Syrian Orthodox Church
- T
- Tabarka | Tabriz | Tabuk | Taharqa | Tahtaci | Ta'if, At | Taimur ibn Faisal | Ta'izz | Takelot 2 | Talabani, Jalal | Talal | Talmud | Tamanrasset | Tangier | Tanta | Tanzimat | Tanzimat | Taqiyya | Taqiyya religions | Taqlid | Tar | Tariqa | Tarkan | Taroudannt | Tarsus | Tartus | Taurus Mountains | Tasawwuf | Taweret | Tawfiq Pasha | Tawhid | Taza | Tebessa | Teheran | Temple of Amon | Temple of Jerusalem | Tenes | Teti | Tetouan | Thani, Hamad | Thani, Khalifa | Thebes | Theodora | Theodosius 1 | Theodosius 2 | Theodosius 3 | Theophilus | Thinis | Thomas, Gospel of | Thoth | Thrasamund | Tiaret | Tiberias | Tiberius 2 Constantinus | Tiberius 3 | Tikrit | Tigris | Tindouf | Tizi Ouzou | Tiznit | Tlemcen | Tobruk | Tokat | Torah | Touggourt | Tozeur | Trabzon | Trench, Battle of the | Tripoli (Leb.) | Tripoli (Lib.) | Tripoli, Countship of | Trucial States | Tuareg | Tunis | Tunisia | Turkey | Turkish | Turks | Toshka Lakes | Tutankhamon | Tuthmosis 1 | Tuthmosis 2 | Tuthmosis 3 | Tuthmosis 4 | Twelvers | Tyre
- U
- Ugarit | Ugaritic | Uhud, Battle of | Ulama | Umar 1 | Umar 2 | Umma | Umayyad | Umm Kulthum | (Egyptian singer) | Umm Kulthum | (Islam) | Umra | Unas | United Arab Emirates | UN Security Council Resolutions | - 242 | - 338 | - 425 | - 687 | Ur | Uruk | Usak | Userkaf | Userkare | US/British-Iraq War | Uthman
- V
- Valens | Valentianism | Van | Vandals | Vendidad | Vizier | Vohu Manah | Volubilis
- W
- Wafd | Wahhabism | al-Walid 1 | Waliy | Waqf | Warda | War of Attrition | al-Wathiq | Western Sahara | Wonders of the World, Seven
- X
- Xerxes 1
- Y
- Yahya | Yamm | Yanbu | Yarmuk River | Yasht | Yasuj | Yazd | Yazdanism | Yazid 1 | Yazidism | Yemen | - North | - South | Yom Kippur | Yom Kippur War | Yozgat
- Z
- Zabid | Zagazig | Zaghlul, Sa'ad | Zagora | Zagros Mountains | Zahedan | Zahle | Zainab bint Jash | Zainab bint Khuzaima | Zainab bint Muhammad | Zakat | Zamzam | Zande | Zangi | Zangid Dynasty | Zanjan | Zarqa | al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab | Zawiya | Zawiyya | Zaydism | Zaza | Zealots | Zeno | Zeroual, Liamine | Ziyadid Dynasty | Zoser | Ziggurat | Zile | Zionism | Ziyadid Dynasty | Zliten | Zoe | Zonguldak | Zouerate | Zurvanism