3270 (W3)
Die Zahlenfolge "3270" kennzeichnet eine bestimmte Darstellungstechnik an Bildschirmgeräten. Es besagt, dass der Bildschirm Zeichen in "32" Zeilen und "70" Spalten anzeigt und bezieht sich damit auf eine DINA4-Seite mit 32 Zeilen à 70 Anschlägen.
Die entsprechenden technischen Spezifikationen sind als RFC1576 festgelegt.
(E6)(L?) http://www.cbttape.org/links.phtml#TN3270
3270 Products
(E?)(L?) http://www-01.ibm.com/software/globalization/terminology/b.html
BSC 3270 device emulation
(E?)(L?) http://www-01.ibm.com/software/globalization/terminology/s.html
SNA 3270 API | SNA 3270 device emulation | SNA 3270 program interface
(E?)(L?) http://www-01.ibm.com/software/globalization/terminology/numerics.html
- 3270 attention field - A field on a display screen that contains a null, a space, or an ampersand in the first position. The field can be selected using the Cursor Select key, which causes data to be sent to the host system.
- 3270 device emulation - The i5/OS support that allows a system to appear as a 3274 Control Unit in a BSC multipoint network or an SNA network.
- 3270 display emulation - The function of i5/OS 3270 device emulation support that converts 3270 data streams intended for a 3278 display station into data streams that can be recognized by a display station attached to the system.
- 3270 emulation - The use of software that enables a client to emulate an IBM 3270 display station or printer, and to use the functions of an IBM host system.
- 3270 host application - An application on the IBM System/370, System/390, or iSeries that interacts with terminals supporting the 3270 data stream.
- 3270 Host Connection Program (HCON) - A program that allows a system unit to emulate a workstation or printer attached to a System/370 host.
- 3270 pass-through mode - A mode that lets a program running in a shell environment send and receive a data stream or issue TSO/E commands.
- 3270 printer emulation - The function of i5/OS 3270 device emulation support that converts 3270, DSC, and SCS data streams intended for a 328X printer into data streams that can be recognized by a printer attached to the system.
- 3270 server - A function of WebSphere Voice Response that provides a software interface between DirectTalk and IBM System/370, System/390, or iSeries architecture business applications that interact with terminals supporting the 3270 data stream. See also custom server.
(E?)(L?) http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/tn3270e-charter.html
(E?)(L?) http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1576.txt
(E?)(L?) http://jargonf.org/wiki/3270
(E?)(L?) http://www.rfc.net/
RFC 1576 - Spezifikationen für "3270"-Bildschirmgeräte ("32" Zeilen und "70" Spalten)
(E?)(L?) http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc-index2.html
- 6270 The 'tn3270' URI Scheme M. Yevstifeyev [ June 2011 ] (TXT = 10876) (Updates RFC2355, RFC1738, RFC1041) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD) (Stream: IETF, WG: NON WORKING GROUP)
- 3270 Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Support of Differentiated Services F. Le Faucheur, L. Wu, B. Davie, S. Davari, P. Vaananen, R. Krishnan, P. Cheval, J. Heinanen [ May 2002 ] ( TXT = 137960 bytes)(Updates RFC3032) (Updated by RFC5462) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)
- 3049 TN3270E Service Location and Session Balancing J. Naugle, K. Kasthurirangan, G. Ledford [ January 2001 ] ( TXT = 40743 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)
- 2562 Definitions of Protocol and Managed Objects for TN3270E Response Time Collection Using SMIv2 (TN3270E-RT-MIB) K. White, R. Moore [ April 1999 ] ( TXT = 110633 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)
- 2561 Base Definitions of Managed Objects for TN3270E Using SMIv2 K. White, R. Moore [ April 1999 ] ( TXT = 113705 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)
- 2355 TN3270 Enhancements B. Kelly [ June 1998 ] ( TXT = 89394 bytes)(Obsoletes RFC1647) (Status: DRAFT STANDARD)
- 1647 TN3270 Enhancements B. Kelly [ July 1994 ] ( TXT = 84420 bytes)(Obsoleted by RFC2355) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)
- 1646 TN3270 Extensions for LUname and Printer Selection C. Graves, T. Butts, M. Angel [ July 1994 ] ( TXT = 27564 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)
- 1576 TN3270 Current Practices J. Penner [ January 1994 ] ( TXT = 24477 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)
- 1041 Telnet 3270 regime option Y. Rekhter [ January 1988 ] ( TXT = 11608 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)
(E?)(L1) https://whatis.techtarget.com/definitionsAlpha/0,289930,sid9_alp9,00.html
3270 (Information Display System)
(E?)(L?) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_3270
... und neben den Standardmodellen mit einer Auflösung von 24 × 80 Zeichen entstanden solche mit 32 × 80, 43 × 80 und 27 × 132 Zeichen.
(E1)(L1) http://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?corpus=0&content=3270
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "3270" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1780 auf.
Erstellt: 2011-12