Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
@_ Welt, Mundo, Monde, Mondo, World, (lat.) orbis (terrae), (esper.) mondo
Zahlen, Número, Nombre, Numero, Number, (esper.) nombroj, nombroteorio
, lat. "septuaginta"
Zahl 00088 in Alltag und Sprache
egal ist 88 (W3)
Egal ist 88,weil ne 88 von vorne, von hinten, von links, von rechts, von oben und von unten immer ne 88 bleibt, ja sogar spiegeln kann wie man will!
Die Redewendung „Egal ist 88” beruht auf der Tatsache, dass „88”, egal wie gedreht, immer noch nach „88” aussieht (Spiegelsymmetrie).
(E1)(L1) ist 88
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Dt. "egal ist 88" taucht in der Literatur nicht signifikant auf.
Erstellt: 2011-12
Number 00088
- 'Broadway The Hard Way' - the Frank Zappa 1988 Tour
- 'Get Back' - The 'Lost' Beatles Album
- 'I Love Lucy' - the TV Series
- 'Series' Land Rovers - Beasts That Won't Die
- A Brief History of Toast
- Aldebaran - 'the Eye of the Bull'
- An Exotic Tour with Ian Dury and his 'Rhythm Stick'
- Asterisms
- Astronomy for Amateurs
- Baseball Teams of the American League
- Behind the Battle of Britain
- Benjamin Zephaniah - Poet, Novelist, Playwright and Activist
- Bingo Calling For Beginners
- Brian Dewan - Musician, Inter Alia
- Bristol Beaufighter - World War II Aircraft
- Calculating the Day of the Week
- Casualties in the Two World Wars for Combatant Nations
- Chemistry of the Group 2 Elements - Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra
- Cleethorpes, North East Lincolnshire, UK
- Colin Chapman and Lotus Cars
- Condoms
- Constellation Overview
- Constellations: Caelum 'the Sculptor's Chisel'
- Constellations: Canes Venatici 'the Hunting Dogs'
- Constellations: Canis Major 'the Great Dog'
- Constellations: Canis Minor 'the Small Dog'
- Constellations: Cassiopeia 'the Boastful Queen'
- Constellations: Cepheus 'the King'
- Constellations: Cetus 'the Whale'
- Constellations: Circinus 'the Geometer's Compass'
- Constellations: Columba 'the Dove'
- Constellations: Coma Berenices 'Berenice's Hair'
- Constellations: Corvus 'the Crow'
- Constellations: Crux 'the Southern Cross'
- Constellations: Draco 'the Dragon'
- Constellations: Eridanus 'the River'
- Constellations: Fornax 'the Furnace'
- Constellations: Gemini 'the Twins'
- Constellations: Hercules 'the Strongman'
- Constellations: Horologium 'the Pendulum Clock'
- Constellations: Hydra 'the Sea Serpent'
- Constellations: Hydrus 'the Water Snake'
- Constellations: Lacerta 'the Lizard'
- Constellations: Leo 'the Lion'
- Constellations: Lynx 'the Wildcat'
- Constellations: Lyra 'the Lyre'
- Constellations: Mensa 'the Table Mountain'
- Constellations: Musca 'the Fly'
- Constellations: Octans 'the Octant'
- Constellations: Pegasus 'the Winged Horse'
- Constellations: Phoenix 'the Mythological Firebird'
- Constellations: Pictor 'the Painter's Easel'
- Constellations: Pisces 'the Fish'
- Constellations: Pyxis 'the Mariner's Compass'
- Constellations: Sagitta 'the Arrow'
- Constellations: Sagittarius 'the Archer'
- Constellations: Sculptor 'the Sculptor'
- Constellations: Scutum 'the Shield'
- Constellations: Sextans 'the Sextant'
- Constellations: Triangulum 'the Triangle'
- Constellations: Ursa Major 'the Great Bear'
- Constellations: Virgo 'the Maiden'
- Constellations: Vulpecula 'the Fox'
- de Havilland Mosquito - World War II Aircraft
- Die Front Deutscher Apfel - The German Apple Front
- Ermine Street - A Journey through Roman Britain
- Evil Eye Lounge, York, UK
- Favourite Cars
- Field Marshal General Erwin Rommel - the Desert Fox
- Finding An Upright Piano To Buy
- Formula One Racing in the 1970s
- Formula One Racing in the 1980s
- Fred Astaire - Dancer and Actor
- George Best - The Man, The Legend
- Goethe's 'Faust: Part One'
- Great Footballers
- History of the Normandy Veterans Association
- Hovercraft on the Isle of Wight, UK
- How To Survive an Australian Beach
- Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA)
- Islam, Numerology and the Number 19
- Isle of Wight Shipwrecks: 'SS Eider' and 'Alcester'
- James Thurber - Raconteur Extraordinaire
- King Tupou IV of Tonga
- Last Chance To See - the Radio Series and Book
- Liberal Democrats - UK Political Party
- London Rail Disasters and Other Unfortunate Events
- Machu Picchu
- Manchester United: The Sir Alex Era - Part One
- Message in a Bottle
- Milton S Hershey
- Neuss, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
- Occurrences of 42 in Astronomy
- Perry County, Pennsylvania, USA
- Queen Victoria - Golden Jubilee to 1901
- Quentin Tarantino - Film Maker
- Robert Burns - The Ploughman Poet
- Route 66 in Texas
- Satyajit Ray's Goopy-Bagha Trilogy
- Sea Wings 2000 - A Unique Airshow
- Smorgasbords in Christchurch, New Zealand
- Southampton Airport, Eastleigh, Hampshire, UK
- Sunderland AFC
- The 3n+1 Conjecture - Proof Needed!
- The Beaufort Wind Scale
- The Campaign to Abolish Slavery Part Three: Setbacks and Stagnation
- The Cuyahoga River, Ohio, USA
- The Deltic Locomotive
- The Elements: Names and Origins - O-Z
- The Fairey Rotodyne - an Opportunity Missed
- The h2g2 Calendar - 3 - March
- The h2g2 Calendar - 9 - September
- The Legacy of Milton S Hershey
- The Magdalen College School, Wainfleet, Lincolnshire, UK
- The Night Witches - Russian Combat Pilots of World War Two
- The Periodic Table of the Elements
- The Pocket Book of Patriotism
- The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
- The Wherry Lines, East Anglia, UK
- The Years of Billy Joel's 'We Didn't Start The Fire' - 1951
- The Years of Billy Joel's 'We Didn't Start The Fire' - 1957
- Thomas John Barnardo 1845 - 1905 Philanthropist
- Torquay United FC
- Tu-144 - World's First Supersonic Transport Aircraft
- Unique Patterns Among Numerics
- VO2 Max - a Measure of Athletic Fitness
- Vomiting - a Cautionary Tale from New Zealand
- Wake Up To Wogan and TOGs
- Who Was Mohammed?
- Women's College Basketball
- Yoko Kanno
- Zeppelins and Other Dirigibles
Erstellt: 2011-12