Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
@_ Welt, Mundo, Monde, Mondo, World, (lat.) orbis (terrae), (esper.) mondo
Name, Nombre, Nom, Nome, Name, (esper.) nomoj
Names around the World
Boy Names, Girl Names
Always & Forever Names | Androgynous/Unisex Names | Angel Names | Animal Names | Bible Names | Blood Names | Boat Names | Body Parts Names | Brother/Sister Names | Butterfly Names | Celestial/Planet Names | Character Trait Names | Color Names | Dark Names | Death/Dead Names | Directional Names | Dragon Names | Dream Names/Vision Names | Elememt Names | Elfin Names | Emotion Names | Evil Names | Fairy Names | Fire/Hot Names | Flower Names | Friendship Names | Funny/Comical Names | Ghost Names | Giant Names/Dwarf Names | God Names | Goddess Names | Guardian/Defender Names |
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First Names
Vornamen aus aller Welt
Die Datenbank mit mehr als 70.000 Vornamen aus aller Welt
geben Sie z.B. "Ann" ein, und Sie erhalten viele Vorschläge, zur Abwandlung dieses Namens.
Bedeutung eines Namens; weitere Informationen zu den Namen;
Geographische Verteilung von Familiennamen
Die geographische Verteilung von Familiennamen kann mit sogenannten Verteilungskarten dargestellt werden. Solche Verteilungskarten kann man durch Onlineangebote erhalten, die bei Eingabe eines Namens online eine Verteilungskarte erzeugen, oder durch Software, die eine definierte Datenquelle zu einen angegebenen Namen auswertet.
- 1 Problematik
- 2 Software oder Onlineangebote
- 2.1 Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz
- 2.2 Polen
- 2.3 Belgien
- 2.4 Frankreich
- 2.5 Italien
- 2.6 Niederlande
- 2.7 USA
- 3 Weblinks
- 4 Literaturhinweise
- 5 Weitere Links
Nombres en otros sistemas de escritura
Namen in vielen Sprachen
- Nombres en otros sistemas de escritura: Tu nombre en japonés | Tu nombre en chino | | Tu nombre en árabe | Tu nombre en hindi | Tu fecha de nacimiento en glifos mayas
- Vocabulario básico: Palabras en náhuatl | Palabras en japonés | Palabras en latín | Palabras en coreano | Chilanguismos | Palabras en Lengua de Señas Mexicana
- QuisNam: Aprende otros sistemas de escritura: Silabario hiragana (japonés) | Silabario katakana (japonés) | Alfabeto árabe | Alfabeto hebreo | Alfabeto ruso | Alfabeto griego | Devanagari (alfabeto sánscrito) | Hangul (coreano) | 500 hanzi (chino) | Silabario maya
- Tutoriales: Cómo escribir tu nombre en élfico | Cómo entrar a internet con tu celular
- Tablas: Alfabeto Fonético Internacional (AFI)
Links: Your name in... and information about names
Mit vielen Links zu "Namen-Sites" in verschiedenen Sprachen: "... names and what they mean".
- Arabic | Babylonian Cuneiform | Braille | Chinese | | Greek | Hawaiian | Hebrew | Hieroglyphs | Japanese | Korean | Latin | Mayan | Runes | Tagalog | Thai
- Multil-script transliterators
- Other information about names
- World Family Names Profiler - Where do you think you are? - The world family name mapping website uses many new and up to date sources to tell you where in the world people with your family name are found. Additionally, we provide lots of interesting facts and figures about the people who share your family name.
- Great Britain Family Names Profiler - Putting Geo into Genealogy - The Great Britain Family Name Mapping website presents the findings of a project based at University College London (UCL) that investigated the geography of surnames in Great Britain, both current and historic. It allows users to search the databases that we have created, and to trace the geography and history of their family names.
- Origins of Names - What is the origin of your name? - Onomap is a research methodology, based on an academic project, which allows users to classify family and given names into groups that share common cultural, ethnic or linguistic roots.
- Census Profiler - The new Census Geography of Great Britain - The Census Profiler website creates maps for every UK Census variable at national, regional and local neighbourhood levels.
- Education Profiler - Geography and educational opportunity - This website provides a simple interface to visualise the educational geographies of England.
- Teaching GI Science - Spatial literacy and teaching - State-of-the-art resources to support learning in GIScience and geospatial analysis. Includes an online encyclopaedia of terms and educational resources to support the third edition of a bestselling textbook. A one stop shop for the latest developments in GI Systems and Science.
Erstellt: 2011-02
User Mailing Lists Hosted by Rootsweb
Origins of various names
- A: Index | Aaron | Abel | Abolitionists | Abraham | Abram | Absalom | Abyssinia | Adam | Adela | Adelaide | Adeline or Adelina | Adolphus | Adrian or Hadrian | Agatha | Agnes | Ahabella | Ailean or Aileen | Alan | Alaric | Albert | Albino | Alexis | Alfred | Algernon | Alice | Alison | Allen | Alma | Alphonso or Alonzo | Alvin or Alwin | Amadeus | Amanda | Amelia | Amos | Amy | Andrew | Angela | Angelica | Anna or Anne | Anselm | | Anzac | April | Arabella | Archibald | Arnold | Aubrey | Audrey or Audrie | Aurelia | Aurora
- B: Index | Baldwin | Balthasar | Baptist | Barnabas or Barnaby | Bartholomew | Basil | Beatrice or Beatrix | Belle | Benjamin | Bennett | Berenice or Bernice | Bernard | Bertha | Bertram | Bessie | Blaise | Boer | Bolsheviki | Brian or Briant | Bridget
- C: Index | Caesar | Caleb | Cassandra | Catharine | Cavaliers | Cecil | Cecilia | Charles | Charlotte | Chartists | Chloe | Christian | Christiania | Christina | Christopher | Clara | Clare | Clarissa | Claude | Claudia | Clement | Clementia | Clotilda | Colin | Conrad | Constance | Constantine | Cora | Cordelia | Cornelia | Cornelius | Creole | Cris Kingle | Cyprian | Cyril, Cyrill | Cyrus
- D: Index | Daisy | Daniel | | Deborah | Delft | Delilah | Demetrius | Denis or Dionysius | Derrick or Dirck |
| Diana or or Dian | Dinah | Dolores | Donald | Dora | Dorcas | Dorothea | Dougall | Douglas | Drusilla | Dugald |
- E: Index | Ebenezer | Edgar | Edith | Edmund | Edward | Edwin | Effie | Egbert | Eldred | Eleanor | Elias | Elihu | Elisha | Eliza | Ellen | Elmira | Elsie | Elvira | Emery | Emma | Enaid or Enid | Encyclopedists, or Encyclopaedists | Enid | Enoch | Ephraim | Erasmus | Erastus | Eric | Erminia | Ernest | Ernestine | Esau | Essie | Estelle | Esther | Ethel | Ethelbert | Eugene | Eugenia | Eunice | | Eusebius | Eustace | Evan | Eve | Evelina | Evelyn | Everard | Ezekiel | Ezra
- F: Index | Fabian | Fanny | February | Federalist, The | Felicia | Felix | Ferdinand | Fergus | Fitzedward | Flora | Florence | Frances | Francis | Frank | Frederick | Friday
- G: Index | Gabriel | Gamaliel | | Gerard | Gertrude | Gilbert | Giles | Gladys | Godfrey | Godwin | Grace | Great Tom | Gregory | Griffith | Grisons | Gustavus | Guy | Gwendolen
- H: Index | Hagar | Haidee | Hannah | Hannibal | Harold | Harriet | Harvey | Hebe | Hector | Helen, or Helena | Henri | Henrietta | Henry | Herbert | Hercules | Hermione | Hero | Hetty, Hettey | Hilary | Hilda | Hildebrand | Homer | Honora | Honoria | Hope | Horatio | Hubert | Hugh | Hulda
- I: Index | Iddo | Ignatius | Innocent | Ira | Irene | Irmgard or Ermgard | Isaac | Isabel, Isabella | Ischl | Ishmael
- J: Index | Jabez | Jacob | Jacqueline | Jan | Jane | Janet | Jasper | Jean | Jedidiah | Jenet | Jephthah | Jeremiah, or Jeremy | Jerome | Jerry | Jesse | Jessica | Jessie | Job | Joel | Johanna | John | Jonah, or Jonas | Jonathan | Joseph |
| Joshua | Josiah, or Josias | Judah, Judas, Jude | Judith | Julia | Julian | Juliana | Juliet | Julius | Justin | Justina
- K: Index | Kathleen | Kenneth | Keziah | Kyrie
- L: Index | Laban | | Lancelot or Launcelot | Laporte | Laura | Laurence, Lawrence | Lavinia | Lazarus | Leah | Leander | Lemuel | Leonard | Leopold | Lewellin | Lewis or Louis | Lillian | Linda | Lionel | Livia | Llewellyn | Lora | Loretta | Lotty | Louisa | Louise | Lucile | Lucius | Lucretia | Lucy or Lucie | Luke
- M: Index | Mabel, Mabell | Madge | Magdalen, or Magdalene | Malcolm | Malvina | Marcellus | Margaret | Margaretta | Margery | Maria | Marian | Marianne | Marie | Marion | Martha | Martin | Martinez | Mary | Mathilde | Matilda, or Maud | Matthew | Maud, Maude | Maurice | Meredith | Merlin | Methuselah | Michael | Mildred | Miles | Mina | Minerva | Miriam | Molly | Monica | Morgan | Moses | Muriel, Meriel | Myles |
- N: Index | Naomi | Nathanael or Nathaniel | Nehemiah | Nellie, Nelly | News | Nicholas | Nicodemus | Niel | Nigel | Nita | Noah | Nora, Norah | Norman | November
- O: Index | Obadiah | Octavia | Octavius | October | Olive | Oliver | Olivia | Ophella | Orangemen | Origen | Orson | Oscar | Osmund | Oswald | Ovid
- P: Index | Pamphlet | Paschal | Paul | Paulina | Pauline | Percival | Percy | Peregrine | Philetus | Philibert, or Philebert | Philip | Philippa | Phillis | Phineas | Phoebe | Pin Money | Pompey | Priscilla | Protestant | Punch and Judy
- Q: Index | Quakers | Quintus | Quiz
- R: Index | Rachel | Randolph | Raphael | Raymond | Rebecca, Rebekah | Regina | Reginald | Rene | Renee | Retta | Reuben | Reynold | Rhoda | Richard | Rita | Robert | Robertina | Robin | Roderick | Rodriguez | Roger | Roland or Rowland | Rosalia |
| Ross | Rowena | Rudolph | Rufus | Rupert | Ruth
- S: Index | Sabina | Salome | Samuel | Sandy | Sara | Sarah or Sara | Saturday | Saul | Saxon | Sebastian | September | Serena | Seth | Sibyl | Sigismund | Silas | Simeon | Simon | Solomon | Sophia | Sophronia | Stella | Stephen | Sunday | Susan, or Susanna | Sybil | Sylvia or Silvia | Sylvius
- T: Index | Terry | Theobald | Theodora | Theodore | Theodoric or Theoderick | Theodosia | Theodosius | Theophilus | Theresa | Thomas | Thursday | Timothy | Titus | Tobias or Toby | Tuesday
- U: Index | Urban | Uriah
- V: Index | Valeria | Valerian | Vashti | Victoria | Vincent | Violante | Violet | Violetta | Virgil | Vivian, Vyvian
- W: Index | Walloons | Walter | Wilfred, Wilfrid | William | Winifred | Witenagemot
- X:
- Y: Index
- Z: Index | Zaccheus | Zachariah | Zoe
Names in the Line of Elros
An Interpretation of the Names in the Line of Elros including a discussion of their Adunaic forms with the proper grammar and vocabulary.
The document LE provides much information on why a certain king of Númenor decided for the name he took on ascending the throne. However, it fails to explain the meaning of the questioned name, so that to the unexperienced reader the relationships often remain obscure. The following list is intended to fill this gap.
Bücher zur Kategorie:
Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
@_ Welt, Mundo, Monde, Mondo, World, (lat.) orbis (terrae), (esper.) mondo
Name, Nombre, Nom, Nome, Name, (esper.) nomoj