Etymologie, Etimología, Étymologie, Etimologia, Etymology, (griech.) etymología, (lat.) etymologia, (esper.) etimologio
@_ Welt, Mundo, Monde, Mondo, World, (lat.) orbis (terrae), (esper.) mondo
Lernen, Aprender, Apprendre, Studiare, Learning, (esper.) lerno



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Curriki (W3)



UNESCO unterstützt Open-Source-Bildungsportal Curriki
"Curriki" geht aus der von Sun Microsystems im März 2004 gegründeten "Global Education & Learning Community" ("GELC") hervor. "GELC" wurde 2006 als Non-Profit-Organisation eigenständig und erhielt in dem Jahr seinen derzeitigen Namen, der sich zusammensetzt aus Teilen der Begriffe "Curriculum" und "Wiki".

Bildungsserver D@dalos


International UNESCO Education Server for Democracy, Peace and Human Rights Education

We offer 1800 pages of EDC/HRE materials in nine languages...

Direct Access to all Online Textbooks:

Themen: Web 2.0 (04/2011), Europäische Union (Update 12/2010), Demokratie (Update 03/2013), Globalisierung, Vereinte Nationen, Nachhaltigkeit, Menschenrechte, Vorbilder, Parteien

Methoden: Politikdidaktik, Friedenspädagogik, Methoden

Subjects: Human Rights, Examples, Democracy, Parties, European Union, Globalisation, United Nations, Sustainability

Methods: Teaching Politics, Peace Education, Methods

Teme: Web 2.0 (06/2011), Europa (Update 12/2010), Drepturile omului, Personalitati, Democratie, Partide, Globalizare, Natiunile Unite, Durabilitate

Metode: Didactica politica, Educatie pentru pace, Metode

Temat: Web 2.0 (07/2011), Evropa (Update 01/2011), Të drejtat e njeriut, Modele, Demokracia, Partitë, Globalizimi, Kombet e Bashkuara, Qëndrueshmëria

Metodat: Didaktika politike, Pedagogjia e paqes, Metodat

Teme: Evropa (Update 01/2011), Ljudska prava, Uzori, Demokratija, Partije, Globalizacija, Ujedinjene nacije, Održivi razvoj

Metode: Politicka didaktika, Mirovna pedagogija, Metode

Teme: Europa (Update 01/2011), Ljudska Prava, Uzori, Demokracija, Partije, Globalizacija, Ujedinjeni narodi, Održivi razvoj

Metode: Politicka didaktika, Pedagogija mira, Metode

Teme: Evropa (Update 01/2011), Ljudska prava, Uzori, Demokratija, Partije, Globalizacija, UN, Održivi razvoj

Metode: Politicka didaktika, Pedagogija mira, Metode

Erstellt: 2016-10








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Erstellt: 2013-03




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PISA-Studie (W3)


Der Begriff "PISA-Studie" steht für "Programme for International Student Assessment" und bezeichnet eine internationale Studie, die die OECD im Jahre 2000 durchgeführt hat.





TWB (W3)

"TWB" steht für "Teachers Without Boarders".





Aktuelles | Bildung für alle | Weltbildungsbericht | Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung | Jugend | UNESCO-Projektschulen | Frühkindliche Förderung | Weltkonferenz über Erwachsenenbildung | Weltkonferenz über Hochschulbildung | Weltbildungs- ministerkonferenz | Jakob-Muth-Preis | Alphabetisierung | Hochschulbildung | UNESCO-Lehrstühle | UNESCO-Bildungsinstitute | Sport: Anti-Doping-Übereinkommen | Europäisches Jahr der Demokratieerziehung | Euro-arabischer Dialog | | Bildung für Kinder in Not | Die UNESCO | Die Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission | Dokumente | Publikationen | Presse | Stellenangebote | Intranet

Bildung - der Schlüssel für Entwicklung und Frieden

"Jeder hat das Recht auf Bildung" - dies ist in Artikel 26 der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte festgeschrieben. Bildung ist unabdingbar für die gesellschaftliche Entwicklung, im Kampf gegen die Armut und die Ausbreitung von AIDS. Sie ist die Voraussetzung dafür, dass Kinder ihr Recht auf ein erfülltes Leben einlösen können.

Innerhalb des Systems der Vereinten Nationen koordiniert die UNESCO das weltweite Aktionsprogramm "Bildung für alle": ...

UNU (W3)

"UNU" steht für "United Nations University".



The UN University is dedicated to the generation and transfer of knowledge, and the strengthening of individual and institutional capacities in furtherance of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

The mission of UN University is to contribute, through collaborative research, capacity development, and advisory services to efforts to resolve the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations, its Peoples and Member States.



List of colleges and universities named after people


List of colleges and universities named after people
Many colleges and universities are named after people. Namesakes include the founder of the institution, financial benefactors, revered religious leaders, notable historical figures, members of royalty, current political leaders, and respected teachers or other leaders associated with the institution. This is a list of higher education institutions named for people.

This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
Contents [hide] Institutions named for people associated with the institution

Founders or their family members
The following institutions are named for the individual people who are credited as their founders. A few institutions were named by the founder in honor of a parent, child, spouse, or other close family member.

Institution Namesake Notes Benefactors or their family members

Institution Namesake Notes Other institutional associations

Institution Namesake Notes Institutions named for contemporary royalty or politicians

Some educational institutions carry the names of members of royalty or political leaders who were in power at the time the institutions were established or received their present names. Some of these schools were given the names of the leaders who officially chartered them (for example, Charles University of Prague in the Czech Republic and College of William and Mary in the United States). Other institutions may have received other forms of support from their namesakes.

The following list includes both institutions named for members of royalty or politicians in power at the time the institutions received those names and institutions that were named for recently deceased royalty or politicians who may have been special supporters of the schools. Institutions named for family members of such leaders also are listed.

Institution Namesake Notes Institutions named in honor of historical people not connected with the institution

Religious figures
The following universities and colleges are named for people who are noted primarily for their contributions to religion, including theologians, saints, holy people, and founders of religious denominations. Most, but not all, of the institutions of higher education named for religious figures are religious institutions.

Institution Namesake Notes Other historical figures
Universities and colleges have been named for a diverse variety of historical figures, including national heroes, poets, prominent scientists, and political figures of the past.

Institution Namesake Notes See also
Lists of etymologies
