Becoming Human
(E?)(L?) Dokumentation über die Entstehung des modernen Menschen; Flashfilme auf wissenschaftlischer Grundlage; gutes Filmmaterial; viele Informationen;
Unter "Resources" findet man u.a. ein Glossary mit folgenden Einträgen:
- A | Absolute dating | Acheulean | | African apes | Allele | Ape | Arboreal | Archaic humans | Ardipithecus ramidus | Artifact | Association (context) | Association areas (in the brain) | Atlatl | Aurignacian tool tradition | Australopithecine | Australopithecus aethiopicus | Australopithecus afarensis | Australopithecus africanus | Australopithecus anamensis | Australopithecus boisei | Australopithecus garhi | Australopithecus robustus
- Biface | Biostratigraphy | Bipedalism | Body size | Bonobo | Bottleneck | Brain size | Broca's area | Brow ridge | Bunning of the occipital bone | Burin
- C | Canine tooth | Cell | Cerebral cortex | Cerebrum | Châtelperronian tool tradition | Chimpanzee | Chopper | Chromosome | Clavicle | Climate | Cline | Closed communication system | Coccyx | Consciousness | Context | Core | Culture | Curate | Cusp | Cytoplasm of a cell
- Dating | Decay rate | Deciduous forest | Denticulate | Derived feature | Developed Oldowan | Diastema | Diatonic scale | Displacement | Display | | Dominance hierarchy | Dominant allele | Double helix
- Eccentricity of Earth's orbit | Ecology | Ecosystem | Electron spin resonance | Ellis-Van Creveld syndrome | Enamel | Endocast | Eocene geological time period | Equivalency | Estrus | Evolution | Excavation | Experimental archaeology | Extinction
- Fact | Femur | Flake | Flexed burial | Foramen magnum | Foraminifera | Forebrain | Fossil | Founder effect | Founding population
- G | Gallery forest | Gene | Gene flow | Genetic drift | Genetics | Glaciation | Glacier | Glottis | Gluteal muscles | Gorilla | Gradualism | Grammar | Grave goods | Gravettian tool tradition
- Half-life | Hammer | Hand axe | Hearth | Heredity | Holocene geological time period | Hominid | hominin | Hominoid | Hominoidea | Homo erectus | Homo habilis | Homo neanderthalensis | Homo sapiens, Early | Homo sapiens, Later | Hunters and gatherers | Hunting | Hyoid | Hypothesis
- Ice age | Igneous rock | Iliac blade | Incising | Incisor tooth | Incisor, shovel-shaped | Inference | Isotope
- Kinship | Knucklewalking
- Language | Larynx | Law | Law of Superposition | Levallois technique | Lineage | Locomotion | Longitudinal arch of the foot | Lucy | Lumbar curve | Lumper philosophy
- Macroevolution | Magdalenian tool tradition | Man | Manuport | Material culture | Melanin | Microevolution | Midbrain | Midface | Miocene | Missing link | Mitochondria | Mitochondrial DNA | Molar tooth | Molecular clock | Monkey | Monogamy | Morpheme | Mousterian tool tradition | Multi-male, multi-female group | Mutation
- Natural selection | Neandertal | | Nucleus of a cell
- Observation | Occipital | Ochre | Oldowan tool tradition | Oligocene | Open communication system | Orangutan
- Paleoenvironment | Paleolithic cultural time period | Paleomagnetism | Palynology | Patella | Pelvic inlet | Perforator | Periglacial steppe | Periglacial tundra | Perisylvian region of the brain | Petroglyph | Phoneme | Phylogeny | Piltdown | Pleistocene geological time period | Pliocene geological time period | Pollen | Polygamy | Polyhedron | Population | Posthole | Postorbital constriction | Potassium-argon dating | Precession of Earth's equinoxes | Precision grip | Predictions | Premolar or bicuspid tooth | Primate | Primitive feature | Proconsul | Prosimian | Provenience | Pubic symphysis | Punctuated equilibrium
- Quadruped | Quadrupedalism
- Race | Radioactive | Radiocarbon dating (Carbon-14 dating) | Radiometric dating | Rainforest environment | Recessive allele | Relative dating | Remote sensing | Retouch | Ribosome | RNA | Robust | Robust australopithecines
- Sacrum | Sagittal crest | Savanna environment | Scavenging | Sciatic notch (greater) | Scientific method | Scraper | Selectively neutral | Sexual dimorphism | Shared derived feature | Solutrean tool tradition | Speciation | Species | Spheroid | Splitter philosophy | Stature | Steppe | Stratigraphy | Survey | Symbol | Syntax
- T | Taphonomy | Termite fishing | Terrestrial | Theory | Thermoluminescence | Tibia | Tilt of Earth's axis | Tongue | Tool | Transfer | Transverse arch of foot
- U | Usewear analysis
- Variation | Vertebral spines | Vocal cords
- Wernicke's area | Woodland environment | WT-15000
- Y-5 pattern on molar teeth